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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. 1.) What thoughts or words come to mind when someone says, "Church" A whole bunch of people crying and screaming because they got the so called holy spirit. Sitting quietly in a pew while reading jurassic park, a bunch of people who can't sing make a sorry attempt, lots and lots of candles and a podium behind a money tray. Not something passed around that you make an anonymous donation but you have to get up and face the preacher with the amount of money you have just given. 2.) Give two reasons why you don't go to church Well lets see, on Sundays i like to sleep late and maybe watch a bit of anime. And i see church as being a big hypocritical yawn. Worship no idols or false gods. Hey lets go pray to two sticks crossed together! And don't get me started on the catholics! My friend who is a catholic says she is not allowed to read the King James version of the bible because the church says it's wrong. But little altar boys don't seem to be wrong, they can't get enough of them................ 3.) What qualities do you think a church needs to be a "good" church? No dress code, a relaxed demeanor, no gossiping ladies in the front or back, no crucifixes(i never understood how putting your messiah on a cross inspires people) and maybe most of all no dissing of other religions.
  2. I feel really sorry for the poor principle. Onizuka is such a dork sometimes but when he helps out a student he doesn't mess around. This is one of the best anime out there.
  3. vegeta rocker


    yay someone who likes boy hits car! I'm a cloud!!!!!!!!!!!!! as for mudvayne, i never understand the new legions of fans bands get when they begin to suck.
  4. After turning this in in english class i was told i need therapy. This is a sonnet version of Sango's Song of Sorrow which i posted here long ago. Each line has 10 syllables and follows a rhyme scheme. Try and guess it for the fun of it. This version is called... Into Oblivion i never thought that it could end this way my heart feels like it has been turned to stone about such a sadness what can one say wish that your life would replace my very own such a sight no one should ever have to see yet how is it you were younger than i hatred replaces my tears it must be inoccence pours from the corners of my eyes but what i will become will be much more revenge is truly a thirst not a friend from eternal hate my soul has gone sore i only wish retribution would end imminent damnations not to be feared within my malice i still hold you near
  5. What are your thoughts on the loss of such a great guy? I mean, he was Mr. Rogers! What could be sadder then the loss of such a childhood hero? I feel like a piece of my childhood is gone forever. My grandparents say that they feel weird trying to compare actors of today with their own and realizing we have never heard of them because they are long gone. I will feel super depressed when sean connery dies! So to add a twist to this, act like you are writing what will be said at his funeral. If you can't think of one for him try one for george burns or jack lemmons. I will post mine a little bit later when i am satisfied with it. If you are someone of few words, then a few words to go on the tombstone will suffice.
  6. they really suprised me when they got rid of armadillo, i always thought he would be a thorn in their side for much longer you know? Kind of shifting under the radar every now and then.
  7. vegeta rocker


