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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. I believe that enviroment is a major factor. Age i have learned is usually not as important in intelligence of the likes of technology. when it comes to commom sense however, that must come with experience. I believe that i have common sense and am smart in certain areas. For example, i can write a A+ paper yet i still don't know what an integer is.
  2. Well, i have read a lot of personal threads here in my time. I think that I have a built a trust here that i have come to rely on. So I bring this to you..... One day I came in from drama practice and i was hungry. It was about 6:00 and i hadn't eaten since about 11:00. I said I was hungry and if mom had made any thing to eat. mom made a big scene (no doubt showing off in front of her loser boyfriend) and screamed why should she be responsible for me. I got angry and said well i was sorry that i began to expect dinner after 17 years. mom freaked and when her boyfriend left she sat me at the kitchen table. mom then said that i was just showing off in front of her boyfriend and asked if i wanted him for myself. (gross) Anyway, mom left in her van. mom returned later with a bag of Mcdonalds. I was confused. mom then pulled out 4 burgers and 4 fries and a coke.............. I will spare you all the details, but i spent the night crying and puking and choking. The only reason i took it is because i love her and i have never touched her. But i am the one she focuses her anger on because my sister tells my grandmother if mom touches her(my sister). But i am not like that. I have only blown up at her(mom) once and i felt terrible. But what is bothering me the most is the look in her eyes when ahe was doing this to me. It wasn't sadness or anger. It was joy. Pure Joy. I am not sure what to do, since sometimes she(mom) is perfect then she pulls off something like this. So I ask you, should i just put up with it? Or should i tell someone? There the edits should make it easier.
  3. As a child I had a rather troubled and violent life. I saw books as an escape from the hell. They just may have saved my life more than once. Sometimes i just wish i had been born back then. I would travel and live off the land. Have a horse and i could have even been a knight one day. Maybe when I die Camelot will be my heaven.
  4. I personally have no problem with that number, I think Db overdid it. But then again it depends on how good the filler episodes are. For example, Inuyasha's filler episodes I could watch into oblivion!
  5. Well, first of all I can kind of relate not to you shy but your friend. I have a friend who is gay and people constantly ask me if he is. Of course I am faced with the conflict inside thinking should I tell the truth? Or should I lie about it? It's really up to the person it is about. So I talked to him and he said to say that I didn't know or that it was none of their business. But then I would start thinking but if he is that way why be ashamed of it? I understand better now why he is so insecure about people knowing but I still think that he should be more open about it. People are all diffrent so we all shouldn't judge. Maybe I shouldn't say insecure, i mean they don't want to be seen in a diffrent light for such a minor thing. Some people worry so much about being gay that they forget that isn't all they are. I know I haven't been here for the longest time and I don't know anybody here as well as I would like, but I know from my short time here that you, Shyguy, are a good person. You should do what you think is best, and besides it truly is no ones business.
  6. I also have two weeks to go. I may go to Oklahoma during the vacation. And your dad got a package from Amazon.com? My mom did! Pm me later with what you got and I'll tell you what we got!
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]People are overly sensitive these days. [/B][/QUOTE] I couldn't agree more.......... BTW, i see you got your old banner, i always liked that one. And to be on topic, i am glad the situation was resolved, most fights occur not knowing all the angles and sides to a story.
  8. If they call you all the time and you can't get rid of them, and they don't leave even after you poke them with a stick.....they like you.
  9. Graphics sell a game up front. Plot keeps you interested. Plot makes Graphics worthwhile. I have no complaint for any new game titles being released. I really should come out of Gamer retirement, but i'm just so busy!
  10. Well i posted my info in the beginning of this thread i think...... anyway, my yahoo handle is ninavegeta but I can't gaurantee I'll be on. And I'm with Kinetic, I am in central time zone also and don't have an accent as well. Ya'll.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ::Ex-Soldier:: [/i] [B]Believe me, it's not funny. It's really annoying, and I'm going to have about 50 lates on my report card. [/B][/QUOTE] You're right, this one is the funniest thing I've ever heard...... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Schratn9 [/i] [B]a few weeks ago, my parants told me i woke up in the middle of the night, ran into my brothers room, shoke him and screamed "THE ROBOTS!". Then went back to bed. My brothers been locking his door since... [/B][/QUOTE] And a suggestion ::Ex-Soldier::, why don't you put your Alarm clock somewhere you can't reach when you sleep walk? Like put it somwhere you need a stool to mess with it.
