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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. my biggest accomplishment was......mmmm i guess doing all the stuff i do for school and still stay awake. I do debate and drama and numerous writing relating uil. Passing my first video game when i was young all by myself was pretty ego inflating. Oh and i guess reading out loud at a poetry reading while scared out of my mind.
  2. Hey well my parents have been divorced since i was like 9. I dont remember much about before just yelling and and always hiding. I never really liked my dad much, but i will tell you that as long as you have a mother who cares for you you have nothing to worry about. If you ever need anyone to talk to about how to deal don't hesitate to pm me. You will be fine. tomorrow comes today and slow country by the gorillaz is good stuff to chill to for me whenever i remember the bad stuff.:nervous:
  3. Hey spanish isn't all that bad. Wait...your right. Never mind. And i speak the freakin thing.......
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarkOrderKnight [/i] [B] I was forced myself to read a thesaurus. That really helped develope my vocabulary. You should try it.... No... Not really. [/B][/QUOTE] ouch. what are you implying?:bawl:
  5. I get what you mean. I think that some cliche's make a game fun but others just kind of kill the reality.[URL=http://ydoc.myagora.net/quizes/game/game.html]but if you were a cliche........[/URL]
  6. Yeah i did know what he meant i just watch too many court shows....ahhhhh the years of misspent youth. once you reach double digits your way past your prime.:p
  7. System are pretty cool, i like the imagery behind their lyrics. One of their singles off Toxicity,Chop Suey!, was actually titled suicide before it was put on the record. I wonder where they got that name from....hmmmmm intriguing.
  8. actually i would love to give some a whirl but my computer use is a bit unreliable so i don't want to start in one and end up not posting. I only one i will post with is if my friend around here will make one or i do, that way i can tell him why im not posting and he will understand. We have quite a bit of fun as you can tell by my sig.
  9. you like jamiroquai? how cool. I love dancetrance too. I think im addicted to raves too,im sucking on my binky(pacifier) right now. The coolest kinds are jungle and gabber they are pretty heavy. i get a big high on trance especially the song heaven scent, have you heard it? If you haven't you should i think you will like it.:whoops:
  10. you got a zim shirt there too! I have two from there, one that says grr isnt stupid hes advanced and another showing zim screaming at the top of his lungs on the front. I like that place except its kind of expensive so i only shop when they have sales. and to get back on topic....its 6:43 am right now, enough said.
  11. When I saw it, it said Slavic, but thanks for the information. No problem it IS kind of refreshing to find someone with similar music tastes. Well thanks for the info on the Tea Party,too.:demon:
  12. anybody here ever get stuck watching spanish anime or toons? like dragon ball zeta? Just curious how funny or disturbing you guys think it is. How many here can understand spanish here, because when i watch it the show is just butchered beyond recognition..from japanese to english to spanish. Quite sad actually. The only things that don't change are their names and attacks names, well the english names and etc. anyway.
  13. ok now your question makes sense! yeah i guess so, i mean if your immortal why not? You will have plenty of time to find the dragon balls and no one call kill you on the way whats the harm? i have a question now, now that you have me thinking.. if a bad guy were to wish for immortality,could you find dragonballs and wish for him to be mortal? If it was in the dragons power of course? Since an immortal can wish to be mortal?
  14. wish that i could be a super hero. I have always wanted to be one, they get to hang out by themselves and save people and kick bad guys butt. Despite how talkative i am sometimes on the ob i am rather antisocial when it comes to contact so i could be like batman,but with psychic power. I would wish for this guy i know to love me but i think they can't do that,so end world hunger.
  15. im addicted to way too much for my own good. Vegeta, Hiei,video games,silver eyeliner,shiney lipgloss,silver eyeshadow or white,jewelry(spikes,necklaces,etc.),music,video games,noodles,cookies,milk,green tea,cheese,music.
  16. Do any of you remember Dinosaucers? That show rocked! My favorite was ichy...who was yours?:smirk:
  17. Man I have only a year and then im there! I should be doing applications now but well lets see.....ob or collegeboard? mmmmmm tough.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wolf Maximas13 [/i] [B]she's back!!!! my girlfriends back!!!, which means that i won't be on for awhile. [/B][/QUOTE] im so happy for you! She's lucky to have a boyfriend that cares about her so much.:cool:
  19. when i pull all nighters im usually reading, watching tv or playing on the net. I actually sleep much better during the day and fell wide awake at night. I usually go to sleep at noon and wake up at eight pm and stay up till like noon the next day. I can do about a week if i actually try and i can still function fine. Just last week i slept 16 hours! But usually i just stay up not because im trying but i just truly wake up at night, even if i sleep normally.
  20. they're very good. sometimes when you read a rhymed poem they feel like they had to stretch the grammer to get it to flow. But with yours it flows naturally when you read it. Very nice......
  21. yup ya got me! Shhhhhh! Don't tell! It will be like, excuse me your poem sucks you are no banned. It was kind of hard cuz i don't really know the guy, but hey it was fun! And i think his name Transtic not Transistic Nerve.
  22. ooooookkk i specify ummmm but this is fun so perhaps another clue? Actually theres a clue in the last part that i think some j rock fans would get though,well theres a clue right there i said he. mmmmmm a fun clue.....when you insult someone you say, did i hit a -----? you might get it now.
  23. One games majorly pisses me off. Record of Lodoss War for Dreamcast. Why you ask? Because its so simple it's hard. Let me explain, when you run around killing things you don't do combos or special moves all you do is basically slice, slice, slice ,slice. The problem is when im in this maze and all these monsters come at me from all sides and i hate the fact that i die and the game is so easy. I would feel better if i knew there was a way to improve but there really isnt, you have to learn how to push the action button faster and they REALLY makes me mad. Once i yelled a plague on you red haired warrior and some other unboard worthy words. I end up getting in trouble and my mom says now no video games your grounded. I swear it took 5 years off my life that game.
  24. i think i should add on to my last post a bit, but to lazy to go edit. so sue me. n e way i guess i should name bands instead of genre's like everyone else im not that special sniff sniff a few are stabbing westward,mudvayne,tea party,vast,abandoned pools,jimmy eat world,hatebreed,old korn,massive attack,paris underground,moby,backstreet boys,weezer,disturbed,papa roach,rancid,black flag,coal chamber,sound garden,loreena kckennitt,sr-71,8stop 7,incubus,prodigy,ours,rammstein,cradle of filth,earl of locsley,trance opera,the clash. now i guess instead of naming composers i name some cd's so u get idea, lord of the rings soundtrack along with gladiator,romeo and juliet(the score to the one made in the sixties) the soundtrack to the 1999 romeo and juliet,dragon heart... all in all i think im pretty diverse music wise.
  25. Well in comics i read..Batman, Spiderman, Spawn,Xmen and i used to be obsessed with old school ones. When i was little i had a freak half brother who got me into lots of weird stuff i couldn't remember if i tried. But I read mostly all comics, by the way do they still make the Thunderbolts? anybody know, because i moved and the store here doesn't carry them and i don't know if they stopped or if the store is just lame. The only one i could never get into was The Flash, i will read them but won't buy them, any hero who has a villian called the pied piper and dresses like a drunk elf is not my thing.
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