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Man... I get so confused over who is who when you guys all have Vegeta (or whoever) names and the same icon heh. [/B][/QUOTE] i hadn't noticed....that is kind of freaky. Maybe i should pm them and threaten to cut their brake lines....... oh yeah back on topic, Mitch if you give them a shot check out L.D. 50
  8. if you ask me all reality shows are a waste of film and just show how society is going backwards. Can anyone say Colliseum? And i agree, usually what they depict isn't realistic at all.
  9. If people are stupid enough to think blowing smoke out of their lungs makes them look like rebels i have no sympathy for them. But eventually when they need them just to lose stress thats when it gets sad. My father mentioned that coccaine thing to me when i was younger. Just seems weird. Have you ever seen the girl who used to advertise Luckys in the old days when they had no evidence ciggs were bad? She has to breathe through a hole in her throat.
  10. Tabmow.......Tabmow.....Tabmow must we play this game of ring around the Ruri? You know i research all stuff before hand. Those Newtypes aren't for nothing. But here is the story off the top of my head. This dude (forget name) is around in this time of alien invasions and what not. Well he dies and Mr. X brings him back as Ryu Soma. He is sent to replace a dead pilot at this arm of the UN called The Funeral. The Funeral is pretty much dedicated to ridding the area of aliens. Which by the way are not clearly mechanical or organic. Soma pilots a SARG and looks quite dashing in his pilot suit if i may say so myself. I find some things i hear about it interesting, like Mr. X quoting Shakespear and one of the other pilots name being Guenevere(as in king arthurs queen) and one of the teams members composed of multiple aliens named Frank has a weapon called Excalibur. Sounds cool. So in other words, go dust your Ruri, no pun intended.
  11. [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=20256&highlight=meteora]cough...cough.....cough[/URL] I agree with TN they have a lot to live up to. I hope they can hack it. I just hope they don't any more rap influenced, they can barely get by as it is for
  12. if you have valid reasons for beleiving you are than whats the question? Some people assume they are bisexual for the sake of curiosity, not all, but some. I know people like that who think its fun and cool. And they just do it for the heck of it. But if you are bisexual than you actually have to have FEELINGS for other people your own sex as well as opposite. Getting drunk and making out with someone your own sex means nothing. If you can picture yourself having a serious relationship with any sex and be both sexually and emotionally satisfied then in my opinion, you are bisexual.
  13. where did darkunknowns post go? mmmmmm you mess with tabmow and you awaken the fury of the Rocker. anyway back on topic, if an anime character has a good and bad side i find them interesting. Characters that seem squeaky clean are no fun to see win. Because you kind of always knew they would. Now a hero with an agenda such as revenge or some other dark purpose has me hooked. Good artwork is a must as well, though not to say every anime should be of CLAMP quality, there would be too many pretty cartoons running around and it would turn into a fashion show. For example Blood Reign:curse of the undead yuma has mediocre art but the character wins me over in a second. In fact after some consideration, here is a list.... 1. A heart , no matter how bad they are every character has one deep inside. 2. Inner conflict, wether it's battling the forces of good and evil or evaluating who they are. 3.An agenda that seems ill fitted to the task they must accomplish, like killing a mugger while working for the devil. 4. A personality that tips the scales one way or the other, I don't like characters that are just alright with the world. they have to be either angry or sad or vengeful. Kind of like a (Shinji-eva/yochikawa-GTO to Vegeta-DBZ-GT/Hiei-YYH) 5. A body and face that match their demeanor, like a angry vengeful one should be lanky and rough. A fighter can be any shape as long as he is imposing. A depressed one should have a nonchalance about him and drab clothes. 6. A chance or a reason to change always nagging them, everyone has a daily chance to change. They should too. Wether it be for a love or just for a better good or evil. 7. Back story, they have to have a history for you to pull reference from in order to see how they have or have not changed. 8. A weakness, it has to be one that the outside world almost never sees. It's fun to try and guess it. 9. expressions, not just facial, but their voices, you need a good voice for a good character. It totally affects your perception of them if they are a warrior and have a high squeaky voice. Well in a nutshell these make up the perfect anime character for me.
  14. Yeah, this movie has been falling into diffrent laps of who will release it. I even remember Universal Studios being mentioned a while back, which is just disturbing because that is when an NC-17 rating was being discussed, it lokks like a typical zombie movie. I heard about it recently again on Uranium and he mentioned that it was in the final stages and he hopes to get it out in time for halloween.
  15. My answer for all the scenarios would be i wouldn't lie. They will obviously find out the truth inthe end and what is the point in prolonging the inevitable? It won't make it go away will it? No, and they might as well hear it from a friend and have a better capacity to get over it. I can already see myself freaking out the second i lie and it back fires...... CAUGHT! I'M CAUGHT IN MY OWN WEB OF LIES!
  16. i agree with Piromunkie, that it just begins a cycle that become harder and harder to stop. But then again just because you agree with something doesn't mean you will follow in what it means. A lot of people believe or know something is wrong and just do it anyway. Take for example the rule in the bible to only sleep with someone when you marry them. Lots of people in church have done it anyway. Thats just an example and not meant to start a religious debate, by the way.
  17. whats your take on revenge? Can it mortally corrupt a soul? Sometimes i just can't help taking revenge on someone. It ends up dominating my thoughts and gives me this empty pleasure. So have you ever been addicted to it? Thats why i am so into anime and games with revenge as such a strong theme. Like Argentosoma and Shenmue and Devil May cry. so tell your addiction or lack of.
  18. In no particular order...... fix the rhyme elaboration and a little adjustment and i will love it im sure.
  19. vegeta rocker


    now for the kicker........ TRUE Mudvaynes first cd sucked so bad they got almost no recognition TRUE Mudvaynes second cd L.D. 50 (named for the manner in which poison is tested) was excellent TRUE Mudvaynes latest is bad. Terrible. First off they sound like a big repetitive washing machine full of rocks. The dark growly voice that defined a Mudvayne song is gone. They should have stayed the way they were.
  20. well i love otakuboards so i don't know where i would be i love video games and cds so that would bite if technology was gone and we all lived in forests that would rule but if we lived in crappy towns without technology that would bite humans will always come up with something they are never satisfied the insistant strive for perfection will be their undoing
  21. I heard they found the guitarist (guy who was missing). That is dumb, the band is to blame more then the club owners but that doesn't mean the club gets away scot free. The owners have a responsability to know what is being done at their show.
  22. I think it is drilled into girls minds more than boys that doing so is improper. But i would be embarrassed if i farted in public. Thats just gross! But burping i see no problem with, besides mine are usually small and i cover my mouth so it doesn't REALLY matter that much anyway. Heres a funny story, when i was in pre algebra we were taking this test and it was absolutely silent and this kid in the back of my row let it rip and turned beet red. He was then accused of thinking too hard.
  23. mmmm well first off before we get to the morality lets focus on the agenda if the reason for eating them is survival then whats the big deal? i wouldn't do it personally but hey who knows what you will do when you are hungry enough. But if it's to gain spiritual power like some cultures believe then that is diffrent. That is morally wrong to us, but not to them. And consent....EAT 'EM ALL AND LET GOD SORT 'EM OUT! So is it morally wrong to eat your cousin...only in some states....LMAO alright seriously, i don't see anything morally wrong with eating someone.....certain parts i guess. Like in the movie "Alive".
  24. I would go with the wheel chair not to preserve life but to chase little old ladies in theirs. I would be racing queen.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sweetreyes [/i] [B]You know Vegeta Rocker...You need to put in a request as a moderator!!! [/B][/QUOTE] Don't inflate my ego even more.
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