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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. i agree with wrist cutter. You make sure that you choose something not for the sake of having a right to choose, but because of what you believe in. I myself am a christian but i study other religions to gain a better understanding of faith overall. If you become a wiccan, you will probably be more peaceful than most christains since you will be an earth child.(though not all wiccans consider themselves earth children) I think Wicca is a beautiful religion, when you believe that every living thing has a spirit it makes every day life feel more adventerous and beautiful.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]I'd go into deep meditation on a lonely moutain top, to see if my mind could become powerful enough that I could avert the meteor single-handedly... maybe if all the otakus did it we just might have a chance........:excited: and id play more video games i hardly have time anymore...and just do everything that i have been to busy to do. Like brush up on my comic book reading, record anime, jump on my bed to a trance cd, draw, write, and finally read that freakin lord of the rings series. Im also going to prove to the world mario is a communist.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i] [B][font=gothic][color=crimson]There's nothing wrong with classical. When you say darker, heavier, I assume you're refering to the typically German style of classical?[/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] well yeah basically, but im into many sorts of classical, anything with deep vibes i will probably like. One of my faves is O Verona. To define gothic music i would not narrow it down into narrow categories, like was said earlier it is more a lifestyle. and by the way slavic(i assume you mean hungarian) dance 5 is by Johannes Brahms. the tea party sing that song wheres my angel or angel im not sure about the song but i think they good music.
  4. Unfortunatly i haven't had much experience with j rock just some Dir en grey and some Assfort, and PealanderZ, which i think are actually punk, not sure what they classify themselves. Anyway I like your pic but its just so big! I had to scroll around the whole thing just to try and get a visual of how it would look as a whole.:D
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mr. Maul [/i] [B] vegeta rocker, this isn't the what they would never say thread. :flaming: :flaming: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: [/B][/QUOTE] :( it was just a joke..why you call me butthead? waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  6. cool!!!!!! It's diffrent i could picture it happening in my head with the music in the background. Looking forward to the next chapters.
  7. I think that we should let stupid people be that,stupid. I mean who are we to tell them that they are? If they get up in your face well now thats diffrent, you don't have to be all brash about it and say I'm an Otaku and your not.
  8. its a bad idead anime and real people don't mix. What is up man!I watch 'toons to ESCAPE reality, not watch a bunch of teeny boppers say how either life sucks or they wanna get laid. Though intriguing as it may sound ill rent it, maybe. To Sephiroth if you think that was bad i hope you never have to see the sequel.
  9. If i thought i had 17 years to live i would be 34. I would live life I guess, i don't plan on living past 30 anyway. I would do things that i never did because i spent too much time worrying about the repurcussions. I think that the world would become a hell because we would panic and all the diffrent religions would be overflowing not with faithful followers, but with humans too scared of what lies beyond. I don't know about kids, if i was about 20 i guess i would. But i wouldn't have any very close to the end. she's not saying it will happen, its a theological discussion. You know kind of like playing would you rather.
  10. it is nice......it kind of invokes feelings of being helpless. I would say to clean up the grammer a bit but it kind of goes with it in an eerie way.
  11. wow it really is good, it symbolizes the journey and the reward for such a mission...
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]I don't really see fire or water in that at all... It looks more like a red balloon right at the moment it pops on a couldy day...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] spoken like a true art critic. lol actually...it..does kind of resemble a giant red sea shell....
  13. Once i could have sworn i went with my mother to buy food we got i ice cream too. when i go to the fridge...none! none at all! Or the weird ones like once i dreamed i was an alien and i was trying to infiltrate the school kinda like invader zim i guess, wanna know whats really weird though? Well my mother ship decided to send me rules to follow so i wouldnt blow my cover or anything, so i get a box in the mail and its a t shirt with the rules on it. I just remember the first one because i drilled it in my head because i didnt wanna forget. it said INHALE THE SOUP AND INHALE THE SOUL thats makes no sense!
  14. i think we would have even more then the guys do! If you think about it girls are more spiteful and vengeful when they are angered. We hold grudges, its like when girls gossip about each other and then turn around and go shopping with the same girl they dissed, don't even get me started on territory if you think guys are bad man you haven't seen anything yet. We may mature faster but that gives us even more time to think about fighting! as far as intelligence goes, think of it this way. They say guys are smarter than girls right? I don't mean to offend guys in any way but if you think about it they are kind of like dogs when it comes to learning, they are eager to show off their intelligence and do all the tricks in front of their master for approval. girls on the other hand are like cats, they are just as smart just not as showy, the dogs might have the upper hand in learning tricks, but have you ever seen a dog chase a bird? The dog barks like crazy and ends up losing it. But a cat stalks up silently and catches it. And girls play hard to get like cats do, a cat makes you work for its affection.
  15. Those darn dragons huh? Well Aries has a major point, there are so many things (i wont even count) that the z fighters could do to stop half the chaos that happens to them. But would majorly kill storyline, example anyone with half a brain would destroy vegeta when he was down but goku didn't.
  16. i think you asked the question wrong because you basically answered it yourself.
  17. it's like mad about you without the annoying dog that chases imaginary things and hits his head. Belly rings and flavored unmentionables hahah thats the stuff dreams are made of!
  18. the sky fell from above and screamed at the ground much as would your favorite j rock would sound as artistic and unique as a black pearl you are diffrent yet own this world you are proud and with you we delight you are our own freak satellite try and guess, was kinda hard cuz dont actually know him so.......
  19. the soundtrack is cool!! They have the original spiderman theme on it, i just hate macy gray ew ew yukky yukky. Hero not too shabby, i had josey scott's band's cd but got bored with it. Chad Kroeger used to be cool.
  20. you didnt know double dragon had a game! Man how old are you! That was like a major classic, thats like asking if street fighter had a game........or mortal kombat... (checks profile) well you are kind of young, so i will let is slide. I think its was on genesis too by the way..
  21. Noggins a satelitte station, well it is for me anyway. My friends always tell me i have a sense of humor like daria and that i look like her......i don't think so.
  22. i like it, its just kind of like hey it didnt work out theres got to be something better, but when you get there it isnt all what you thought. Thats my side anyway.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ElvenFoxKnight [/i] [B]Well, uh...no, it wouldn't have. People would just stare at it and say "What the hell is he talkin' about?". ^_^= [/B][/QUOTE] Well i am a little weird, so i guess it was just me....great poem anyway!:p
  24. As for episodes they won't show, why don't the put them on Adult Swim? Sure kids will watch 'em anyway but i have seen some of the ones that they won't show and they really aren't that bad. surely we dubbies are not all that bad. :) the only subs i ever watch aren't db.
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