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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']I don't have a particular favorite, but I am interested in Grind House, even if he's not responsible for it completely.[/quote] He is responsible for almost none of his work completely. I respect him but i think he is very overrated. Everything he has done has been done twice by the time he has done it in Asian films. Don't get me wrong, i love Resevoir Dogs and I respect his other movies. But i don't get into his stuff as much as my other video school friends do. Though i may be alone in this, I can't sit through Kill Bill. It isn't the blood or anything i have seen way worse. I just can't get over how ridiculous the entire thing is. As for Grindhouse, i expect it will pay homgage to its name. Its a certain type of cinema that is very sensational and exploitive. I didn't feel like going into it too deeply so i rummaged up a Wiki link. This project sounds very interesting. [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grindhouse]Click here for definition and movie link[/URL]
  2. I joined in 2002 and i know i have alot to thank Ob for. I grew up in a household with no computer access except for school and computer literacey was a joke. I posted poorly the first time and got a kick in the rear for it. As i got older and better at computers i kept coming back to Ob since quite frankly, most other forums are just horribly run when you compare them to Ob. But here i am in 2006, i built the PC i am using and i learn something new from this place everyday. The Mods are great (most of them) and this really is a very fun place to just hang out. Whenever my anime interest wanes i am always welcome in the music forum or wherever i feel like being. There truly is something for everybody here it seems. Otakuboards is a part of me.
  3. Cartmans rendition of O Holy Night will always be number one in my book. lol Hmmm i think Little Drummer boy and Silent Night just have something about them that pulls at my heart strings.
  4. [QUOTE=Dagger]My feelings about the last disc can be summed up by the fact that I didn't even notice when [spoiler]Guenevere[/spoiler] died. Did that really happen on-screen? My mind must have been off in the clouds... oh well. And here's a pertinent question: why did Sue [spoiler]turn white[/spoiler] in episode 25? Totally bizarre. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] What happened was [spoiler]Guenevere had an incurable disease and she just died from it while Ryu was in prison. They never said it point blank in the anime and i only know it from reading the article Newtype ran before its initial american release and from Guen saying the doctor didn't catch her with his magic wand when she was checked in after her Sarg awoke. As for Sue; I'm pretty sure she was just intended to have a dark tan the length of the series. I guess you can say that they overdid it a bit but Nana's sister in the Nana anime looks like her (sue) and they make constant remarks about her tanning too much. [/spoiler]
  5. Nerdsy, not just anyone can access a database, we need to either be in your network or have the password. I looked it up from my school since they have a subscription but yeah.... As for the topic there really is not much that can be said that isn't almost pure speculation. I guess i can just hope that justice will be done.
  6. I really don't feel like scrolling through a million pages but i didn't know if anyone had seen this. [URL=http://www.gamespot.com/features/6162742/]IGN Rollover Test[/URL] The first image you are shown is a 360 image and the rollover is the PS3 counterpart. Now I'm not saying that the PS3 won't improve, just wanted to give everyone a clear idea of what the first run games are packing. There is some definite diffrence, mostly lighting and texture. It's also said that frame rates look quite diffrent also and that 360 looked a bit better. But i remember when Dead Rising came out alot of people couldnt read the text nearly at all unless they had an HD television.
  7. bleh? I guess that doesn't ring true for me ^-^ I honestly have always been a Sega girl and a Sony faithful. I have played almost all kinds of systems, but the newest incarnation of the Playstation was always a big deal for me. Nintendo is awesome but i never really strove that hard for a N64 or Gamecube. But the Wii rocks. So hard, dear god it rocks! I spent forever playing tennis, i love their little network where you can buy old games and you can make a Mii. my Mii character looks just like me! I have always loved serious games, Silent Hill and more adventure driven games like Sonic the Hedgehog in any incarnation. But truth be told it became something of a mind sucking addiction almost. Sitting on the couch and zoning out trying so hard to beat something is getting a bit old. I mean i love when new games come out and i get lost in them, but i feel like an older person who likes games. When i play the Wii, there is that new freshness for me. I felt like the day i got my Atari. And since you are constantly moving, you are actually more alert in some ways. Since you aren't tuning out the rest of your body, you are in fact doing the opposite.
