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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. Yup technically he can only meet a mister right. Now i sound like Kurt Angle...... Is that really his address? mmmmmm i think i will mail him and ask.lol I wonder if picollo couldn't fly would he buy a big car to make up for his short comings....
  2. I guess i go with shyguy on this one, its an anime you're allowed some inconsistencies.
  3. The fusion earrings method is permanant, except in the case vegeta and gokou end up in Buu's belly than they seperate. So they don't affect a fusion. They create it. As for them giving better results i always just thought it made it easier. Ahhhhh here we go!! Got this off The Otaku herself! Potara Earrings Fusion: It has the same results as the Fusion Dance, the characters must simply wear the Potara Earrings and look at each other to fuse. However, there's one "slight" downfall: the users stay fused forever. In the Buu saga Goku and Vegeta are able to defuse back to their original selves after entering Kid Buu because the laws of physics differ within Buu. Potara thats what they are, i always forget.
  4. I agree with TN with genes it s funny. For example some families kids have things that can skip generations like eye color or hair color. Some will probably be weaker but then again some will probably be just as strong.
  5. It isnt a waste of time as long as there are still DragonBalls. You want a waste of time? How about all the talking they do when they could be fighting!
  6. But they werent cloud things like the rest. Or were they?
  7. Mines Marina Lee Alcantar The Marina comes from my mother her middle name is Marina. My Middle name comes from my grandfather named Lee. My last name is a mixture of Arabic and Mexican. Though if you translate it from straight spanish it means al Cantar (to sing). Basically anyway. I like my friend rachels name her last name is de los reyes which means; of the kings. If im going to be mexican at least give me a cool name man!
  8. That Kuja one was sad...... id only pay 250!! as for making them , dont they have those books at craft stores?
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonz Fyre [/i] [B]heh, well, I'm not the best poet. Nor am I hte best user of grammar. I thought that strife meant saddness, so thats why I used it. Sorry. [/B][/QUOTE] nobodies perfect, except Vegeta.
  10. Rob Thomas, his music isn't all that great but he has a good voice live. David Drainman, he can do good grunts and yells i wish i could thought the main thing holding me back may be that im a girl. and last but not least Gackt, i just can really explain his too well...
  11. For once i joke i get.....TN anyway no big deal if she believes that it will work why not let her? It won't do any harm, i do beleive in that stuff for the record but i wouldn't condone this act at all. Irrepairable damage could be done to the time stream and that is why such spells are forbidden. A Warlock is a male witch, though it is also used as a way to say oath breaker. A Warlock is usually considered bad anyway which is why there is a wizard.
  12. This sounds pretty good, i doubt it will be all ADV stuff, their line up isn't that large.
  13. Potholes? As for the second one i guess because they always fought for other people. But I honestly don't know im a little rusty on dbz...
  14. He isn't dumb, he just holds inside the hope that all creatures have the chance to be good. Why wish for eternal life when they can wish him back anyway, besides he said himself that half the monsters that attack earth are looking for him. He thinks about food because he is a saiya jin.
  15. I know its purple, but i am slightly color blind as those of you who know my poem silver strands know. Its purple not a dark purple but a nice light purple. Get over it.
  16. The music surpasses most well known anime. I would definetly go with Green Bird as my favorite, with Tank and the real folk blues coming in at a close second.
  17. This may sound corny but im big on honor. I don't get angry a lot because when i do i can't control it. I try to talk out everything i can. Since i know if i do get angry all hell will break loose. And if i was backed into a corner i would take as much as i could.
  18. Thats what i do, i research what i can't watch.
  19. I got a 2. Well i watch the crappy stuff no one likes, that doesnt surprise me. sniff sniff wheres my blood reign.
  20. I thought that looked familiar, ever since TN posted those very revealing pics of him i am now a fan. And vegeta a vampire? His ego is too big already and he'd look like a dork in a cape.
  21. You fight with socks? Well.......nice poem. The translation wasnt too shabby.
  22. I applaud you Mitch, the fear you invoke in such a short narrative is quite.....cool, for lack of a better word.
  23. It needs some shaping and little adjustments but it i like the idea. Just clean it up and it could be really great. Oh yeah i also question some of the words you use in it. For example, the line; Everything around you dieing, causing you strife. I didn't quite get the use of strife. Since it means, 1. Heated, often violent dissension; bitter conflict. 2. A struggle, fight, or quarrel. 3. Contention or competition between rivals. 4. Archaic. Earnest endeavor or striving. I got the impression of sadness in that line and i wasn't sure strife would suffice. Unless that was your intention to use strife as saying that it breeds conflict within. If it was i apologize. Save some spelling errors it is quite good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. The poem flowed until you listed the things you play. But i did find it a good gamer poem for myself included.
  25. Yeah i thought she sounded familiar.....well i like her voice anyway. It has a nice subtle tone of; you don't know what ive got up my sleeve.
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