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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. Y know in Bubblegum Crisis 2040. That song is just perfectly suited to prissi and the knight sabers. You get to burning in Nadesico. It's just so fast and crazy and so well done. It makes you want to jump up and grab a battle ship.
  2. The last time i was honestly scared by a movie was when i was like 10 and i saw Jaws. I haven't been scared since. It takes a lot to freak me out so really i feel like im missing out when people say they get scared by a certain movie. the ring was mediocre was well. *laments over not having human emotions*
  3. I had no problem with green goblin in the first one. But the whole harry revenge thing sucked. Don't bring up revenge unless it is going to take place in the next one. But then again he could turn out to be just another thorn in spidermans side. Where ever spidey goes he may have to worry about getting rid of him without hurting him. And i thought Hobgoblins name was Frederick Douglas? But then again i am very rusty on the comic so i am probably wrong. Venom slated for the third one? hm that would be interesting if they could pull of the teeth and huge tongue well. That IS Venom. Carnage is just a weirdo. Not even Venom likes him...... If they are going to have doc. Oc then i want him to hit on peter parkers aunt. That would follow the comic a bit. The spidey character i would love to see would be Dusk. He isn't very well known but he is cool as hell.
  4. mmmmm the first video game i ever passed all by myself. No tips, or switching controls. the baby was all mine. Nights...into Dreams. God that game is awesome! i remember thinking how the world was in my grasp and that i could have died then and there and been content. I dabbled in games after that, but then when i played and passed grandia 2 i rediscovered that feeling. It was a game that made me feel like i knew everything and i was somehow wiser. When i discovered galaga and space invaders as a kid, well(tugs at atari shirt) i found a home.
  5. Dammit maladjusted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That stupid banner had me reading for like 10 minutes. For some reason i love that adult swim thing. Its like .........LOOK.......AT....ME........I'M.........HERE......[ADULT SWIM].......SWEET For some reason thats entertaining. *glances at topic* of well as for that if you want to bring that up look at power puff girls. (glances at tikal, oh....) How does Dexters Lab imitate anime? Just because they have big eyes? besides anime kind of looks like micky mouse anyway. Some of you are saying that the big eyes mean japanimation. What about Disney characters? Some shows though, i admit, do try and mimic anime. I can't name any right now but they exist. Just like cheese puffs.
  6. When i was a junior memeber i was up all the time. I remember being on while the forum was having some work done on it. I was just waiting to get back on. I never signed out. I just started signing out like a few months ago. Just last night i played videogame monopoly until about 11:00 and showered and then sat myself down for Dead or Alive 2. I had my notes for a test right next to me on the couch and glanced at them. Then i got me some toast and fritos and popped in Final Fantasy 7. Played for about 3 hours while glancing at my notes. Stopped and worked on math and read a bit of a book. Then tackled final fantasy again and played a bit more. The rest is a blur. All i know is im in school now. After two classes. What were they again? And to wrist cutter, i don't stay up to prove anything. I'm just not sleepy until like 2 or 3. Thats my normal sleep pattern.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gargoyle God [/i] [B]It doesnt seem like it would be that good though. [/B][/QUOTE] what could have given you that idea? I'm sure i know some of the auditioning process........ "must be a double D!!!!! Damn i can't work with you people!" Try and forget about the probable lack of plot,hard as it may be, and think about the actors. Lets see, off the top of my head a few of my favorites. Tina, can't think of anyone. Jann Lee, nope. Hayabusa, Fabio. (just kidding) Kasumi, mmmmm no idea. The only player i could even think of would be the girl from crouching tiger hidden dragon to play ayane. I can never remember her name, or how to pronounce it, but you know. The one who uses green destiny and jumps off the mountain. Dye her hair purple and you got ayane.
  8. Man i thought i was bad! *laughs at losers* If i had a job i would probably be just terrible. I saw this game guide for grandia 2 at an anime store for like 60 bucks. If i had had it i would have bought it.
  9. that movie rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The second one is much better than the first one. The action and comedy are like quadrupled in quantity. I often turned my head away and gasped. Biting my lip and nearly choking to death from the beginning to end was something totally new to me. I haven't had an experience like that since Eraser.
  10. have you ever spent a ridiculous amount of money on something? Not just something anime related. When i was at A-Kon i bought an Argentosoma soundtrack for 37 dollars. The dvd cost a mere 20. But then again a certain Tabmow forked over some major cash for Nadesico dolls. hahaahha loser. lol I am also considering buying the first Argentosoma dvd again just to get the collectors box. But will be difficult on food budget. But i figure if split a can of soup to last 2 days i can do it. I hate spending money so i almost never splurge. But since i was given going away money for college, i invested in a new dog collar. Its a black collar with a linked ring hanging from the center. That was 20 bucks. I've never spent that much on a piece of jewelry. so tell of your shopping addictions and how they affect your existence.
  11. Definetly Akito from Nadesico. Always running away from Ryoko, Megumi and yurika makes him fall over himself. Or when he was in his aestevalis (sp) and he runs out of battery power and is just floating around and ryoko has to drop kick him back to the ship.
  12. i almost bought the dvd with their performances on it, but damn fye is expensive.
  13. im a texan, an angry texan. The planet anime in plano closed down!!!!! not fair. I hang in garland a lot with my cousins. Right now im in dallas.
