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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. i think technology is a good idea, and as for reviews spoiling them a bit you could always make them a little vauge, and not describe the whole thing.
  2. i would go with shyguy on this one, yeah i know! Don't hurt me! But sure suzuka hates him and wants to kill him, don't all girls feel that way at some point about the guy they have eyes for, but I think she might have a thing for him anyway. But then again the killing thing also might have something with her making a vow to kill him and that will put a damper on any relationship....but thats just me. But Gene and Melfina are just so darn cute together.
  3. i never understood why batman actually is on toonami. But speaking of the bat have you ever seen the japanimation style drawing of batman? I first saw it at wickedcool.com but i dont think it's there anymore, pretty weird though. He's standing on his tip toes looking like one of queen beryls soldiers!
  4. It's not bad, i liked the idea but think the flick could have been better. The plot was great but it just gets kind of slow in the sequences but overall worth it......
  5. it could be a proverb or something. You can spray paint it on walls and stuff, hee hee. I like lots and lots oh great philosopher........ (i apologize in advance if i make stupid posts today, i can't sleep and if you havent noticed i have been on this forum for about 11 hours, i was so desperate to stay on the boards i was actually waiting during the upgrading trying to get in, help me.)
  6. the series is just the funniest thing ever, you can't watch an ep without laughing at ruri saying baka.
  7. whatever you named it its very good. I would love for you to post more. It looks very insightful.
  8. dont worry so much! it will blow over, and besides if it goes on for long just explain to him you werent being serious and didnt mean to hurt him. and the ego thing sounds good too, hes a guy he will love having his head inflated.
  9. my sig is a conversation that me and a debate instructor had about a teacher named ms lopez. i imed him saying satan and that was when he said what is thy bidding and so on.
  10. somehow you using comedy didnt surprise me now that i become more familiar with your work.
  11. the day the snow flake fell fell from the pure white sky white and beautiful the edges softened by the angels wings brushing them smooth pure water born into a spider web of snow the years it took for the vanilla feather to reach the snow was marked by rifts of snow and ice when it hit the snow it was weak and when the snowflake melted the snow was fused with the purest life but it didnt melt into the grass the cruel inforgiving wind softened it's gaze and lifted the snow flakes spirit above the snow star rose above all the other flakes whose journeys weren't complete yet when she finally rose to the moon she smiled for even a snow flake can smile if you just make it happy passing by saturn she thought i wonder where im going where do ice diamonds go when they leave maybe im going to pluto i hear its cold there everywhere she looked she saw darkness and shattered glass wait i've passed pluto where could i be going could the wind have made a mistake but the wind pressed on i see something what could be so bright where am i its so warm hope i don't melt the stars melted away suddenly the world stretched and the wind bit and the snow was hot like fire she fell the snowflake fell her new limbs flailing when she fell past jupiter her eyes opened for the first time slamming through cotton sky landing on cold green felt her brown hair was hanging over her new blue eyes when she lifted her face the first stars were just shattering into dawn i would very much like some criticism on how to fix it, i can't see it's flaws though i know it has them. this is the most personal one i have ever written so its hard to see the mistakes.:)
  12. hahaahah well being satan isnt that much of a stretch for hercule.
  13. anime is fun, but you all have points in that in can be bad influence. I don't like my 10 year old brother watching cowboy bebop. not because i think its too adult its because the second he started acting out the scenes with his toys i got worried.
  14. i didnt mean to be rude or anything, i just don't like it when u quote and dont give justice to the author. but dont sweat it. you owned up.
  15. hellooooo tabgay....i mean mow...still havent bought it huh? for shame....
  16. Reviews - Blood Reign: Curse of the Yoma ... > Anime | Blood Reign: Curse of the Yoma. ... Review: Movies like Blood Reign: Curse of the Yoma remind me of how much anime has progressed in recent years. ... [url]http://www.spoonyinc.com/Anime/Yoma.html[/url] More Results From: [url]www.spoonyinc.com[/url] does this look familiar?
  17. my name is nothing special, im just one of those people that can't have lots of names at diffrent place or i forget. I joined a music forum a long time ago and ya know music+vegeta=me. i actually don't like it too much it sounds kind of cheesy to me but oh well. My avatar well i just think that majin vegeta was a big turning point in dbz, we learned just how far vegeta is willing to go for power.
  18. hey it had mark decascos thats enough for me, but the movie was alright.
  19. wow i loved the intense feeling, the imagery didn't hurt either. A twisted mind is better than a bent one.
  20. you would think that the repetitiveness would get annoying but it doesn't i guess because it makes sense to use someone so much. (tests theory) someone.someone......someone. wonder how come its only annoying when i do it?
  21. how many of you have seen it and what do you think of it. i have it recorded and am considering buying the dvd.
  22. it may have a repetitive them but it's beautiful anyway, write what you know right?
  23. HAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH man, whew! thanks i needed that. Great story, i was cracking up the whole time, good work. (rolls down hallway laughing and bumps into wall which causes more laughter)
  24. obsession, vampires. Where did you get the idea you can't write, poetry isnt about rhyme or reason it's about feeling what you write. Which i think you did so in my opinion it's very well done.
  25. im too young for sexual activity i blush and giggle when i see myself in the mirror. But i agree too i would like to see ur rpg ss.
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