  8. vegeta rocker

    Last Movie

    I saw Happy Feet and man did I love it! Alot of people didn't like how it got all serious and environmental but they probably have no idea who George Miller is. Come on people, you have to know something is up when the director of Mad Max directs a movie with dancing penguins. I really enjoyed it. I really can't wait to see The Fountain since there is no CGI in it. Everything in there are real elements. Even the bubbles! Everything was colored, layerd and painted.
  9. Wow, crazy. This thread is three years old! I figured i would bring this thread full circle and end it. ^-^ I bought the series and now have the whole set along with the t shirt. Its one of my favorites. Getting the box was interesting work though, i finally bought the first one again for 10 bucks to get it since i got the first one as a gift. Argentosoma can now be purchased for 6 bucks a dvd or 40 for the Anime Legends Collector set. I never quite thought of it as a collector set for anime legends but meh. Ryu Soma is awesome! I love his hair too.
  10. I would have fought harder for my ex boyfriend. At the time i thought i was doing everything possible but looking back i should have got in his face and told him how much i loved him. We were torn apart and we loved each other so much, but i should have grabbed him and told him how much he meant and that i would do anything for him. It may not have worked, but i should have. I knew he cared about me but i played it as cool as i could because i was hurting so much. I told him i would always be there for him and i always will. If i could talk to him right now i would say: "I love you more than anything i have ever known [i still do] and that will never change. Every time i look at you i fall in love over and over again, that may not change anything, but just know that i love you"
  11. The race will start mid 2007, thats when all the games will start coming out and they will be on a level playing field with the 360.
  12. vegeta rocker

    Last Movie

    I just saw The Prestige, and it was an excellent movie. It was extremely well written, and i cant wait to read the book. But since Christopher Nolan did it i shouldn't be too surprised it was awesome.
  13. I think it is a waste of money right now, i mean i love video games but seriously? Its a first run console which almost always has bugs they iron out in the later ones and it has a new gen Blu-Ray player. There aren't any new games out besides ones that the XBOX 360 has except for Resistance: Fall of Man and maybe like two others. I think that people should just bide their time and wait a bit. Sony is a bunch of sharks and have pissed me off plenty recently. I wish they could offer a console without the option of a Blu-Ray player, but then i guess you would miss out on certain games. Despite rants and raves; video game selection is usually what wins a war. The XBOX would have SUNK without Halo and a few other games. And right now I think the PS3 is floating on a very devoted fan base. Which is just fine but how long can it really prosper for? They need some launch titles worth freaking over; I'm not saying they can't do it, but I wish they would have released something incredible and worthy of Sony. So maybe next Christmas for me.
  14. There is no way this is the authentic movie that has been in development for years. ADV was still trying to raise money for it. Hugo Weaving as Gendo? Its a fan film, at most. Look at Hugo's beard, its been painted on. The Evas look terrible since they have no texture. This dude just spliced footage and then spliced in ADV and Gainax logos. It's a fake, I doubt this will ever come to fruition.
  15. Yeah, LOVE of money is the root of all evil and in a sense i think it is true. Most bad things stem from greed.
  16. Dateline is just waiting for a chance to toss in some high speed chase I'll bet. I think they are spreading a good message either way, i think a few are real. Also, here is an article about them being dishonest again. [URL=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=health&res=9F0CE7D81F39F93AA2575BC0A965958260]Article[/URL] Also, i found a video clip from the press conference [URL=http://www.gm.com/company/corp_info/history/gmhis1990.html#]Website[/URL] Once you get there, hit Ctrl and f to open the finder window and type in Dateline. You will be guided to a paragraph that has a link with the clip. Road Rules never warranted a press conference.
  17. It doesn't really matter if it is Dateline or not there is a chance it may be scripted. Just like America's Next Top Model or any other show. Besides, just becuase it isnt Road Rules means nothing, in this day and age the media lies enough in general. And since you brought up the fact that I'm talking about Dateline not Road Rules; what about back in 1999 when they rigged a GM truck to illustrate a point about their lack of safety? They did one of their "demonstrations" and showed what could happen if you were in an accident in a GM truck. The truck exploded alright, since Dateline stuck some small explosives under the hood. GM got a tip on where the trucks were dumped later and examined them. They held a press conference and proved what happened was a lie. It was a rigged demonstration. Dateline denied it at first but eventually had to apologize on air for being misleading. I have never seen Jane Pauley look so nervous. I love Dateline, but they do have a reputation. GM admits there was some danger from much older models since they have sidesaddle tanks. But Dateline took footage from two seperate rigged crashes and edited them together to make one catastrophic crash complete with some after effects flame. I'm not saying their predator show is fake for sure, i just think there is a chance, my boss now who works for Strickland records used to work for CBS and i interned at one of their offices. Nearly everything they do is fake, if you are in the show you sign a contract that makes sure you can't tell anyone. NBC may be diffrent, but it feels fake to me. The way its executed, it just seems fishy; like the video of the cop being pepper sprayed when he pulled someone over. Fake. The contract is a nondisclosure agreement, and if you break it you have to pay a very hefty fine. Most television is fake, thats just the way it is.
