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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B] WOO!! My image is complete! EVERYONE HATES ME!!! ^-^;;; Oh, no, they're quite right. I'm very much so heartless. But then again, I have the right to be. [/B][/QUOTE] for what its worth i like you. you are cocky, steadfast , stubborn and original. I wont pretend i know you well,people already got slammed for that, but i like you.:freak:
  2. how many people have friends that their parents approve of? Everyone has at least one friend that their parents don't like. It's just how parents are, they just happen to have more ammo in this case.
  3. once my goat who thought he was a big bad dog decided to steal my rottweilers food. Seeing my dog with my goat in his mouth was enough to make me shake, and i had to pull them apart and....man that goat was stupid. as soon as i got him free he ran into the dogs dog house. another time one of my cats got out and made its way over to a vicious dog. i pulled him away to hear one last dying meow.....i still get sad when i think about that last sound, a long pitiful meow....
  4. 1) Do you speak Japanese fluently?sorry lets move on 2) Have you taken a class in Japanese? If so, how many?poor school, no classes like that 3) Have you bought a book related to learning Japanese? If so, how many?2 for my japanese culture club 4) Can you count how many Japanese words you know? If so, how many?id say only about 10 5) Do you know hiragana and katakana?seen them 6) About how many kanji do you know? are they singers? lol 7) Do you have any friends or relatives that speak fluent Japanese?yes 2 8) Do you WANT to learn Japanese? i would very much enjoy it. OK, so I lied, it isn't super fun. BUT DO IT ANYWAY! [/B][/QUOTE] hey it was super fun for me, but i am unbalanced-hey! lint ball.... loop the loop!!:rolleyes:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B] Or extremely lucky.. [/B][/QUOTE] im leaning towards lucky.:bawl:
  6. whenever i read my old journals and read old books im amazed how naive and diffrent i sound. I sleep in original power ranger sheets so i often remember what it feels like to be a child. unconsious precognition, i think ive had that before too. One really intense memory i have is when i was a kid. Since a relative of mine broke the box spring of my bed i put the mattress on the floor and didn't bother to remove the bedstead frame around it. the result was a sort of crib effect around me as i sleep. I went to sleep feeling like an infant.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B][size=1] Yes, think about an invasion of newbies. All the spam and double posting it would be a living nightmare. But I am just thinking on the bad side.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] we will rise up and take what is rightfully ours!! Macaroni! I agree more people more work, im just getting to know people myself, i say we have an entrance exam.....
  8. will you hurry up with chapter 2!!! I so want to read it, i haven't looked forward to a chapter like this since goodnight moon.
  9. Diffrent. No offense but i got annoyed at the rhyme. Since it rhymes every line, it was like just rapping a tune. But you score points with me for originality.
  10. has anyone heard any of linkin parks new songs? like My december, High voltage or Carousel? My december is on the radio so i think some of you have to have heard it. It's beautiful.......:bawl:
  11. its cool. though i must say my december is beautiful for their new single.
  12. i hate reality shows. The only one i ever liked was bands on the run. I think they are just reverting us back to the roman colliseum. (sure i spelled it wrong)
  13. i have heard of them but not heard their sound, they are a ska band?
  14. coyotes lots, they always take my dogs and they join their packs. i used to have a half dog half coyote who was real wild. i see rabbits,snakes,frogs just little stuff. and oh yeah a wild grasshopper.
  15. when u just have a sentence with no real input that is spam. and i like yu gi oh, but u ask this in the forum so that shouldnt surprise u people like it. seto kaiba is hot.
  16. what is the dumbest/funniest thing you have ever seen an anime character do? Anything from fan art of them with milk mustaches or something quirky about a character that you just love. I have a pic of hiei with a milk mustache saying baka ningen, very cute. It can be something in a series too. :D
  17. i hated crawling in the dark. but i like running away. that happens to me alot, for some reason i hate the first single off lots of cd's.
  18. i am usually nice and quiet when with people or on the net. however i act on the boards well think the opposite of me. i dont do it on purpose, but i just dont let people know me. its a habit, i dont trust many people. but when im alone i talk to myself alot. i have two sides when im alone goofy and evil. i usually do the goofy thing more often. once i fell in my room all alone and said out loud, if i get up ill just fall again. the main reason u get up when u fall is because someone is watching or u have to to go somewhere. i didnt have either, so i just stayed there talking to myself.
  19. i like them all. the one with green background(tugs at collar) was very nice. Very impressive!
  20. the odd thing is, im barely passing my actual classes. I go to competitions and im the only one not on the honor roll. Im the one clamping the cafeteria doors shut and drawing anime on my math book.
  21. i agree. i hate the words, cuz or becuz or laterz or anything incorporating the letter z! if i ever do it, it's an accident.
  22. i have a friend whose last name is fuqit. you figure it out. like that commercial about being thick headed, the guys name is dumass. soooo funny.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by White Digivise [/i] [B]Oh, my God.... I post this thinking people will acyually care, and then I read what they all have to say. Thank you, thank you all for saying all this about one of my favorite shows. I've only been watching Sailor Moon for a short time now so I'm not tired of it. In fact, me and my best friend are big fans and have other friends who give all the inside scoop on what's going up. I already new about Neptune and Uranus and that's good for them, but it's no skin off my back. And yes, I have also read the comic books. I have the first six comic novels, and there fine, but it's nice to actually watch the show. So thank you, thank you all for eating the whole idea of this thread and spitting it out in my face. [/B][/QUOTE] now dont you all feel bad now? Dont look at me! Your right we jacked up on the purpose of the thread, so on topic i think that its dumb for a network to get rid of a suppossedly girl aimed toon if it's getting high ratings anyway. be it sailor moon or another show. :angel: though i doubt thats the true reason.
  24. trust company is cool. and projekt_navi,why say you watch too much mtv then say hoobastank is better? Sounds like you watch too much mtv. Hoobastank have been promoted like a shameless incubus knock off. i like em but are way more mtv than trust company.
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