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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. [QUOTE=Dragonboym2][COLOR=Blue] Speaking of my hometown, I just saw "The Departed". Boston, your my home. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Seeing as how The Departed is a remake of the Hong Kong movie Infernal Affairs you may have to move.
  2. I think its awesome that when they show the one flipping the bad finger they blur out the pixels. I will never get that, they can show us corpses on the news but we can't see a finger? He doesn't even have real fingers!
  3. For those of you who don't watch the news, two guys ran around tossing Aqua Teen Hunger Force light ads onto walls and bridges in Boston. This isn't the only city it has happened in. Now they are actually in court over the whole thing, I personally don't see the big deal. I attached an article in full. I mean it didn't hurt anybody and they had Turner entertainments permission. [URL=http://news.com.com/2061-10796_3-6155806.html]ARTICLE[/URL] So what do you think? Was it a big overreaction or do you agree with the action Boston has taken? Honestly, we have better things to worry about.
  4. [quote name='Kanuckgrrl][SIZE=2']Oh and SinCity is one of my favorite movies to it deffinatly kicks *****![/SIZE][/quote] I'm not really sure he made it that kick *** since he directed one scene.
  5. I will gladly sift through those links, yay! But as for hot topic the stuff i have seen that tries to emulate the style just come off looking like cheap knockoffs. I was mostly talking about true Lolita clothing.
  6. I have never seen anything relating to Gothic Lolita in a Hot Topic.
  7. [QUOTE=Delta][COLOR=#656446]I can't say I like DeG but I love "higeki wa mabuta wo oroshita". Group Tamashii's such an eccentric band that I have doubts about them being labeled J-Rock. But then again, there were J-Rock icons with even weirder tastes (say, X-Japan). [/COLOR][/QUOTE] X Japan has "weird taste" because they are the band that some argue started the still ongoing tradition of Visual Kei. DEG and other Visual Kei bands probably wouldn't have hapened without their influence.
  8. I agree with some people questioning the ending, Toro has said before that the ending is open to interpretation in many ways.[spoiler] Since no actions from the real world carried over into the fantasy world, it would be safe to assume that Ofelia died and she was fantasizing as she did.[/spoiler] I however believe [spoiler]she made it back home.[/spoiler] If you enjoyed Pan's Labyrinth you should watch The Devils Backbone, it takes place in the same era and Toro has mentioned their connections.
  9. I have always had a fascination with the lolita style and gothic lolita. Baby, the stars shine bright has some amazing things and while i would probably not go true lolita all the way i do love some of the shoes, accessories and things. I like the grungy style incorporating more tattered leather and cloth with lace accents. So does anyone know of a place that i could get these types of items besides making them myself? Shipping from Japan is expensive. Does anyone here also have a weak spot for lace and/or tattered cloth?
  10. Yeah, it is subtitled. Its spoken language is Spanish, the subtitling is done pretty well. I really enjoyed the look of the film as well as the story. If you are into darker fairy tales, like The Matchgirl and The Little Mermaid you will love this movie.
  11. So, has anyone here seen this movie? I liked it very much, i thought it did a good job of telling both a realistic and fantasy driven story. The soundtrack was haunting and i though Doug Jones was great. So any comments, did anyone dislike it? I will probably go more in depth about it when i see if anyone on here has seen it.
  12. [QUOTE=Adahn] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Which reminds me, Retribution, why do you call for a thread to be closed that continues to generate intelligent, if heated, discussion?[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][/size][/QUOTE] I didn't get the impression that Retribution was calling for the thread to be closed, it was just a comment on how if things continue this way and go into irrelevant bashing, which they have't done quite yet, it would probably get closed. Right now the arguments are intelligent for the most part but if it just went downhill then it probably would. I agree with Allamorph, but i don't agree on trying to bash you into our point of view. We think it is logical, you think that it doesn't justify the surgery and whatnot to the child. Logic is something that cannot always be applied to the human race. Like when a captain goes down with a ship or a military faction "leaves no one behind". Emotion makes us who we are and makes us human. So in other words, i understand your position and respect it. I mean, i didn't post this article to get everyone to agree with me. lol Thats not what a forum is. To Allamorph,even though i agree with you, i think that maybe you might want to chill out a little.
