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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. vegeta rocker


    mmmm i am a fan of them, lets see........favorite songs? none. You should check out Fungus Among us. Thats an old cd, pretty cool. I like make yourself better then morning view.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tabmow [/i] [B]I think your debate coach should not have let you debate that way. He or She should have know you could never place in a debate tournament dressed like that. stupid loser coach ;) [/B][/QUOTE] Tabmows back! I cannot beleive you just said that! Maybe i should reveal your secret to the boards....... but that debate coach must be a weirdo to let me debate like that. What a loser, i heard he's gay too.....ha! secrets out!
  3. Well, i would have to focus on the personalities If they are compatible, well hey they can make it work. But the age diffrence shouldn't be drastic, like 10 to 20 years old. Thats just sick. But if one is 20 and the other is like 30 that works. It all kind of goes with the life stages.
  4. I missed the CN dub so i have no idea how true to the original it is. i must now see it next saturday.
  5. vegeta rocker


    I am in love with this movie. Reminds me of brave new world.
  6. That is very sad. makes you wondor how these people are blessed with children. I mean i don't like kids that much but it makes me sick.
  7. This is a question i read years ago in a book of "would you". For those of you have never heard of those kinds it is basically a book of questions. Its a little diffrent though cause i forgot a bit. You get to save a life. Your choices are.... A baby who has just been born to a loving family. A teenager who tries so hard but flunks out of high school. A grandmother who has lots of Grandchildren and a huge family who loves her. Now Choose. I never could.
  8. vegeta rocker


    I have only seen the dvd in newtype but i was impressed. the thing about it is it is HEAVY on the music. Every word out of every characters mouth made you have to sit and concetrate. I was reminded of Cowboy Bebop in the music sense. The story seems really interesting, i could definetly grow to love this series. The animation doesn't hurt.
  9. I saw the dvd in newtype also, looks interesting. A nice girly anime with fully dressed girls. The concert was funny to me though, 1 song and all.
  10. My Obsession? You want an obsession? [URL=http://members.fortunecity.com/dj_fox/main.gif]My obsession ever since jr high[/URL]
  11. mmmmmm i have to add three libras, i just zone out whenever i hear it. I don't know why, i just do. Also sonny by new found glory. Don't ask why.
  12. when my grandmother died, the first song i heard was first date by blink 182. the second was blurry by puddle of mudd. So those hold meaning for me.
  13. im confused. i know they come on during the week. But they will stop in february.
  14. vegeta rocker


    You mean the pinhead ones? If you do, i love them.
  15. None of them can even compare to Gambit, with such a melting accent and dopey sense of humor. He always looks sleepy though.
  16. Eva to cn! Man when i made that comment in feedback i was kidding! Guess Im psychic.....or not.
  17. I have only read the manga in shonen jump, but i do love it. So i take it the anime lives up to the manga?
  18. I like it, it has such a deep feeling of something i can't quite get. I don't get sadness, more like lonliness. Looking for that one true thing, you know? Waiting for something that seems like foreve, the whole time wondering if it is worth it.
  19. how weird. I have been hearing a lot about them lately. I saw their video for all the things she said about 6 months ago and then i didn't see it again. Now all the sudden they are all people talk about. Did mtv show them or somethng? I saw them on much music and nobody knew them then. As for the concept, i have no beef with it. It came out long before Christina Aguileras Beautiful video, which has two guys.
  20. it's a sad, sad world when people turn to cards for fun. th only card game i kinda liked was Magic T.G. but im no big fan of games. It annoys me when people who know i like yu gi oh are shocked i don't duel. I mean in the manga he hardly ever does anyway.
  21. it should come on around 3:00. 2 at central i guess. Check the anime news in the otaku home man. It talks all about it there.
  22. That kind of bites, i hate the fact they are taking it off. Some people just can't appreciate good anime.
  23. i by on means rely on cartoon network to supply my anime. I am just confused about it getting axed after so short a time. I signed the petition even though it will do nothing more then likely. Must they cancel it before valentines? That is such a bad thought.
  24. i was like, huh? Dragons fly of course he didn't die. That is really good! The surprise ending has a subtle tinge to it. I like it, it kind of reminds me of my old dragon poem. Lear and keye, but yours was much better.
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