  12. I haven't seen that in ages!!!!! I haven't seen much though, all i remember is a giant plant or tree...... but i remember the characters, I loved them.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Asphyxia [/i] [B][color=darkred]We were trying to find a book like [i]The Kuma Satra (sp?) for the Elderly[/i], for one of our friends...but that might be a little iffy...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Kama Sutra.......and that is a good idea....I suggest that!!!!! Spencers like mentioned before is the king of freaky stuff. Check them out.
  14. Well I wrote this one for my Senior class, well i hate the Senior class except for my close friends. So I wrote this one for them all. I was thinking of giving it to them. So tell me what you think, I haven't really gone with a style, I just wrote pure honesty and thought. This was written right after i ordered my cap and gown(darn parents making me graduate). I couldn't help it! Im thinking of naming it Class Of....... if you have a better suggestio fire away. it's getting harder to remember the things we used to say people I swore I'd never forget have gotten lost along the way wish that time would just stand still just like a movie screen if only we could stay the way we are make our smiles freeze all the times we spent the dreams we dreamt the careless way we'd knew we'd be okay go through the day one thought on my mind will we truly go or leave or hearts behind we calmly cross the bridge of what we'll one day be but when I look around there's no one else but me all the times we spent the dreams we dreamt the careless way we'd knew we'd be okay go through the day one thought on my mind do your hearts stay behind Like mine
  15. I can't remember reading any of your previous ones....though i'm sure I have before....anyway I like it. It's too short though. I end up thinking of the Little Mermaid. Not the Disney version, but the real story.
  16. I really hope i can write more in that style......don't want to lose a fan base!
  17. Hah! I live in South Tex so there is NEVER snow. The most we ever got was a light frost and it was gone before i even woke up. Thats why i travel to Oklahoma to see relatives...and they think I'm going to go see them. Losers. lol But even then it falls in CUBES basically, the snow hardens so fast that it is basically sheets of ice everywhere. Thats why when we play snow wars it's just dangerous.......
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by S@bretooth [/i] [B][FONT=arial] [color=red] The Bible does not condemn fertility, except for out of wedlock and, dare i say it, homosexual. [img]http://digilander.libero.it/ilxnucleo/Emoticon/Angelico.gif[/img] [/color] [/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Dare you say it? What is that suppossed to imply? Getting back on topic, The Bible is accurate, I believe, in Prophecies. But tell me this what was all this stuff about the end of the world in 2000, they say it was misread but will the same thing be said for the next end of a thousand years? Was that suppossedly actually in the Bible? Nostradamus was a genius in many ways and I believe he was just as accurate as the 'ol bible.
  19. hmmmmmmm interesting no doubt. It gives a point and lays it right out on the table face up. If you want crit than lets see..... Spelling is the only thing that really screams out at me. I like it, at the risk of starting a debate, More people have been killed in the name of God than anything else. BTW Your sig question.....the dark blue night with the stars out.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B] Hes dead like hudinie.(SP?) [/B][/QUOTE] Houdini [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B] btw, did I mention that Jerry Garcia is still alive? [/B][/QUOTE] Who is jerry Garcia?
  21. (reads above) Hahahahaahaah!!!!! Thats the funniest thing I've ever heard. My parents say that when I was younger i used to try to walk outside, now sometimes i wake up in our living room with the remote in hand. Since the remote only controls the receiver itself and not the tv i stare at a blank screen apparently.
  22. I don't think his character has ever or ever will be turned good. As for Vegetas Pride, this is one of my favorite episodes. Adding to what i said before, I like to think that Vegeta is on Vegeta's side most of the time. But I think he cares about people more than he would care to admit.
  23. (cracks up) Is this even allowed!!!!!!! Anyway, I doubt they did. If seduction did take place it would be hilda to gene. He was just so darn shy.... BTW Whats up with the sig dude? (drams)
  24. AS for the original question I would have to go with the OVA theme. Why? Heck, like I know. (reads above) Ahhhhhh as for other themes....... 1. Yoma Uta Kazoe (Blood Reign, yeah who didn't see that coming) 2. The yu yu one (i forget name, but the subbed one, the dubs slightly diffrent since they made it rhyme) 3. through the night (we all know from where) 4. Tank (need i say more) And going off topic I am in love with the ending themes from Outlaw Star.
  25. vegeta rocker


    I don't think Kurt Cobain committed suicide, they say he was so drugged up at the time such a action would hard. Besides, i hear the gun was at a funny angle.
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