  18. You also can't forget the fact that it's probably fake. It may be real but most reality television isn't. Just people making it up as they go along, since reality tv was born from the great writers strike networks had to fill in the gaps of actual screenwritten shows. So there is a strong possibility that it is fake, but who knows? Some could be real.
  19. You know, it may be just me, but religions have always made it a point to preach forgiveness. Not all religions are the same, but God has always held tolerance way up there. So that's why I find it sad when someone threatens someone with violence over anything dealing with religion. Because then they are spitting in the face of what they are supposed to hold so sacred. Someone calls me a name or makes fun of my God what do I do? I pray for them, and yeah I get angry but violence would not prove me right. Anybody who fights or kills in the name of God is wrong. I am not religious, but i am very spiritual. In my opinion, religion just seems like a way to control people. I believe in God and i respect people in a religion, but it just isn't for me.
  20. That is more ridiculous than Bush trying to complete a speech without making up a few words. Because letting religion get a stronghold on government and state programs is a great idea. Look at the Middle East, everything works great for them and religion drives almost everything. LUDACRIS.
  21. Not quite sure if this should go in the Gaming Forum; since it deals with Sony but not with video games directly. Well if it should be moved, please do so with my apologies. I don't know if anybody around here ever used Lik-Sang but i have a few friends who did. Lik-Sang was an online import company who you could get games, accessories and consoles. We used them for import games we couldn't get a hold of and if we needed a console modded then they did that too. Well Sony sued them hardcore and they have had to close their doors and go out of business. My friends and I aren't really sure what to do about Import games now, since this was the most reliable way to get imports that just werent offered here. We buy American consoles and played import games; i don't see the big deal. but i guess if people were buying hardware solely off Lik-Sang then that would be a problem. Anywho [URL=http://www.cgno.com/news/1059.html]HERE[/URL] is the article [URL=http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3901]Lik-Sang.com Letter to consumers[/URL] [URL=http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=20564]Sony denies driving them out Here.[/URL]
  22. Some of these don't really strike me as having to be redone; they strike me as crappy american versions. In which case you should just buck up and watch the original japanese. As for others like Kenshin and Weiss Kruez i tend to kind of agree. They really didn't have a great budget for Weiss so it sure wouldn't hurt. As for Kenshin, it wasn't so much that it needs to be redone, it's that it needs to be continued. Kenshin was planned to be way longer but the budget went away. Thats why Enishi wasn't animated and the show just kind of stopped. (an excuse Inuyasha does not have) The Samurai X OVAs' were created because fans wanted more to the story of Kenshin. So they were given more, me personally, i like them. As for One Piece and Yu Gi Oh if you are talking about how they are watered down and aimed at kids; then thats because they were dubbed by 4Kids Entertainment. If you don't want them watered down so much then watch the originals.
  23. I watched the episode, and i see the satire. Just seems a little screwed up is all but then again what isn't screwed up about South Park?
  24. Have you every eoncountered some random quirk or product that you thought had absolutely no purpose at all? I have one that has been bugging me lately; it has to do with Mozilla. If you browse their store you can buy a two disc set of Firefox coupled with ThunderBird. Why? Its a free download so you don't need licenseing for multiple computers either. if you need a browser to start off with Windows comes with IE embedded so you can use that until you can donwload somthing better. I'm not sure about Linux, but i would also assume it comes with a default browser. So whats the reason? You can save the firefox install file that is a whopping 6mb onto a pen drive! Why buy a set for six dollars?
  25. I guess it's just personal opinion that it's too soon. I just thought it was kinda sad with his daughters dvd coming out and around the same time. I know they make fun of everything but for some reason i guess this kinda bothered me. Just me.
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