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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. I really really hate those stupid things!!!!!!! After some months of getting them i warned people i would get my revenge. If there is anything i am known for it is cruel revenge. Well they paid no heed. About 4 months later in the summer i got up one day and went to the computer. If any of you ever get annoying funny pages you know they come with the funny page and like 4 links to other funnies. Well i sat down around 7:00 and sent about 200 funny pages. And each one had a subject like you had enough or tired yet? Man i got them good. Only thing is though, my teacher was caught in the crossfire.
  2. hhaahahahah not grosss.....funny i won't go into details, but picture her when she is on the bed totally out of it. Whats the first word she says? Grandma. Thats freakin' hilarious.
  3. What are your thoughts on some of the ships and machinery in OLS? Is any ship your favorite? I like the XGP because of the technology and fusion it represents. A mixture of pirates and other attributes of diffrent techniques used for ships. But don't stop at ships, what about Jims beloved sports car?
  4. How oh how(insert sarcasm) could a spoof of Alexander the Great's exploits suck??????
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SpyderDragon [/i] [B]True, so very true. Did you see that special on MTV2 on the progression of Punk? [/B][/QUOTE] Actually i think i saw it on pop up video.....long ago when they did pop ups on cool videos.
  6. I have a taste for them you might say. I hated that single what was it......payback or something? But i like Whole a whole bunch.........nice looking guitarist...
  7. Well, thanks. I tried to go with the whole water thing as you might have guesses. And your're right, the most painful things inspire the most beautiful. It's a price you have to pay.
  8. Well, im not sure this will be allowed on these boards because of the nature of the question....but here goes! Alright, Tabmow and me have been discussing the change Ranma goes through when soaked. So heres the question in the simplest terms i can put it.... During the transformation, below the belt, is something grown or is something retracted? Example when he turns into a girl, does it just go away? Or does it ya know......retract? And when he goes from a girl to a guy....and so on.
  9. good post quality a dry sense of humor a kick butt avatar or banner and a vow of spam celibacy lol man hope i dont get banned for that..........LMAO for the record.....im probably only half right.
  10. The hardest thing i have ever done is be near the one true love i realize i could never have.
  11. Well it was mentioned in the CN lineups that it will begin again march 10. Could be something to look forward to.
  12. I would bypass except i am using Tabmows computer and he might not appreciate it if he got in trouble.
  13. can't be any dumber then eating worms or squirting milk out of your eye. I say God Speed!
  14. This is one of infinite sadness. It goes to all the people who treat me like the dirt i am. Crushing Wave of Sorrow i dive into my sadness and slowly sink towards the inner darkness the ripples of lonliness begin to subside above me and shatter the surface into a kaliedescope of my torn thoughts ascending into the ocean brooding images of rain drenched eyes choke the watery grave of countless hearts lamenting over stolen memories serves only to squeeze free the last drops of my soul swimming alone and purging my lungs of useless air sends a wave of forgotten dreams and stolen thoughts in a whirlpool that sends a cascading wave of sorrow over the earth in what looks like teardrops
  15. Nobody can truly hate the 80's. If they say they do, they have no idea what they are talking about. Punk might never have come into being without the 80's. A little tidbit of 80's trivia. Remember turning japanese by The Vapors? Do you know what that song is really about? When you turn japanese, thats slang for having an orgasm.
  16. Whats a convention without cosplay? Well i have none planned for the upcoming year, but i might drop by dallas or austin. Theres one going on there.......somewhere.
  17. yeah, the body slicing isn't foreign to me either. it just seems weird to think you can die when you seem to have esaped it before. Survivors guilt is a mother.
  18. Why bring back an old topic? But since it's here, i don't mind either way. Some are just better subbed and some are better dubbed. But it depends on the dubbing company. If its a incompetent company then subbed. If they can handle it, then why not go with subbed? But personally, its more relaxing with dubbing.
  19. What teacher would sponsor it anyway? Except for geometry teachers with no lives.
  20. Well it wasn't blocked before, its just a glitch in the system for now.
  21. Have you ever been on a school or office computer that blocked a favorite site of yours for a stupid reason? Or how about it was a mistake? I bring this up because i can no longer access theotaku.com because it is blocked under Pornography!
  22. finally they just lie around and litter the purty little boards........even though i joined like...two
  23. Riku from Kingdom Hearts Dante from Devil May Cry Masumi from Dead or Alive two Ayane from DOA two Ryudo and Melfice from Grandia Sephiroth and cloud strife from FF7 mmmmmmmm so many more so little time
  24. mmmmm eva on adult swim.....doesn't sound that bad. But for a few CN haters on these boards, it will raise hell.
  25. I usually just ask them to let me sleep and not embarras them with my dazzling genius.
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