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vegeta rocker

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Everything posted by vegeta rocker

  1. Yeah, he totally sold us out. lol, j/k Desbreko. Maybe people are running out of competent things to talk about.
  2. I love Outbreak: File 1m i think the fact that they are 20 bucks new since GC did the remakes also works. I like the fact that they are hard and you have to beat your infection ticking time bomb at some point. There was another...Survival i think? It was another RE game that really didn't hold true to the franchise. Dead Aim.....that game does not exist....to me anyway. ;)
  3. I have been thinking about it and something came to mind. The media keeps saying she tried to kill herself since she was rejected by another girl. Which automatically makes us think she not only has horrible judgement, but she is shallow as well. After what Aaryana said about the schools being so strict; i think it makes much more sense she did what she did because of her fear of others finding out about her being gay or bi perhaps. I mean she probably figured once she was found out she might be kicked out of school or harassed something awful. She would be judged and ridiculed and she might have thought she couldnt deal with it. I'll bet the media won't mention the school at all. She might have been getting grief already. Personally i would love to hear what the school has to say.
  4. I've seen this anime series mentioned a couple of times, but i haven't seen a thread on it so i figured i should make one. I love Nana, and i haven't been in love with a series in a very long time. The last series i truly loved was probably Saikano. Nana is a ShojoBeat manga/anime/movie and i guess i will dabble a bit in each version since i don't know what has been seen by you guys. [B]The Manga[/B] The manga is really good; it's about two girls named Nana who meet on their way to Tokyo and hit it off. They are the polar opposites of each other. One is a punk singer with piercings, collars, the works. The other is a prim and girly girl who loves to talk. They live together, laugh, cry and bond over everything in their lives and you truly identify with them. I personally like the punk rocker just because of her fierce spirit. I think the real pull of Nana is you can relate to SOMETHING they are both so different they capture nearly any facet of your personality. [B]The Anime[/B] The anime is very true to the manga which i love; the only problem is it gets a little old for me since it is so verbatim. I personally enjoy the manga a bit more than the anime just because i like reading it. [B]The Movie[/B] The movie is GREAT; It is so sweet! I have never seen an anime adaptation done so flawlessly. Boogiepop comes cloes, but this movie really captured Nana in just the right way. It helps that Mika Nakashima stars as the punker Nana; Mika is a rock star in japan and her voice is incredible. The movie spans the entire series but probably cuts out quite a bit. I haven't finished reading the manga yet since they have only the first 5 out in english. The soundtrack to the movie and anime is great too. Headlining artists/songs include: [B]Glamourous Sky[/B] This is performed by MIka Nakashima and was composed by Hyde. This is the song performed in the movie. [B]Frozen Rose[/B] This is the opening theme i forget who performs this one, its Ana something i believe. [B]A Little Pain[/B] This is the ending theme performed by Olivia, who was on a several year hiatus and pretty much came out of retirement for this song. She has a beautiful voice and this is truly a great song. You can view any of the music videos on YouTube so just type in Nana and you will get plenty. So, any fellow Nana fans/haters?
  5. As nearly everyone on Ob knows; Steve Irwin died two months ago from a fatal wound received from a stingray's barbed tail. South Park will soon air an episode making fun of Irwin's death, depicting him in Hell with a Stingray barb in his chest. The "picture here" link will direct you to it. I personally think that Trey Parker and Matt Stone have gone a bit too far. I understand they make fun of celebrities dead and alive, but this seems too soon. It just seems not funny to me; in fact it seems just plain sick. I loved Steve Irwin and i enjoy South Park, but do you think that they have gone a bit too far this time? [URL=http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,20654936-5001028,00.html]Article[/URL] [URL=http://entretenimento.globo.com/Entretenimento/Tv/foto/0,,6320424-NDP,00.jpg]Picture Here[/URL]
  6. She just didn't care anymore, no matter what. She had just had enough, and her being a lesbian while she knows its a sin can't have helped.
  7. I was reading this article the other day and couldn't believe what i was reading. This girl was unbelieveably reckless. I just couldn't fathom why she would be so insane, i mean if you want to end your life then that is your decision, but why rish hurting someone else? [URL=http://www.andnetwork.com/index?service=direct/0/Home/recent.titleStory&sp=l54012]Article[/URL] Edit: I know this goes in the Lounge but for some reason it won't let me delete it. Sorry about that.
