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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. Maybe I am just growing out of The Simpsons, but it really didn't seem all that good to me. I mean it was ok, there were some really funny moments, but there were also some really lame ones that show the cartoons age. The animation was great, though it sometimes didn't feel like the simpsons to me. Im not sure why, but it felt different. Maybe the music, it wasn't used nearly as much as in the show. On the other hand i applaud it for taking risks, they tackled a very pertinent issue about the environment and pulled few punches. Thats really what The Simpsons is about.
  2. [quote name='Charles']Eh, I don't know, vegeta rocker. Perhaps you should consider THAT before choosing a user name. Then again, you could be referring to the term "vegeta" as a food--and vegetables do indeed rock. So, you're vindicated.[/QUOTE] lol i explained in the topic of why we choose our usernames why i chose VegetaRocker. I was in a music forum first and everyone had a name kinda centered around music. At the time i really like vegeta and i liked rock music, i never changed it since i would probably forget and its also the name i used on my first forum. I'm just sentimental i guess. Vegetables do rock however, maybe that could be my excuse next time someone mentions something about it. We can't all have cool names like you Charles. As for being on topic, i think you made quite a memorable intro. lol Man i remember the intro threads......they should have just labeled the sub forum Spam Lounge.
  3. [quote name='IHZ']Do you even KNOW what an Otaku is? In Japan they use this term to insult all these annoying fanboys and fangirls who take obsession into something like anime and Videogame. Don't take me wrong though. I am obessed by anime and videogame to a regular state, however the term Otaku is used to describe all these 30 years old basement dwellers (boys and girls) who never leaves their house, and spend all their money on anime and videogames merchandise and have absolutely no social life whatsoever, It is also used by some japanese to make fun of the Americans Fangirls and Fanboys who are as obsessed by Japan as their own Otaku are obsessed over videogames and anime. Now here is a little Copypasta from a popular encyclopedia website: Otaku means "honourable house" and is a very polite term for "you" (with relative strangers); in the fandom sense, it was lightly insulting in Japanese due to the sarcasm involved in using a cold honorific on obsessives who probably don't deserve it (Japanese people are all amnesiacs and require constant reminding of who they are). Originally referring only to train-spotters and the like, the "house" part has caused it to drift into also being used as a heavily derogatory term for geeks who don't leave their houses. It is generally written only in katakana, to distinguish it from the non-derogatory use of the word, and to emphasize the fact that only stupid foreigners would ever take pride in such a label. I'm making this topic for the sole purpose that it annoy me to see all these peoples calling themselves otaku when they don't know what that means, I'm not trying to make fun of anyone or be evil. I'm only saying that by calling yourself an otaku, you are making fun of yourself and if you were to use this term in Japan to refer yourself as an anime fan then you ARE insulting yourself. Be careful and use the term "fan" rather than Otaku. Otaku is amean thing.[/QUOTE] ... Every so often someone comes along with such a self righteous air they would think we would all frequent a forum with a title that we know nothing about. You need to get off your high horse and stop pretendng like you are educating anyone. And there are plenty of japanese people obsessed with American things, so don't make it sound so one sided.
  4. If you shave with Neosporin you don't get in grown hairs nearly as much. As for other ideas, have you ever tried to Nair it off?
  5. Well Darren he never went to the house to meeet the girl, the police and video cameras came to his door. I mean we don't know the circumstances, he might have just made a mistake. The show i believe is just crap honestly, I'm still sure part of its fake but obviously this story got very real.
  6. Just wanted to say I plan to look to this thread often since i am trying to expand the music i listen to. So please continue on, its kind of cool to have a thread centered around accomplished music.
