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Everything posted by vegeta rocker
Anime Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex
vegeta rocker replied to densuke's topic in Otaku Central
I can't wait to see the Unikomas, i KNOW they have to be next. But i guess i can't be sure. I really enjoy the GITS universe, i just bought the innocence OST recently. I have only seen the first two dvds of 2nd gig and i truly can't wait. Im going to go cuddle with my stuffed tachikooma now. -
There are lots of consequences that pedophiles have to deal with. For instance, in prison it is usually bad to have it know you are there for that. Typically even inmates seem to have a problem with it. There are lots of battles waging about how pedophiles should be dealt with if they live in a family themed neighborhood.
[quote name='Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Heh, this is a easy one, my Dragonball Z alarm clock. Now, I don't know about all that it about it being not worth it, but it's definetly my geekiest purchase yet and definetly awesome. Ah, it's funny the things you'll buy when your so obsessed with a anime^^[/COLOR'][/SIZE][/quote] My roommate has a Dragonball Z wall clock that will belt out random phrases. I told her to get it out since the condensation seems to be messing with it but she hasnt done it. Every hour if the light is on, its suppossed to yell something out by, vegeta, goku, frieza or picallo. So imagine using the bathroom then hearing Picallo yell "come on we gotta do this".\ Scared the crap outta me. ;)
ahhh i get what you are saying now, the nudity does have a point shameless as it is. I understand what you are getting at now. Then in that case i agree, it is a shamless use of nudity to advertise something that is suppossed to root for the the underdog.
im not saying im a prude, i have no problem with nudity. I have been to the museum plenty of times and have painted nude models. I just didnt see the purpose for that particular article, thats what i meant by pointless. If it is creatively done for art then that is something completely diffrent; the purpose is expression. I just didnt understand how a show about a comical and ugly woman has an article flanked by a nude photograph of the actress looking beautiful. i just felt it undermined the point it the show making it pointless.
Congress Passes Detainee Interrogation Bill
vegeta rocker replied to Retribution's topic in General Discussion
I agree with Lunox, i think the idea of checks and balances has been wiped from the President's dictionary. Then again it was never very vast to begin with. ;) -
theres also a bit of irony in the fact that the show is about an ugly woman, i actually just thought about it that way. Lets have a cutting edge show about someone who isnt stellar looking for once, and then some website flanks it with a nude pic of an attractive woman.
So I'm looking through the news on Googles website and i come acoss a link to an article on Ugly Betty, that new show that recently premiered. The article is flanked by a photograph of a nude Salma Hayek. I understand she produced the show and all...but why do i have to see her nude? I'm pretty sure i can't link the article or anything but just go to Google.com>news,type in Ugly Betty and you will see what i mean. This isnt the first time i have seen a pointless use of nudity; so have you ever encountered the same thing? Be it in magazines, games or movies?
i know Kitamura, i was pleased to see they will be re-releasing Azumi theatrically in America in October. He did the action choreography for MGS and Devil May Cry 3 so that says something about his action scenes. Versus was horrible, storywise anyway. In fact its just too long, you can get the gist of it in about 20 minutes. He went back up into the mountains and shot extra footage and did Ultimate Versus, i dont know if its been released yet though. I own the Special Edition of Versus and i even own the t shirt. lol I also like Godzilla Final Wars; thought he did a great job. He took it back to basics which is really what it needed. All in all i think he has a lot of potential as a director and i dont think Hollywood will spoil him. I think he is like George Romero; he will have some flops but will pull out just fine.
Earlier my friends and i went to the anime store to rummage and we found these cool "potions" they were marketing to promo FF12. They are beautiful blue bottles that come with actual drink in them. And a collectible card from FF12! I got the main character and was psyched. But the drink.....absolutely terrible. I even called the store back to make sure we were really ok to drink it. It had a twist off cap so i figured as much. She said yeah. In fact in the store she had said we could really drink them. As i talk to her on the phone she says " oh yeah, they are pretty bad." Well thanks. Its a beautiful bottle and all and i love the card, but i paid 22 bucks for a bad drink. lol. So have you ever purchased something uber geeky that you knew totally wasnt worth it but thought it was awesome anyway? I proudly display my bottle next to my computer. [URL=http://www.ncsx.com/2006/040306/ffxii_potion_le.htm]Click Here[/URL]
It's great because it's colorful yet simple. Thats why it's great. ;) I like the colors and i think you have a nice design flow.
I am against the death penalty because i believe no person has the right to take a human life. In the previous thread dealing with this i think my side was a little blurred by a poor choice of words on my own behalf. But i think it is wrong, simply because we don't have the right. You can't take away something you can't give.
