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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. Sort of short but it was alright. I am for more character but hey not bad at all.
  2. Oh darn i made it on a list.....yay! Anyway, I guess everyone wants to meet Transtic Nerve. He's just so cool. I can't believe i forgot him earlier! So yeah, I also want to meet him and Piromunkie they're my fav mods.
  3. I like it a lot! I love stories and poems about dragons, mine are never too good though.
  4. Do you think it's wrong for someone to cut and mutilate their own body even is moderate amounts? What if it is just done in anger? Does that constitute a problem? Have you ever done something like that or know someone who has? Just curious.
  5. I would have to go with Vegeta yelling "I will not suffer the same fate as cream filling!" Or something like that, the newer CN episdoes have a lot humor. But going off topic i would have to say the funniest thing was the episode where Piccolo and Gokou learn to drive, they took out more than Godzilla.
  6. you mean to tell me that cooties aren't real? man have i wasted my life.
  7. At the risk of sounding like a stalker.................. Just Kidding! mmm I would like to meet Adam, James, Dark_Apocalypse, Genkai, and Dragonstar. But i would enjoy to meet anyone here, since i don't know anyone here in real life.
  8. vegeta rocker

    Limp Bizkit

    I heard fred durst wasn't very happy that taproot refused to sign with his label. He left them a pissed off answering machine message which they play at concerts sometimes. Sounds like a desperate man to me.:laugh:
  9. I'm sure I'm not the only one who notices the attitude people here have nowadays. A lot of fretting and worrying. Know what I think it is? I think it's the approaching new year. Every New Year's Eve lots of(see the future of the boards, prophecies,the truth,politically correct) people reevaluate their daily lives and wonder what they could do to change or improve them. So here is a thread for the little things that seem to bother you right now. Or you could post on if you agree or disagree with my view on peoples state of mind right now.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B] So what is the answer Im getting at, DOWN with P.C. it does no good and only creates things like the term "hate crime." Im sorry maybe Im slow, but isnt any murder a crime of hate? [/B][/QUOTE] I couldn't agree more. Lifes too short for everyone to be P.C.
  11. well everyone goes through a low point sometime in their life, me myself am a senior with too many deadlines to care about. But just try the best you can and you can have no regrets. well no more than you have already anyway.
  12. I loved it! I have only read the first two books in the vampire chronicles, Interview with/vampire and the vampire lestat. What i found annoying is what was said earlier how they mesh queen of the danmed and lestat for queen of the danmed the movie. half the movie was the vampire lestat! Anyway back on topic, i really enjoyed the book much more than the movie. Much more info on the vampires.
  13. vegeta rocker


    Well ask yourself what can you do with a cheerleading movie? They will dig up a plot somewhere. From the preview i guess they get a black guy to redo their march routine to give it an extra edge. Since they do go to pig skin, thats a comp for bands, that is probably the driving force behind the movie.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]I remember I also really liked Cake's "Short Skirt, Long Jacket [?]" song for a while. not really sure why though 0_o'....[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Hah that was one weird song to get stuck in your head, it wasn't even really a song. I remember the first time i was watching the video i honestly thought it was a commercial.
  15. Having it banned would sure look nice on paper, but it would be hell enforcing it. Almost any word can be turned offensive if you use it in a certain manner.
  16. vegeta rocker


    Well it looks alright, though it's not my kind of movie. But i have lots of freinds in marching band so im sure ill get dragged to it eventually.
  17. I think i need to get out more, I freaked outr when I saw that Waldenbooks carries Anime. I knew they hjad the manga sometimes but since when do they carry DVD's? I have been doing that a lot lately. Going to places i haven't been to for awhile and seeing things I didn't know they sold. They had a good variety too, from Love Hina to Vampire Princess. So this ever happen to you, freak out when a store you haven't been to in months starts carrying things you wouldn't expect?
  18. There are so many! Space Cases is definetly one then there is Round House. Maybe someone here can tell me this one: There was a young girl with red hair and a yellow dress, and she had something to do with bears. I can't remember the name but i remember it came on Nickelodeon. I also enjoyed Fluppies and Dinosaucers. Zorro also holds an eternal place in my heart. I remember that they had new version of Get Smart for awhile on Fox, it might have been Doogie Howser who played him. Man I loved Doogie also, as for old movies i am in love with the Black Beauty movie. As for old shows i liked little house on the prarie(sp) and hawaii 5-0
  19. I have people to talk to. I have people to listen to. I have no life to latch onto. I have an absession with animated males. I think i will stop before i embarrass myself. BTW There sure have been some threads on the same why are we here and how trip. I guess the new year makes you reevaluate your current lifestyle.
  20. I just got the December issue of Newtype and the is a cover story on this anime. I must say it does look rather interesting. They even threw a little poster in there........
  21. Thanks a lot to anyone who offered their advice. I honestly have brought up the bipolar thing with others. Since she does have a lot of stress on her and she is a single parent it isn't totally out of the question.
  22. That is so sad. I once read a rasin in the sun where that little poem was featured. Your story is a million times better.
  23. mmmmmmm i might have to go with Nephlite(sp) I know he died in kind of a sappy way, but i loved the guy! Well Sailor Moon usually has interesting villians and i am not ashamed to admit it! lol but i have other favorites.....i don't remember who they are though. They are either boyfriend and girlfriend or brother and sister. The girl dresses in red and the guy i think in blue. They are in these body suits and they live off of a huge tree. When they call villians they use cards. I haven't seen them in ages swo i forgot them and it drives me nuts. allan and anne!!!!! thats who they are!
  24. Creepy! I'll never sleep again or steal again! Man that sure shoots a left paw at my conscience. I like it, good ending. Though could use a little cleaning up.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]On a sidenote.....from what I think will sound completely out of it, I have never heard of a so-called "Nostrodamus". .....who is he? [/B][/QUOTE] you have never heard of him? Theres a movie on him. I used this site for my paper a long time ago so it might help you out. [URL=http://www.howstuffworks.com/nostradamus.htm]Nostradamus[/URL]
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