  8. DeadSeraphim's just giving you hell for the hell of it, don't take it too personally JH. I actually listened to the CD and i honestly only enjoy 2 songs. It just kind of blends together, like one long vocal exercise. Maybe it will grow on me.
  9. Okay i was just wondering you saw this excellent piece of cinema. lol Well I'm obviously just kidding; I know the plot sucked and it was executed terribly, but i love the style. I was just wondering if anyone here on the boards actually enjoyed the movie; in my own opinion, i honestly enjoyed it.
  10. [QUOTE=White][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma]Oh I know. But I'm sure they'll have more than 10 consoles. Even if they have just one extra, it'll be enough since my brother is first in line. And if not I'm sure the Best Buy next door will have some. :) I have to admit, though, I'm still nervous. Not having a pre-order doesn't guarantee I will get one so I'm a little bit anxious. [b]EDIT:[/b] Also, there are three new Wii Experience videos at Wii.com.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Pre orders really mean zip nowadays though; just like what happened with the 360. I mean i do it anyway but having a preorder shouldnt calm your nervousness. I remember Gamestop where i am was suppossed to get 40 360's since thats how many were pre ordered. They got 8. They were pissed, they refunded alot of money on launch day.
  11. The guy is a total ***, take it from someone who has met him; and i honestly don't get whats so great about his comics. He is self absorbed and thinks he is the *&^% when it comes to manga; his stuff just seems so recycled. And all his characters look like bugs; the're eyes are so far apart i get a headache just from looking at them. I guess i wouldnt have nearly as much of a problem if he wasn't so high and mighty. When i saw him at his panel, everything was "I" this and "I" that. He didn't give the 4 other guys next to him any props for keeping the site up and running and just focused on his wife at the table with him. We couldn't even ask routine question, he designated one of his engineers the low job of rewording questions we had. He would come up to you and when he heard your question he would ask Fred himself. Erik Renee Avila (D7 Peacemaker) is also guilty of the same thing, one of my roommates did one of the voices and she just couldnt stand him. D7 was just still frames moving left and right. I don't get the deal over Christopher Hart either....just don't get it.
  12. I know i have gotten way busier, and i dont post as much poetry anymore. Though, when i have a break i post when i can. Blame school.
  13. If a person goes to a respectable plastic surgeon there is a counselor that speaks with the client first. Some people are obvious candidates, especially those involved in accidents. But some people hinge too much on such a thing, if a girl thinks she will be the most popular girl she knows by getting surgey and that obviously doesnt happen; the effect could be terrible. In my personal opinion if you don't need it don't get it. Scar removal is one thing, but pulling or stuffing your body like its a christmas stocking? Not for me. Like Tara Reid, when her dress slipped and everyone saw her boob, it was lumpy and disfigured from plastic surgery, just like her stomach. Why risk hurting yourself over a chest or a stomach thats fine?
  14. I'm not saying thats directly why adults dislike Harry Potter, i guess i am saying it seems like more of an ironic situation if any. They don't care about the fact that the kids pretty much get along, i guess i would understand if Harry Potter was a self promoting Wiccan, but he isn't. But like someone said if you banned Harry Potter what about all the Christian themed books? You ban Harry Potter than you should ban The Chronicles of Narnia. Bored housewives, they will be the end of us all.
  15. I usually have dreams about my ex boyfriend, i miss him so much... Besdies that i typically have dreams about me being in other peoples situations. Or i usually play a role that i admire, such a fictional character or something along those lines. I love sleep, and i don't mind dreaming but sometimes my dreams are way too weird. Recently i had a dream where i was thrown out of my apartment and i looked outside to see Spike (from Buffy and Angel) walking past my steps. He said i could crash with him...O_o I guess that stemmed from me watching the dvd set of all the seasons of Angel in a row. I never liked Buffy, but i loved Angel. Spike is so awesome, i love his personality so i guess he was on my mind most of the time.
