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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. wow i just love how the imagery just kind of floats in my mind as i read them.
  2. mmmmmmmmmm gene starwind vegeta trunks marou (blood reign) zero(pilot candidate) hiei (yu yu hakusho) and cant think of more right now and nearly all from gundam wing
  3. roaches. wiothout a doubt, i can mess with anything but them, i could take on evil gods and wizards and snakes and killers. But show me a roach and i scream like a little girl.
  4. good ones hmmmmmm 1.people say im funny 2.get along with people 3. know anime!!!! now the bad and the ugly (these come from my cousin next to me) 1.dangerous 2.catch wild animals (grasshoppers) 3.i say the word gay to much (now for MY three) 1. too sensitive 2. dont reach my potential 3.mugly
  5. whoa. deep man, i think it is very good you should really write more i look forward to more of your work. Really.
  6. hee hee sounds like a jerry springer theme ya know searching for his real father.......thinking of your far away wife....if u should cheat. cute though.
  7. i liked it. even though it didnt scare me, i was just laughing, i was dissapointed with the monster turn out. The Licker rules but looks like Venom on PMS. I was looking forward to some spiders. It could have been much better though. And is it just me or could it have ended like 10 minutes earlier? I won't say exactly where cuz i dont want to spoil it but you who seen it know.
  8. sex, lies, and video tape. I love it can't wait for the continuation. I swear when i read that tape part i thought of Games Gone Wild! And a huge array of characters flashing........
  9. what is up with ols? How often does cn actually show it? I never have a stable cn source so i not clear on schedule.
  10. hey now, no need for that stuff guys. No one person is stupid we are all on a forum talking to mostly strangers arent we? Besides it may be a lie but there is no need to insult him. I suggest you grow up a bit Mat. And that retard thing was spam. Have a nice day!
  11. Preacher huh? think ill check it out, and oh yeah i ahve read jthm too they are freakin funny. Nail bunny!
  12. prozac and anything dont mix. Hopefully you won't make that mistake again, and yeah, would you mind telling us what happened that was so bad?
  13. This above post reminds me of a site my friend sent me bashing old navy. It had a picture of hitler and said, hitler wore khakis too. Just thought id share that.
  14. vegeta rocker

    I Do

    I have a sister who likes them, but they arent my taste. They sound like barbies on helium.
  15. my mom really doesnt mind what i wear, long as i dont get in trouble in school or anything which has happened but sshhhhhhh. I dont really do the dressy thing, and i honestly hate to shop im just too picky for my own good. I think she is too odd though, i really wish she would stop stealing my spikes. I just hate the raggedy trendy look, and my mom nice as she is knows ive always like crappy stuff and when she buys it for me i usually end up wailing, but its in style!!! I can't wear this! I know i have issues.
  16. you are going through something that alot of people go through and alot of other people dont. So i dont think we can say if you are blowing it out of proportion. If YOU feel like there is something truly wrong you need to rexamine everything and try and find out what is truly bothering you. Wether we like it or not we all influence someone, without knowing it usually. You are influencing everyone who is reading your post now. I know it can suck to feel alone, and not know why you cry, to just lie there not knowing why everything happens and what they say behind your back when you leave. Hope this thread helps you out.
  17. your parents are worried about you, i suggest you sit talk down and talk it over with her. Let her know how important your friends are and if she tries to take them away that you will continue to interact with them anyway behind her back. She might respect your upfront honesty...or make you change schools. Best way, sit down and talk to her about trust, thats what it really comes down too.
  18. sounds like a diabolical scheme....thus being a great idea. I love shine get! it never ceases to make me laugh. I think the board would be a challenge but a good idea and worth trying. You know you can count on the board regulars here to help you out on the other.
  19. hey its not closed....yet.....well till it is whats is this topic about?
  20. It is Definetly worth it. The fact fox took it off shows how dumb dbz freaks can be, its got a better plot and story line so its a good deal. (yeah im a dbz freak but i know good anime when i see it)
  21. im going to be a senior so i dont want to go back. Im in dallas now with my cool computer but i have to go to school in south tx so no com for me....I dont want to go back i would much rather sleep.
  22. theres no sure fire way to prevent terrorism and people are getting too paranoid with the whole thing. I also think people are quick to accuse is because, well look at everyone! They go out and buy flags and red white and blue things whats up with that? I can understand being patriotic but, they are just trying to out do each other sometimes. They think they should be more patriotic than their neighbor. Think of all the war movies that have come out lately, or are in progress, would most of you consider those a scheme to make money? I think the movie business is trying to avoid it, look at spiderman and how much it was edited. But at the same time are putting out war movies so....
  23. mmmmmm kinda hard for a list. But lets see, 1. where the red fern grows 2. the giver(or anything by lois lowry) 3.all the narnia books 4. star trek books (closet trekkie) 5. all kinds of dragon books (dragons milk,dragons blood etc.) 6. any dramatic books about life 7.good night moon 8.sphere 9comics!!! 10 last but not least my favorite Memoirs of a Bookbat. Reading is fun, its like watching a movie once you get real into it, but its better. So i guess i read anything but my math book, i just read animal farm. Creepy book man.
  24. man i love that guy! everything just happens to him....they are like unimaginabley funny. I only see bits and pieces though.
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