  7. This is one from my Devart gallery, i will post a better one soon. [URL="http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/46621885/"]Here I am[/URL]
  8. hello, i know we have had a thread about this before, and i know i said NBC probably staged a few of their stings since Dateline has a bad record in the industry. But NBC is now being sued because one man commited suicide because he was humiliated. I think it sucks he killed himself, what are your views on it? Do you think he was a victim or that he deserved what he got? Its also worth mentioning that the article also talks about other suspects that have gotten off the hook since Dateline and police can't prove some of the conversations taking place online are authentic. Well here is the article. [URL="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/07/24/wbrother124.xml"]HERE[/URL]
  9. So does anybody here have anything about themselves that they need to get off their *** and change? For example, i don't have a drivers license and in Dallas, Tx that is a big problem. I have driven a few times but i just never got one. My family was kinda poor so we had one car that was always gone and my school didn't offer drivers ed. My few friends that did have cars were only allowed them on certain occasions and they were told by their parents "her mom can teach her". So here i am 22 and no license, my boyfriend has a car and he takes me where i need to go if i cant take the train there. But this has recently gotten me angry because I'm supposed to do a shooting job for my internship and he was going to take me but our boss assigned him to work the same day even though i told her he was taking me. So i have no way to get there and i can't afford the train since i spent my last bit of money on buying him a new car battery and gas. He hadn't gotten work from her all summer and all of the sudden she gives him work. I don't know what to do about my situation right now..... So back to you guys, ever have something like this happen to you because you don't possess something important like a license?
  10. [quote name='Retribution'][size=1]Perhaps the timing was in poor taste, but I think I'm being misunderstood in a big way. That's probably my fault. I'm not talking about remembering tragedies long past, I'm talking about remembering current and ongoing matters where people's lives are horribly effected. It's not trying to belittle those who are impacted by tragedy-x, but [i]rather this is a call to solidarity with others who are suffering.[/i] So when that tornado didn't damage or hurt anyone, yes, be glad for your good fortune. But also acknowledge, understand, and feel for those who were not as fortunate as yourself.[/size][/QUOTE] I think your point deserves a thread of it's own, it seems like you have a lot of good points but you aren't going to get the response you deserve in a thread aimed at something else. As for the earthquake, i am glad the death toll was low and that families can move on from this tragedy with relative ease all things considered.
  11. Why all the hate against Devil Driver? I think they are among one of my favorite bands, i admit they can lack in the creativity area but i honestly enjoy their music. I could be biased because I loved Coal Chamber, but I think they rock. My worst music artist today would probably have to be the singer from Flyleaf. I really hate her nasal voice, it honestly stings me to the bone. Then she covered a NIN song......ughghghgh
  12. I had a black pet goat as well, his name was Kenny. One of his legs was longer than the other since he got stuck when he was born, so his knee was his right foot. He didn't care though, he was born that way so he was used to it. But maybe the oddest thing is that since we had not other goats he started emulating the dogs. He would eat dog food, chase cars and sit with them. He tried head butting them but they quickly learned the game was too rough so i would just clap my hands and he would head butt my palms. He sure was great fun when was around though, he had a habit of jumping on top of cars though, people don't like sharp hooves scraping paint away. We lived out in the country so luckily there weren't too many cars, man do i miss my goat. Eventually one day he wandered off in search of a female, i found him but he acted like he didn't know me. He spent one month in a corral full of chicks and forgot his family! He lived in splendor for awhile until he was bitten by a rattlesnake. Poor guy.
  13. [quote name='Jeremiah']I am pro life. Now this, I do not understand. Why is it more acceptable to abort a child that, in it's present state looks like a fish, than it is to abort a child that has taken on the more human look? Both have the potential to become human beings, regardless the stage of development, and this is why I view both as bad as each other. Even without a "sanctity of life" religious conviction, I don't understand why it is accpetable to abort some child's life at all. Ther emust be something I'm missing here.[/QUOTE] Its different because at that point the baby's brain develops and it is in essence a person. I also see both as the same though so i see your side. I however, am Pro Choice. My body, my right, my freedom.
  14. Yeah i read about JJ Abrams saying it was unrelated but i still think its cool. Wouldn't be the first time a director misdirected audiences. I'm honestly not a huge fan of Abrams but this little campaign sure was a good idea. I really think this mighgt become the future for more movies and games. Little hunts and tips to build up interest.
  15. I don't quite remember what you have to search under pon imdb. its either one of the fake names o runder one f the creators names. I found it reffered to as Paasite somewhere else but I first saw it on IMDB. [URL="http://www.slashfilm.com/2007/06/29/jj-abrams-top-secret-cloverfield-movie-trailer-attached-to-transformers/"]Other site[/URL] This is pretty cool too, if you check the source code like the article says you really can find that in it! [URL="http://www.slashfilm.com/2007/07/05/has-cloverfield-gone-viral/"]Cool[/URL]
  16. I would hope its not Godzilla since the last one was such a bad idea. lol Though if you look it up on IMDB the creature is called Parasite. I wonder what it could really be.