  13. I agree with Dead, even if say in 10 years they find a way to stimulate her mind to develop it won't matter. Human development also depends on the environment. So she will be a child in an adults body essentially, she won't have had the experience or forks in the road that make us mature. She would basically be a kid trying to play grown up.
  14. I am not quite sure why they are putting their progress through this ordeal on the internet. They will get way more hate mail, but maybe its too show other parents options?
  15. Yeah, some kid was acting out the execution. His sister helped him hang himself. I guess they either watched it with their parents and weren't talked to about the danger or watched it with their friends.
  16. Clurr has what it takes! *scopes out competition and trips a few contestants* Go Clurr!
  17. I didn't mean it as "OMG he's stealing!" there truly are no absolutely original ideas these days. Everyone is influenced by everyone else, what i am saying is it seems as if he doesn't even try.
  18. [quote name='Boo][size=1']People, Pikachu can't even talk, let stand curse.[/size][/quote] I think this sums up the current situation the best honestly. [QUOTE=Charles] I also think that people can put in special requests for M-rated RPGs to the staff before they create an RPG. They would make a "pitch" telling the staff of the area why their writing needs to be "M" rated and they could decide whether to allow it or not. .[/QUOTE] I think that is a great idea, but i guess it would sap a lot of Mods with busy work. Getting messages all the time asking if they could create an M rated rpg would take forever. Revamp the system, what if we used the ratings that the ESRB uses? Most people have a basic understanding of video game ratings. Since it is in fact people not being clear on the guidelines that pertain to each rating.
  19. [QUOTE=Tekkaman][size=1] [/size][font=Palatino Linotype][size=2][color=darkorchid]Well... since this question has already been ripped apart by others, I won't say anything. It was worth noting, though. .[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] My statement was not ripped apart, it was just too vague and was taken a certain way. I meant it as we as people cannot create human life as a race. We didn't create human life, we act as vessels. Well thats my opinion anyway. As for the execution, it was ignorant. Just proves how vengeful the entire thing was.
  20. This family has decided to stunt their daughter's growth because of an illness that will not allow her brain to develop past 3 months old. She will remain the age she is now. I personally don't see the huge problem with it, i guess taking a step in this direction may pave the road for something worse. But my younger brother has muscular dystrophy, he has had it since he was about 7. He can't walk, he can't feed himself, he can't stand and he is 16 now. When we give him a bath he has to be in a crane that we pick him up in and then we wheel the thing into the bathroom. Then we put a small swimming pool under him and give him a bath as he hangs from it. This was a little weird at first, i mean im his sister and i have seen way more than i ever wanted to of my own brother. But its so hard considering how old he is getting, i don't know what we are going to do when he is a full grown adult. I don't think we would do this because his mind is developed and he can continue to learn and grow mentally. But seeing as how this little girl cannot I can understand their decision. Some of the comments they have gotten on the website they keep say things about how selfish they are and what if she wanted to have sex when she was older. But the fact remains, her mind will never develop to that capacity. So whats your opinion? [URL=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/femail/article.html?in_article_id=426575&in_page_id=1879]Click here for article[/URL]
  21. Rum and Coke always does the trick for me. If im not drinking CP spiced rum i like passion fruit rum. Other than that, the only beer i ever really drink is budweiser select.
  22. *steals alan away* My favorite now....lol As for the popup message, you can do whatever you want but it will old kinda fast. Like the request reciept message in Ob messaging.
  23. [QUOTE=desertphoenix] And before i go. When a man loves a woman.... I'm kidding I'm kidding :D[/QUOTE] LOL Baron Samedi lied about the Stork! *dies inside*
  24. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']I am not understanding this. How do you think people are born? Unless you're taking a "poof magically appear" approach to that.[/quote] I meant humanity as a whole, not just a person to person basis.
  25. As I'm sure everyone knows, Saddam Heussin (sp) was executed recently by hanging. The video has since made it's way onto the internet and is as easily found as Google Video. I myself won't watch it, there are a few reasons, but i mostly don't believe in the death penalty. I know he did some horrible things but my opinion is if you can't create it then you have no right to take it. Humans cannot create human life, so i feel we lack the right to take a life. He took many lives but what his this really solved? If anything he is now a Martyr and that is going to make his ideas and influence even harder to overcome. It just proves to me that this was done not out of justice, but revenge and malice. If it had been about justice he would have been imprisoned the rest of his life showing his followers he had been brought to justice and was punished for it. But killing him gives him power.
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