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    Contact me: nerdo_god_of_insomniacs@yahoo.com

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  1. Well, late at night I am usually watching my Invader Zim episodes, that has to be one of the best shows ever! Now, I will probably just sit here, on my computer, all the time, day and night, and post here. Your right, I don't have a life.
  2. I don't know you but I hope your wedding goes well. I like the concept, mine will probably be the same. If I have one! :p
  3. Nerdo

    Papa Roach

    Well, I would have to say it's not their best release, but I have heard much worse. I wouldn't consider buying the album, but I don't go out of my way not to hear it. :)
  4. Personally, I don't think X-box live, can/should/will save the X-box. I want it to die a quick but PAINFULL death. :) Sorry, X-box just isn't the system for me. Sony and Nintendo all the way!! [size=1][color=crimson]Guess What? [b]We Dont Care[/b] Have A nice Day ^^ - DK[/color][/size]
  5. A: Tequila Gundam Q: How many gundam series are there in all, excluding movies?
  6. Nerdo Says: Don't rag on Hamtaro, Cappy is awesome. Now, when I wash my hair I say "gush, gush, gush" just like Hamtaro. Cappy rules!
  7. Nerdo Says: 1. BloodRayne, Final fantasy XI, Devil May Cry 2: Devil Never Cry, Red Faction 2, Star Wars Bounty Hunter! 2. Dragon's Lair 3D, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets! The original Dragons Lair was good, but I can't imagine playing another one and enjoying it. Woohoo, great games coming out!!!
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