  17. vegeta rocker


    If you think i am putting words in your mouth than i apologize. It just seemed that by you saying he was making a good point you were agreeing with him about America following Cuba's example.
  18. vegeta rocker


    You think its a good point that Cuba lets its own people die and have little to no treatment? That kind of system would do nothing for the failing healthcare system. The only reasons they were treated over there was because of the documentary. Had they not been filmed the entire time they would have had to pay immense amounts of money. They don't have enough money to get healthcare over here much less paying for Cuba. I guarantee you any [I]effing[/I] country would do the same if a camera were rolling. So I guess you are saying we should bascially have good healthcare for people who can either afford it or have it guaranteed by their status. Basically Cuba is an extreme version of what we already have going on. You do realize that the native cubans that actually do get treatment have to bring their own bed linenes, food, clothes bascially anything they will need while they are there. Toilet paper included.
  19. vegeta rocker


    Cuba has three types of medical care, one for the military and government, one for foreigners and one for the general population. Guess which ones have all the equipment and fancy doctors? Do you remember where Fidel Castro got his important surgery? He went to Spain. Why? Because Cuba botched his surgery and he had to get it done properly. The hospital Michael Moore took them to was the one for foreigners! He is a lying fake filmmaker! I fell for his trick too, i almost wanted to believe that for once Michael Moore had a decent thing going. Americas healthcare system does need work, but now all the government has to to do is say he is being deceptive and they're right. He is just making it harder for people to fix the problem. As for links on what im talking about i rummaged up one, i got my info on cuba from books but here is one that talks about this specific incident. If you just google Cubas healthcare system i am sure you could come up with more. [URL="http://blog.nam.org/archives/2007/06/the_real_sicko.php"]The Real Sicko is Michael Moore[/URL]
  20. Well 1-18-08 is written by Drew Goddard with credits like Alias,Buffy and Angel under his belt and the director is Matt Reeves has done alot of tv shows as well. The official synopsis for 1-18-08 (thats the official working title for the trailer) is it revolves around a monster attack from the point of view of a small group of people. The monster may or may not be called "The Parasite" and I honestly doubt it's a remake of the Host since The Host was a sea monster.
  21. vegeta rocker


    I have not seen it yet but i do plan to despite the fact that i despise Michael Moore. He is a biased and manipulative man who uses deceptive editing and storytelling to lie with the truth. No one in the industry takes him seriously and that is his own fault. That being said: I think he has a great idea with Sicko and i know it is a problem here in the US but i hope he gives a legitimate view of the problem. As for him taking the victims to Cuba for healthcare thats just utter crap and movie magic. Yeah he took them, and they got stellar care. Unlike all the Cubans that die every year due to lack of government funds in health care. The same goes for Canada. Michael Moore won't show you that, because it doesn't suit his purpose. I'm not saying Cuba is horrible, but they have problems just like we do.
  22. Honestly, i loved the movie. I can look past the crappy dialogue (I'm glad i got in the car) and the plot holes. I went to see Transformers period, sure my classmates had a field day with it in Video theory but i truly enjoyed myself. The movie was predictable, and there was no use for Linkin Park. I can't wait to see the next two films though. As for using backwater transformers, bay used ones from the first season since he wanted to start from season one and could continue on into the next two films. The whole thing about them talking more modern was actually pretty clever to me. Since they accessed the internet to find what they were looking for they absorbed all kinds of information so Bay has his bases covered in that aspect. Its like that one convenient line of dialogue that seams everything together. They could act as modern or as different as he deemed them.
  23. He's too much of a great guy to dump him, but i see where you are coming from. As for other stuff, I think the faulty of people putting their work off on other people is something they learn in school. If they can make the nerd do it in their science class than why not the lower employee in your jiob? I'm not saying it's entirely up to the public school system but them and parents should make sure to instill better values in their kids. My mother would have beat me if she ever found out i did that, lol.
  24. Have you ever been in a situation that you feel like you are constantly picking up the slack of someone else? My personal situation is my bf, he hardly cleans and spends all his off time playing video games. I love games but there is a time and a place, he just won't help out and if i bring it up he says i am just causing problems. GRRRRRR So have you ever experienced this as well? I know i have had to do a few projects with people who try to put all the responsibility on me.
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