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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. [QUOTE=Jiazu]I perdict large-scale boycotting of this movie by various christian organisations.. at least by amber spyglass... [/QUOTE] you do realize they are taking out the anti religious sentiments of the story right? Thats why im so worried it will suck.
  2. So i am kind of going through an interesting dilemma.....i think i may be pregnant. I don't know for sure since my monthly cycle is very irregular and I can't rely on that. But I have been feeling tired, and i keep burping alot. I don't know if that has anything to do with it lol. But i haven't gotten sick, no nausea, nothing else that would point to pregnancy. My boyfriend and I use protection but nothing is 100% so It is a possibility. If I am i would probably get an abortion, I know it sounds callous but i can't afford a baby or afford to stop my career when i am trying to start it. Any opinions on what i should do? I also need to take a test but i haven't gotten one yet.
  3. well my cousins are about 19 and my mom said that grandma just wants us to sever ties once she is gone. But i dont know right now.
  4. I'm not going to say they are right when all they said was complete and utter filth and lies! If someone in your family said you sucked **** and you were useless you would agree with it? No family is worth that, they are trash and i have pretty much made my decision but i would really like more input.
  5. Right now, my family is about to split down the middle; i don't just mean nuclear family. My ENTIRE family of aunts, uncles and cousins are going at it, and the worst part of all is that my grandmother is dying slowly from cancer and she has to witness it all. Heres the story, my sister and I are a little different from the rest of the family. We are both in college, and we both work hard for what he have. My sister has been helping take care of my grandma more than me because between work, interning and school i find it difficult to find time. Well, two of my cousins and their mothers started making fun of my sister and I in front of my mother. They said we were good for nothing, sucked **** for money and all kinds of stuff. They said my sister wasnt' a virgin, (she is) and they can tell because she has put on weight. First of all, one of the cousins had a kid at 17 and never finished college and lives at home and the other dropped out of high school and has been called a ho by her own mother. My sister has done nothing but help them and I have done nothing to them. In fact i am hardly ever there. So my question is this: Should we sever all ties?
  6. [QUOTE=Molleta] As a zombie geek, I will say that there are flaws in the idea of zombie invasion movies. Please, let this also spark discussion, if a zombie BITES you, you turn into a zombie, but throngs of zombies EAT people, so how do the zombies continue to pertetuate themselves if they eat all potential zombies. I realized SOME are going to escape, but REALLY? Moving on from my very random though I had during the movie. [/QUOTE] That makes sense if you are talking about other zombie movies, but Rage infection is very different in that they don't eat ANYTHING. I guess in other zombie movies you just have to think about it as maybe they are biting people who get away. Most zombies wander and get a few bites in before their prey gets away.
  7. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]To be totally honest, I think there's a degree of validity to this. However, you neglect to account for the intent of the speaker, which is heavily linked to the race of the speaker. So when Imus said these girls were "nappy headed hos" it was assumed that his intent was to be racist on some level. When a black person says that, there is less emphasis on the quote because they are part of the same group -- they are "nappy headed". Well, a DJ playing a song that says that makes no sense because the DJ isn't saying it. The artist is. In theory, you would go after the artists... and again, I agree with that [mostly]. Imus got fired because it's illegal to be racist and he got called on it. Was it because he was old and white? Well, it certainly didn't help his case.[/size][/QUOTE] I get that his intent was racist and all that, but I still believe that he should have gotten a warning first. I guess I am just jaded from hearing black DJs' toss those words around like they are nothing.
  8. The reason Imus was fired was both hypocritical and biased. Ok, so he called them nappy headed 'hos, but who invented the slang? If Imus had been black there wouldnt have been nearly an uproar over it. It kind of remindes me of black people saying they are stereotyped but then we have rappers boasting about hos and big cars. If you want to stop being stereotyped than stop proving it right! I'm not saying all black people are the same but damn i am getting tired of gangster wannabes everywhere i turn. I don't think Imus should have been fired honestly, fire every dj that plays a song with the words nappy and ho then come talk to me.
  9. I for one, think they kind of sold out with this album. Don't get me wrong, I love Linkin Park but this album just tosses them in the mold of every wannabe emo band out there right now. I like a few songs, but i think Hybrid Theory and Meteora were better in the fact that they sounded like themselves, they had a distinct style. And the style just so happened to rock. Overall i would give it a 4/10. A point for effort A point for more mature lyrics A point for the cool song about New Orleans A point for the song, Valentines Day....emo as it is....
  10. The Motion Picture Association of America is trying to rate smoking in movies so that it actually affects the rating that they are given. I personally think it's going a bit far but they say they have studies that back up that children have a higher chance of smoking. In my opinion, if you are going to smoke then you are going to smoke. My mother used to smoke and and my dad smoked until the day he died. I have watched tons of movies where they smoke, and i don't. For more info, here is the article. [URL=http://film.guardian.co.uk/news/story/0,,2078119,00.html]Click ME![/URL]
  11. Im still waiting for A-kon, man i can't wait! My friends and I are A-kon Tv so we will be covering the concerts and such so we get in free. I always forget to pre reg so this is a special treat for me!
  12. The fact you are trying to chide an ONLINE forum with people who make ONLINE relationships all the time proves you have no idea what you are talking about. I can see you having this argument with someone who is never online or someone who is not very web savvy, but why with people who obviously devote a good piece of their time to the internet? You seem to have no knowledge of the internet itself when it comes to relationships, you probably just stumbled into a chat conversation and saw something going on and went "ewww gross!" I have met some great people online and have done some things you call stupid online but that doesn't make me pathetic. You sound like a n00b to the internet, thats the only excuse i can come up with that gives you any reason to be so grossly misinformed and bigoted.