  14. Thats an easy question. They come for the barbeque and miso. well that and the fact it is pretty well enforced and moderated. If you have a big hook to a forum it will most likely succeed. Some forums are just message boards for plain conversation. People figure why stick around. But with the OB the main hook is anime and you can come here with questions and answers. of course it doesn't hurt i am here.............
  15. The manga is damn happy. I made the mistake of reading the first three volumes straight through and i wanted to kill myself. I have only seen the first ep of the anime though and i liked it. I think the manga was just too wham bam. There was someone trying to kill keitaro every second and i got tired of trying to figure out who was kicking his butt. The anime i kind of just lied there watching the action.
  16. Sorry ive been gone awhile. I just started film school (first day now) and its been hectic. So anyone else going through some major transitions? you know diffrent school?
  17. well it's obvious, the shard was embedded in the past and stayed thus until the present. And if i understand you right gokents, you are saying her timeline wasn't affected. But how can that be if the mask in kagomes time had the shard. Obviously they are connected. If i remember right (this If is open to discussion) the mask awoke because it sensed the shards nearby when kagome had them. But it has been awhile since i have seen this episode so that part may be wrong. But i am sure the time streams are connected.
  18. That is kind of annoying, personally, when i type i usually go back later and edit any mistakes. But usually, if it's really distracting, a moderator calls them on it. It could be much worse than it is, they could post in all caps........
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B]lol. Trowa-............... Heero-hn. Trowa-..........-.- Heero- ::grunts:: Trowa-.............................. Heero-.................................... Haha. Yeah, I guess it'd be a quiet relationship. I dunno, maybe 1x2 is good also since Duo might be able to make Heero say something other than "hn." and "I'll kill you." Or maybe Heero will end of killing Duo. O__o; [/B][/QUOTE] Seems like more trowa and quatre than anything else. I don't even remember who mentioned that before but i had myself a merry chase tracking a pic down. [URL=http://trowashrine.tvheaven.com/images/new_3.jpg]trowa and quatre[/URL] Besides, Heero is much too violent for Trowa. As for anti Yaoi couple......awwww what the heck. If you can have a thread about imaginary characters then why not make them suit your ideals?
  20. I don't have a favorite.....hmmmmmm it would have to be SVU. I love mariska hargitay and Belzer rules!!!!! From his days on homicide to the present day. Ice t also does a decent job. I just love trying to figure out who is the bad guy. And it keeps you interested with ever changing stories. They always seem to be able to keep up with the times. Dick Wolf (director) always has good shows. I especially enjoyed new york undercover.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]I'm going to take so much heat for this, but...Serena and Darrien from Sailor Moon. I'm sorry, but I can't stand Darrien, and he got even more annoying when he was with Serena; after they became an item, he lost all personality traits. (Tuxedo Bland, anyone?) [/B][/QUOTE] Can't stand darrien? i can't stand serena, she is so whiney and egotistical it makes me want to just.....errrr smack her! I find trowa and quatre intriguing............hmmmmm i have never heard of that........personally i think all gundam relationships lack depth. As for tenchi......those relationships are beyond demented. The worst anime couple ever would have to be Galaxy Fraulein Yuna and Paulina.....if it ever happened that is.
  22. *glares at those who ignored previous afi thread* The singer always reminds me of the singer from a perfect circle... I like the video girls not grey, looks like Rei Ayanami. I have only heard a few tracks but i like what i hear. I must say i liked their previous songs a bit better.
  23. You have to believe in wiccans, there are so many of them running around. ^-^ As for them having any real power you got me. I have some fortune tellers and cursers in my family but they don't believe in being Wiccan. In fact every psychic person i have ever met has had a solid belief in Jesus and the such. But then again i have only associated with good ones. Not saying wiccans are bad or anything but i have never met a wiccan with any true power. Just ones that practice the religion.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tabmow [/i] [B]of course vegeta rocker would have "read" MARS 10 I personally would never read something like that..... Hmmmmm... maybe a MARS10-Pokeman crossover "Pica-Pica" As for music reminding you of Anime things "Crazy about you" for Yurika's persuit of Akito in Nadesico. Any of the Micheal Jackson stuff for Subaru in Tokyo Babylon ( I'm sorry Subaru reminds me of Micheal Jackson- sorry vegeta rocker) "California Girls" for Love Hina "Don't Worry Be Happy" for Boogie Pop Phantom ?????? [/B][/QUOTE] For Yurika's chasing of Akito something more like Stupid Girl by Cold would work. Subaru DOES NOT look like Michael jackson. Just because he wears leather and gloves and....and......aghghg bite me! And speaking of Mars 10 what loser pervert would scan it? (back on topic) I have actually thought of some more. Everybody hurts by REM, Walk on by U2,Far away by Stabbing Westward, Sometimes by Ours, and Across the universe by rufus wainwright for Shinji. A lot of sad songs work for Shinji.......the poor dude. And ww2 i mute the tv also. I have the x soundtrack and sometimes when i watch the movie i mute it and the music matches up unusually well.
  25. Mirokus has some very interesting attacks. ^-^ the balance of power seems a little off. When did Shippo get so strong? He's a little demon! Well you know what i mean.
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