Writing The Tragedy of Mitch and Alex [PG]
vegeta rocker replied to Charles's topic in Creative Works
I think i was starting to think you had forgotten the entire thing; well i am very glad you didn't. I think even though it was quite a while back by now it's still hilarious, maybe for newer members you should add a link to the thread that held the fiasco in one of the posts? just a thought. again, great work, its not a fic; its an epic! -
I just think its funny that they use James' myOtaku as an example of mild hacking. I wonder who wrote the definition for it though, makes you wonder.
As for getting over myself i really don't see the big deal. Its not like im opting for public execution; besides i think the show really does raise awareness about the entire issue. Most online predators gain their advantage through trust; small talk then getting moving up from there. Maybe if they see some reality it will help them think twice. As for Terry Schiavo being plastered all over the media, Congress needs to get over themselves. I think this article says what i think. [URL=http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/61134/prolife_really.html]here[/URL]
Damn right they deserve to be caught on national television! Child predators are sick people and Dateline is making the world a safer place in my opinion.
Im not saying home remedies are bad, im hispanic and i have used tons lol. but to choose garlic and onion over antibiotics over the PROTESTS of the patient is unethical. I think that this person is a murderer.
I read this and couldn't believe this person hasnt been fired. [URL=http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-health19sep19,1,1022414.story?coll=la-headlines-world]Article[/URL] The top health official in africa is nuts and the president won't fire her. What do you think about the top health official using home remedies to treat AIDS instead of proper medication? I think it is ridiculous especially since they are not proving effective at all.
Ratings, Violence, Responsibility
vegeta rocker replied to vegeta rocker's topic in General Discussion
You are fourteen; not ten. At least you are a teenager. Don't get me wrong, i grew up on pinhead and other movies like that. I love horror films still. I just think its hypocritical for parents to blame media and then not do their job. I think that if we are enforcing ratings then we do have a right. I don't mean to come off as a meddling person trying to take a parents control away, im not. It just seems unbalanced that they cant get into Harry Potter but they can sit throught that. -
I have been thinking about this for a bit and i want some other opinions on violence. I'm a digital media student and i create video, print, photography and web design. The reason i mention this is because every week i am told i need to be a responsible artist. I always took it as avoiding plagiarism or something along those lines. But it was meant as something else; a comment on violence. We are told it is our responsability to take repurcussions for anything we may create. A recent class i was in had to turn in some short films dealing with the number eleven. About half of them were violent in some way, mine included. Don't get me wrong, they were all well done and very good. But as we watched a gag reel with two people in hockey masks being humorously beaten i started to wonder if we reallty are too desentisized. Sure you say that anyone viewing a violent work of yours would hopefully be of age; this is where my question comes in. Do you think it is right that a young person under 17 can be admitted into a movie that is rated R if they are with a parent or gaurdian? How much responsability do you think an artist has over what his/her work's impact? I personally don't think it is right that younger kids can be let in. I used to not have a problem but then i saw a dumbass mother with her two ten or eleven year old kids watching the Devils Rejects. That really pissed me off; i wanted to smack her in the back of her head and tell her to take her kids home. In my opinion, i do have responsability over what i create, but what about parents? f you want to leave your kid at home to be babysat by the tv then what do you expect? Do you think the current outcry over games and movies should be directed more towards parenting? I do.
Yeah, it just worries me that the writer isnt the same and the previous director is the executive producer. I hope it's good, it would be a shame to end it horribly.
I loved the book Z for Zachariah; so if you say this show sounds alot like it then i would definetly watch it. I think some people think it hits too close to home i guess; they don't want to imagine living in a world like that.
There are two topics to this thread honestly, the movie 28 days later and the upcoming sequel 28 weeks later. I myself loved 28 Days Later; i know a lot of people didn't like it since they were expecting more of a zombie movie i suppose. But i simply loved it, especially the fact that it was shot totally digital and looks awesome. I loved the changes the main character underwent in order to survive, and i thought the end fit. Now, as for 28 Weeks later.... The plot is that 28 weeks after the Infected are gone they try to recolonize Britain. But a carrier of the infected turns up and the mass death and horror continues. I read that none of the originals will be back since they are all busy. So what are your thoughts?
Not saying i support the death penalty or not, i don't, but Aaryanna_Mom has a point. I agree that the death penalty is somthing deliberated over and decided upon. I personally believe that we don't have the right to take a life, that is not up to us to have our vegeance on someone. The prisons are more overcrowded every day and it is so expensive to keep them working that there is honestly little space. If we didnt have the death penalty then im not sure what we would do. Once i again i dont support it, but i do understand it. And i don't get where Retribution got the idea of Aaryanna_Mom having bloodlust, she never said anything about it. Blood lust usually means a hunger for it i think, simply just for the satisfaction. She would get no satisfaction out of it.
There was just a story on the news the other day that was a recap of an older story about this man/boy love business. These three men paid money for a trip to Mexico for the sole purpose of having sex with boys as young as 7. Crazy effin world