  13. I don't know about first showing, but i am definitely going to see it, i didnt like the second one but i hope this one will do better. They can hopefully keep the action up and tie up all the plot lines well.
  14. I luckily got into my first choice, which is good because i had no second. lol Man but i remember how stressful my senior was, I graduated in '03 and i remember it well. But i honestly didn't know a thing about myself until i graduated. I am a very different person now. You honestly learn more about yourself the older you get, that doesn't change no matter how many years pass. I hope everything works out well for you Lunox! (anime glomps you then runs away)
  15. I agree, the Labyrinth scene at the end was almost too much! The soundtrack is beautiful, i listen to the lullaby all the time.
  16. The main thing i am scared of is that the Sonic Team we know now is much different than the one that created nights. I am waiting for my friend to bring my mint copy back so we can play again!
  17. I don't even know if him having a friend would have helped, he wanted to make a statement and he did. I can't know for sure obviously, but you have to wonder if he even tried. Seemed like he was too busy hating people to try to make friends. He took pictures of them with his camera phone and stuff but i don't think he honestly wanted a friend. They finally published an article with his family speaking. They say he was quiet and reserved even in Korea when he was young. He never mixed with the children, he was different. They thought him coming to America would help him and make him more open to people.
  18. He didn't have any record of bringing a weapon on campus, like i said, he had a clean [I]police[/I] record. He was supposed to be receiving out patient treatment but no one is sure he was. He had th three types of ID needed and he paid for it legitimately.
  19. I am not saying we should sit around and do nothing at all, i was referring to blaming the media for it. There will always be violence until someone just STOPS. If you fight for peace you are just fooling yourself. You can fight for control or safety but never for peace. As for him having easy access to guns i honestly don't see why he wouldn't. He was an adult with a clean record with the police. Like Sandy said, if we all did our part. The girls who didn't press charges when he stalked them, the parents who didn't try harder to get their son help. It goes every which way, someone didn't stop and say "we need to get this kid help". The few that did weren't heeded, like the instructor who wrote a letter requesting he be removed from her class because other students were afraid to attend. We care too much about ourselves to think about the impact our actions can have on everyone else. Why is it a single gunman wasn't overpowered by a school hall full of people? Why did one professor sacrifice himself to save his students? That man was a Holocaust survivor, he had seen true evil and had overcome it.
  20. Here we are, again. It took a day for someone to blame a movie for this, or to at least compare it. The movie OldBoy won the Grand Prix award at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival and is now being cited as possible inspiration for Cho's actions. I was thinking about it and i was just wondering about our reaction to violence these days. For example, I work in a school and in my office area i wanted to put up a calender. I have two calenders, one is the Ganmestop special edition calender with guns, violence and some creepy stuff. The other is the DOA beach volleyball calender. Which one is made to be put in the back? The girls as I'm sure you have guessed. Just made me wonder, how does America react to violence? I don't think a movie can directly influence anything because in my opinion, if you are so easily influenced by media than whats to say something more realistic like the news won't have the same exact effect? And you know what? Virginia Tech isn't the deadliest school incident. It is the deadliest school [I]shooting[/I]. The deadliest school massacre occurred in 1927, and the weapon was dynamite. [URL=http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0407/3558.html]Article about deadliest massacre[/URL] That was before all the gun control issues and the blaming media bit, there will always be violence and nothing will change that.
  21. [quote name='Shishou']My cousin got injured during there. I am so happy he is alive. Some people can't say that for their loved ones. I wonder though...It seems to me that they knew he was a bit mental right? Shouldn't they have locked him up before this started?...I dunno, I just can't see why people want to kill people!!! Or injure others..It makes me sad.[/quote] Since Cho is an adult the school kind of had it hands tied due to privacey issues. They can't even call his parents with invading his rights, he had been seen as a threrat before but nothing was done. I think a lot of school laws might get altered.
  22. Thanks for the concern Charles, it means a lot to me. Been busy so i haven't had much time to be on Ob. I love writing and i have been doing it less often as of late, that is probably a big reason why i am exploding at things. I am 5 months away from my Bachleors Degree and i am working and interning constantly. I think all the stuff is going to my head. So i am trying to throw all the anger and frustration into my work to get me going. Seems to be working pretty well. As for whether i bottle up my anger, yes i typically do. Its not something i do on purpose, i am passive aggressive by nature so it comes naturally to me. I will take the advice and also try to find a physical actvity to help work it out. Thanks guys!
  23. I just read in the news that the time he spent in between both shootings he spent mailing a package to NBC. [URL=http://www.maltastar.com/pages/msfullart.asp?an=11473]Article[/URL] Thats terrible.
  24. How do you all deal with anger management? I have been getting very angry lately at nothing too big, and i am a very passive aggressive person. But lately i am going off and recently kicked a hole in the wall. I am have been getting so angry i have been scratching at my arm at times and not even realizing it. So i need some advice from you guys, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  25. When i got a terrible ear infection i had to pay 200 dollars for the ear drops and 75 for the antibiotic pills. There was no generic option over here, so we had to go to mexico. lol I hate to say it but it seems like prices are just too much for medicine these days, i really wish i knew why the Bush Admin is against negotiating lower prices for consumers. As for birth control tripling thats because Bush lets the Catholic church have too much power.
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