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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. i found out about them like 2 years ago. They sounded fine, now they sound like another version of disturbed. I like them thoough.
  2. They have their moments. Besides being extremely repetitive they aren't all bad.
  3. its not really the small house, though i will sleep in the living room, but the moving thing. I have been there for ten years, its the first place i identified with after my parents divorce. And im used to wide open spaces fields and ranches.
  4. Moulin Rouge overdid it, or more specifically Lady Marmalade.
  5. just because krillen was chinese doesnt mean the actor will be. In a terrible twist of fate they might get an african american....lol.
  6. Well this was quite fun, i got to resharpen my skill...........lol
  7. im not good at them so i will spare all of your minds. Maybe later.
  8. Starfox, was that any good? I like the clips i heard. i might give it a shot.
  9. i would prefer nobodies. But i don't believe that funi would give all the rights away. But then again game cube got resident evil for 6 games so anything can happen.
  10. i will just grace number two since there is controversy. He did nothing, the laws of physics don't exist in buu's stomach.
  11. one word. bad. As for movies i only knew of a db movie that was live action. It is going to be horrendous but i will probably still see it for kicks. I think 2004 will be a weird year anyway. Spiderman 2 scooby 2 and dbz.
  12. well that depends what you mean by rip off. I am not extremely familiar with outlaw but what were their names in japanese? Why were the names they have now chosen? If someone can answer that which im sure someone here can then you will more than likely answer their question. But without that info i say yes its a rip. p.s. I noticed the sims between treasure planet and ols also. Especially the big cardboard ad at the theatre.
  13. i agree! I especially noticed in....i think the ep was cutting the galactic leyline , at some point when he is facing the left and has his blaster in his hand he just looks awful.
  14. alright im soo going to steal TN's stuff. I like soundtracks, among my faves 1.dragonheart 2.romeo and juliet 3.moulin rouge 4.gladiator (both) 5. queen of the danmed 6. spiderman 7. anime, (ols,inuyasha,bebop etc.) 8.prince of egypt (orchestra)
  15. too much just too much. Thats one casualty of liking almost every genre. Its a victomless crime.
  16. Hows this for sucky? Well for about ten years we have been renting a house out of town. Well they just sold it a few weeks ago and we leave in about a week. It sucks because the house we are moving to has 1 bedroom and is small. The whole house counting kitchen and stuff is about the size of 3 of my rooms. But hey at least we get to keep our dish! Well it's going to be weird because im used to a huge yard of sugar cane on all my sides. Now i get a fence and some goats.
  17. I have too much side work. I am always told that i don't like up to what i could be. I mean have any of you ever heard of the show masterminds? If you haven't its basically a jeopardy for teens. I was on that show and i have a 2.9 gpa. Is that ironic or what, actually i think i hate taking orders and thats my main problem. I mean i have been caught reading hamlet in class......a class i later get a 70 in. I find it funny how those kids i debate against are choosing harvard or yale.
  18. my cat likes to sleep in erotic positions.
  19. I will admit their vocals are no symphony, but i like the music. It's mediocre i guess but i liked spiders alot, this whole new soad wave is killing me. Though if you are just getting into them thats fine, but i know some people who don't like them and say they do because they are soad.
  20. i was watching it too that night. It is alright, i like action channel, when my old blood reign copy mysteriously disappeared i had to rerecord it. Anime midnight is cool too, but for me its at eleven.
  21. I like yesterday and lots of their stuff, i may be into metal but i have a passion for the old stuff. I want the hard days night dvd.
  22. That is ridiculous, first of all the swastika is used by many ethnic groups. And in many cases it is seen as a sign of protection. That would be the same as banning anime because we had a war with the japanese. If you plan to ban the swastika then you would have to ban everything ever used for a malicious purpose. Just because clan memebers burn crosses doens't mean we should burn them.
  23. Leave poor raven alone! When i hear notch i think of pokemon though....well i really enjoyed the story, i could totally visualize the rain hitting the ground and it steaming. Look forward to some more of your work. As for your teacher, her lose. I once got sent to the counselor for a piece of my work i left in class.
  24. 1. Where are you from? (country, city, locate it if it's not known) 2. Tell us something we should know about it 3. no "it's boring" or "never comes here" 4. discuss about it! 1. Raymondville,tx in the usa 2. Its about a few hours from the mexican border, so alot of the population is mex or hispanic (me). 3.its boring 4. I hate it because everyone here is lazy and don't have any common sense, I mean i know girls pregnant at 14. And it really pushes that big stereotype of minorities. Nearly everyone here figures if they have a kid they get food stamps, lone star and welfare, and unfortunatly they're right.
  25. my secret would be.......hmmmmm since i hardly know anyone here anyway........ i sleep with a vegeta toy.
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