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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. Ballad of fallen Angels is by far the best episode of Cowboy Bebop. Great music and great story line, i think that Jupiter Jazz follows close behind. now to be on topic, The real folk blues was good but it could have been better. Part 2 i think is the best of the two. The ending well not to give it away was cool.
  2. I would say that most attractive female would be Valeria. But getting back to Hilda I think she was rather rough looking, i guess guys find girls with eye patches attractive.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo] The Boy Scout troop that I am in went camping this weekend and we were given a flag to retire. It had flown on the side of a building since September 11. The burning of a flag is not wrong as long is it is done properly or with a legit reason.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly, when you retire it you cut off the stars. I just found it interesting that the idea the stars hold behind them carries so much weight. I agree with Transtic Nerve in that there is no true communism. It would not defeat itself if it was done right. If it had panned out like Karl Marx had planned it would work. His work The Communist Manifesto was written along with Economist Frederich Engels so he does have a knowledge of economics. The eventual end of Communism is Capitalism which is where the people make the decisions. If you know the steps: 1. The Proleteriat (working class) will revolt against the bourgeoisie (upper class). 2. A Communist system will be built where Govt. controls all economic and political matters. 3. The classless socialist society will be built where each will work according to his abilities and receive according to his needs. That doesn't sound like such a bad idea to me. If you think about it a lot of poor countries would benefit from this system. Me myself, am a strong beleiver in anarchist philosophy and want more freedom than i am given. One of Marx's quotes that I think makes sense is Proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working men of all countries unite. (I don't beleive in the so called communism we have had in the past so don't get the wrong idea.)
  4. More people have been killed in the name of God than anyone else........ you pray to a diffrent invisible man than me--George Carlin
  5. Remember that thread about banning the swastika? Well i brought that topic up with my Grandfather(veteran) and he said that the second that was done the cross was next. Once you ban a freedom it can escalate, we talked about symbols and he brought up that if you burn a flag you have to cut the stars out first. Because then the flag is just a piece of cloth. This kind of puzzled me so i wanted to know what you all thought about that. Do you think it makes a diffrence?
  6. It's great, i have seen them all lots of times. I love when poor akito is fed terrible food, and is chased everywhere. Hahahahaah gekigengar gives it a uncommon plot addition. I will never forget Akito being told, you know how those anime fans are.
  7. Vegetas (see avatar) was like a black with brown highlights. He frosted his hair (:
  8. what dorks, i live where everyone thinks they are either a punk or a gangster. I am what i am and am proud of it. I hate those little gangsta dudes that try to be all tough. I especially hate it when they put WSD (westside) on our drama auditorium. Gangs are just people playing cowboys and indians.
  9. This is both disturbing and thoughtful, i hope this doesn't really exist.
  10. You guys have never heard that saying? That thats why guys buy fancy cars sometimes to make up for other things? Watch mrs. Doubtfire she says it too.
  11. That bites i actually liked it. Now it starts without warning which i find annoying, i wonder what the reason is. I guess more time for commercials, even though they only show one each ep.
  12. it sounds kind of like inuyasha, is the story line similar?
  13. The sad stupid fact is that once something becomes popular it isn't cool anymore. Which is a stupid philosophy what band wants to worry if they should try to reach out to as many music fans as possible. Some people call Korn a sell out personally i dont't see how they could. they suck so bad.
  14. Joe Average..... i love it. As for your theory on starbucks i said the same about Mcdonalds.....and their toys. Yeah im onto them.
  15. Someone once told me i resembeled a mod. I wear stuff like that and i do my eye make up with white and silver is that considered modish? Well i like those bands mentioned i guess im a closet mod.....
  16. The Return of Cooler is one of the few decent DBZ movies.
  17. If you want to argue about resemblence just go by the names, they were named that way for a reason. Kind of like how the power rangers plain clothes look. You just know. after reading more posts if you want closure i suggest you seek a priest, cn site does suck. They have maybe 13 after the fusion.
  18. I was never a fan of the show, but i wanted to see it just for kicks. I can't beleive it's number one, but i've aqlways wondered if people could see a movie before paying then how much would the ranking of movies be affected.
  19. It sounds like a choir is in the background. I like it.....without the choir.
  20. I liked it when i got to see it, but i don't have the wb at my home. I think he does much better on his own show and not as a wussy little quiet boyfriend of a slayer.
  21. It's one of those you have to get into to like. You might have to watch it more than once to understand it. I remember i saw it while on a caffeine high and those little people in the rain with umbrellas looked like crazy running mushrooms.
  22. I find that one kind of boring, but then again i haven't had a chance to watch it again, even though i own it. I like her character though, her scar works for her.
  23. I always thought Suzuka was nice looking.
  24. Stop posting threads over how much you all hate funi. We get the picture. This has been brought up to the extent that it is getting rather annoying.
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