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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. I would guess you like Yu YU Hakusho? ^--^ As for Hiei he is mine and i totally agree with you. He is simply yummy in Poltergiest Report. As for Vegeta he is also mine and is scrumptious. He looks best in his saiya-jin armor and not those dorky little sneakers. Or in GT........leather! YOW! Now for girls....... Prissi from Bubblegum Crisis 2040 is just the hottest girl in the world! Yeah im a girl but i don't care! Man i love her! Asanagi(sp) from Ghost in the Shell thats one hot lookin advanced human.
  2. I would go with calling them EMO. They aren't that bad! I guess i just have a soft spot for EMO. If some people found out i would probably lose some of my metal pals. The song is Swing Swing. And the band is All American Rejects.
  3. Well it won't be IF. The episodes are over they are just slow going to DVD. My source could be wrong.......is my source ever wrong? mmmmmi can't remember my source being wrong ever before so i guess i will go with it.
  4. won't you be mine? A piece of a child died today A star shot down and rose to heaven. A proverbial mother goose folded it's wings A trolley pulled out today A man didn't die A man was immortalized A god wanted a new neighbor
  5. well NOW i see hers........thats just weird. Maybe it was just like that for awhile. Maybe my computer is slow or something like that. Or maybe Otakuboards is just trying to make me seem crazy to everyone else......perhaps.
  6. well it has been done, and no doubt it will be weird. But only because we are used to GTO being animated.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Wombats. They're slow, and hardly do aything all day. Same as me. [/B][/QUOTE] Wombat Tabmow................... Husky i guess, a nice black husky wolf. A lone half wolf that survives on its own until it has to mate. And eventually takes over a neighboring pack and has a book written about me. Called the The call of the Vegeta. I would slaughter inoccent chickens. Most of the time i would howl at the moon, i do that already anyway. Correction: Tabmow says i howl at anything.
  8. ahhhhh live long and prosper huh? sounds like a interesting emotionless life..... but since there are emotions and jealousy is one life is complicated. Jealousy is never a good emotion, but everyone goes through it. Is it a bad thing? Well like has been said it spawns other emotions. It can make you kill or injure.
  9. Well look at the thread in the anime lounge titled Argentosoma. It says Forest Pixie was the last one to post. Look there and if you can see her post it is just me.
  10. The only song i enjoyed by them was tear away. But it is sad for anyones death. The music wasn't that great though, least i don't have to suffer through bodies another time now.
  11. Damn ! I missed that Animerica! I got the one with Inuyasha on it though........mmm lets see. Onizuka or Inuyasha? yeah thats hard! I just saw up to ep nine and right now number 8 is my favorite! The final episode is suppossed to be done live action.
  12. now im not sure if this is just me, but sometimes when i check threads there seems to be a few posts missing. Like the replies notice will say a certain number and when i check it there are less. Whats going on, and is this happening to anyone else?
  13. Well, technically they're pop punk. But i don't consider them as pop punk as GC or Blink. They actually have a bit of talent. So thats why i have called them so. Don't get me wrong, i know what true punk is and truth be told there hasn't been a awesome punk band in more then a few years. Flogging Molly and the such are modern punk,to me anyway. But i let myself get off topic, so i guess i should rephrase this. Why are happy bands going heavy? There that works better i guess.
  14. That video, which my cousin downloaded, is gruesome. The fact that he still puts music out is a mystery to me. But then again i haven't been keeping up with the legal aspects so i have no idea about the deals or stuff like that. As for the new album, naming an album Chocolate Factory after you are accused of being a perv shouldn't be at the top of his to do list.
  15. Maybe i should write a love story about a depressed football...................
  16. I agree, some do get quite serious. If you want an interesting debate there is a list of words that will spark one. 1.religion 2.sexuality 3.death/afterlife 4.ethics/morals 5.supernatural/beliefs ALL debates break down to these
  17. heeheeh yeah billy's hot now that it is mentioned the way they talk is a little weird. What do you mean they sound poserish? I guess you mean they try to hard to sound cool. A true punk's talk is him slurring through his words with a hangover and a mumble here and there about anarchy. I also detest that they put out their own line of clothes, think it's "Made". I like their first cd better.
  18. there isn't much i know about it, i do know that ADV put out the 2 volumes. I didn't know there was more. But i guess you learn something new everyday.
  19. ours was decent compared to some of the stories i am hearing around here. We had a good sponsor who knew what he was talking about and good members who knew their stuff. In fact we never showed DBZ.
  20. i agree, even as a debator i get my jollies just fine in lounge.
  21. i like them, the rhyme is a bit questionable but i know rhyming isn't as easy as it looks. I look forward to more of your sonnets and other ordinary poetry. Thats where i can give you some real feedback.
  22. man that truly bites......i will be starting a eulogy thread if anyone is interested.
  23. now is it just me or is punk going rock? I don't mean like GC or Avril, i mean like the funny quirky punk that has always stood for trouble makers. i saw a Treble Charger video recently and it was totally heavy compared to before! I also saw a SR-71 video tha was also totally heavy compared to their old music. Despite the fact avril was in their video..... So whats your take on this, i think maybe they are tired of a new punk band poppng up every 5 seconds and maybe wanted to change a bit, that is a lot of what punk is about. Unique and crazy music.
  24. Like TN said, Benji is hot!!!!!! But i don't get what the big deal about them being pop punk is. I mean i have already accepted this new genre of music. It isn't punk it's pop punk, in fact i have always noticed them having a little rap in their recent music. I actually like them but not as Punk i like them as the way they are pop. Avril is another story though, at least GC sound like a watered down version of punk, but avril doesn't even sound like that. She sounds like country, looks like punk and is as poppy as Britney. GC are annoyingly popular here at my school but i don't have any beef with them.
  25. yeah, most of my stuff is dark. It is easier to express then love. BUt that doesn't mean i don't feel it. To answer your question ChibiV i think it is because everyone elses was about love or football.
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