  16. Deliver us from Evil is a documentary coming out fairly soon about the scandals involving young children and Catholic priests. It mainly follows one of the most famous pedophiles fo the church. His name escapes me right though. I was really wanting to see this and i was wondering what your thoughts were on this documentary. I hope it will be an actual and decent documentary, not something like Bowling for Columbine. That movie had a message but Michael Moore bumbled the whole thing with deceptive editing and rearranging of key events. Hopefully, Deliver us from Evil will be an authentic piece of work.
  17. I myself love the Harry Potter books, i think they are well written fiction and can't wait for the last one to come out. The reason this thread is in the Music, Movies and Tv section is because this is primarily about the media and cultural views of Harry Potter. There is yet another mom who wants to ban Harry Potter; saying we are growing up in a Columbine taited world bascially. Witchcraft and evil things that would screw us up, and Harry Potter is too full of violence. So i got to thinking; there has to be something that is driving such stupid arguments; it can't just be the Wicca angle. Thats impossible; no one is that incompetent, and i was right i did indeed find a common thread in Harry Potter books that would certainly disturb many adults. Tolerance and Equality. All the kids in Harry Potter are very diverse, diffrent races are effortlessly interwoven into the stories. Example, when Cho Chang is introduced there is no line about where she is from or anything slightly Asian. She is just introduced by her name and that is all. She is a Quidditch Chaser and that is all we need to know. All the children grow up together at Hogwarts and don't fight about religion and race. They are all united and face a common enemy. Now i understand why adults fear these books, they may just open childrens eyes to just how wonderful it is to be equal. With so many people being killed in the name of religion; why would you seek to ban a series of books that tells us how blissful equality is? Not saying they are doing it on purpose, they probably dont even know it. [URL=http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061004/NEWS/61004009/-1/ENTERTAIN]article[/URL]
  18. I can't offer too much help on the buidling, but i can help with your clouds! I once did this great tutorial and now i can make kick *** clouds in photoshop. [URL=http://n-sane.net/tutorials/fluffy_realistic_clouds/index.php]HERE[/URL] \\ Hope i helped. Also, that site has other cool tutorials on metal and stuff, maybe that will help with your building.
  19. Even though Orgins is out of print they say you can download their album sometime in the future for free legally. i have it, its pretty cool. They didn't release it because of some conflicts with the new label. But i just limewired mine since i couldnt find it to actually buy.
  20. i just read about the medic that came forward about his unit killing an iraqi civilian because they were angry about finding another insurgent. They tossed him in a hole, shot him in the head multiple times, then threw a rifle and shovel in the pit so they could say he was trying to plant a roadside bomb. You think its ok to torture someone who is innocent; this is the same mentality that is causing all the torture in prisons. If you are or ever were in the military and you think its ok and your glad then you are no better than the insurgents killing american troops are. You betray our country and our ideals and don't deserve to protect it.
  21. I didnt like their first single off the album too much, if the rest of the album is better than i would probably like it. I just felt like the song was taking shots at her ex since he broke up with her so he could focus on fixing his alcoholism. It just sounds like shes complaining that he doesnt love her and he would be with her if he did no matter what. Just me though, i could be totally wrong. Other than that the song was alright, amazing art direction though, the video is absolutely gorgeous.
  22. I just finished putting money down on final fantasy 12 the special edition so i guess i can add that to my geekdom. It wasn't too much considering its the game in a metal case and the special edition art book. It was only ten dollars more. But i guess where my uber geek comes out is the midnight release party Gamestop is having. I can't really make an argument when i am sorrounded by gamers who have squeezed themselves into cosplay outfits. Square - Enix hear my cry, dress your characters more conservatively. If not for me, for the masses that witness the sight of them.
  23. I think Heavens Gate still holds a spot for me since it was my first knowledge of a cult. I was in Jr High and i couldnt wrap my head around what these people were thinking. When this happened, SNL actually made fun of it showing Applewhite and his followers on a spaceship making fun of the non believers. I couldnt help but laugh even though i knew it was so wrong. [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven%27s_Gate_%28cult%29]Heaven's Gate Cult[/URL]
  24. Does he even remember what he is protecting anymore? He damn well isnt protecting our freedom, he took that away himself.
  25. I like it, the conversation just makes it all the better. As for him stealing his girl, im sure you could find a texas kitten just fine. ;)
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