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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. lol watching one of his movies for story line is like watching a jackie chan movie for plot.
  2. it sounds like your friend likes this person more then a friend.(smacks head after reading title) It's the thought that counts, the person who didn't accept it is a loser. Tell your friend not to waste their time.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B] bit yea I am really tired of all you newbies trying to be all cool with watching IY... just cuz it is on CN![/B][/QUOTE] simmer down now, we all feel like intruders are stealing our fav shows sometimes. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B] I mean can 1/2 of you even name the creator?? [/B][/QUOTE] Rumiko Takahashi (not a very good question to deem worth by since it is in the anime lounge.) [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]or that there are 2 movies! or when it was originally released... [/B][/QUOTE] Toki O Koero Omoi and theres another? I'm am going to take a stab at it, December 15, 2001, though thats probably the american release date. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]sorry for the rant I just get easily aggrivated...:flaming: :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] We all get a little crazy sometimes. And Gokents Im sure she wasnt refering to you. AS for the topic, I really hope CN will show all the episodes though it may take awhile.
  4. I don't know what you mean, Raiha. He is real........... mmmm magnus or marius...im a little rusty on that. But i lent out my book so i can't check.
  5. SORRY. I know its one big story i just call it that. I would get annoyed too, except i always forget.
  6. This sounds like it will be very interesting.............I trust Dragonstar will do a good job.
  7. i gave my cousin pink frilly underwear, he's a guy 'nough said.
  8. Is there any character you would want to know the background on? A character that seems shrouded in mystery to you? For me it would be Suzuka, i would definetly like to know more about her.
  9. Sounds like a desperate nut to me. She's probably a guy, man. Tell her you are not ready. Because obviously you're not. Say it point blank.
  10. too much dialogue. Not oganized enough in order. Needs more of how the characters would really react. Vegeta Rocker out.
  11. I assume by saying he has died more then once he means that he has died another life. Like he said in Ballad of Fallen Angels, he bled all that blood away.
  12. It is pretty good, the recent episode they just showed won me over. I suggest she stays in the same room, sharing the same bedding-muroko He's at it again! And I suppose you have to search her robes too you pervert!-inuyasha
  13. How can they be locked out? They are locked out and forums aren't?
  14. I dont want to watch it until i see the first ep. But from the parts i've seen, it looks like one of those things you have to get into.
  15. I like the one above! It is so endearing. For some reason when i read it i imagine it being told in a breathless voice. Then at the end gasping for air.
  16. I heard that having your hand up in the air like waving is considered flipping off in Canada. So though i doubt it, is it true? I also heard that somewhere you do the peace sign backwards it is also bad.
  17. Well here is one that i wrote after listening to way too much Our Lady Peace and playing way too much Sailor Moon for Nintendo. I think i will call it Insanity.......unless you have something better. You dont think I'd understand the symptoms of what you say I have You say that it's a sickness that makes me like one of them where do I go is it far away from here is it far above the ground is it time to go home now i can't seem to picture the things you say i can feel everything stop like it never began simple as it seems to the stars above i just can't just can't wake up A theme for game addicts!!!! Well not really.
  18. For the record I didn't respond sooner because i lost my com for awhile. I had to skip school to do a play and then there was the weekend. I think my personal favorite is pink spider.
  19. Im sure i will dodge flying fruit for this, but i like the cheesy music. Sure the original music is better but i like the crappy music too. It could be worse. Polka music during the gotenks fusion.
  20. The theme from the Power rangers the first season. That song was very annoying and gets stuck in your head real quick.
  21. I have intuition. Nothing more. We use only a mere percent of our brain, if the remainder is woken up who knows?
  22. It's funny, deers beating the crap out of hunters. Does life get better then that? As for demented, i never thought of it that way. No more demented then Survivor.
  23. What a coincidence, it just came on action channel this friday. Thats probably where he saw it. I like it, though i just recorded it. I lent it someone and never got it back..
  24. i hate the powerpuff girls they are as annoying as pokemon. Anyway, i have no problem with the anime being thrown around and repackaged. Who am i to say that they can't do it? I didn't draw or write it so really why should i care? Sure it T's me off if they are crappy but i can just run back to good old anime. I think that as long as the animation is worthy then there is no prob. The spiderman thing though, i must say, goes to far. But then again I had my fill of Ninjas a long time ago.
  25. Like it was said before it depends, I like my friends for who they are not how they dress or act. Well the clothes don't hurt. Doesn't matter what they do, i will always be there. (even if they make stupid documentaries on me)
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