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Everything posted by Gochan
I wasn't sure where to post this... so i chose the thread that said 'off-topic' in the decription... I dont know if any of you know me... or remember me...i was on this board about 2-3 years ago. Well... i started on this board 3 yearss ago... but i was also on the old version of the board aswell, before it was changed. Anyway, I was searchin 'round the net, and i just so happened to find a link to these boards. I was like "holy crap... i havent been there for like... 3 years...". So i clicked the link, and saw the login box. "Maybe i should try to log on... no, my username wont still work after 3 years...". but, it just so happened that it did, and it told me my last visit was on... may something, 2002. Still shocked, I'm posting this just to see if any of you remember me... try lookin at my most 'recent' posts... maybe that will jog your memory... Anywho, you don't really have to... but i just wanted to say, hey all you people i know... and nice to meet you to all the people i dont... later
in all the eps with vegito, sometimes goku(kakarot) dominates, and sometimes veggie dominates... for example, sometimes its vegeta's attitude with goku's voice dominating... its odd
i liked movie 13... because it had Tapion in it...
i own the entire fusion saga (22 eps, from when trunks and goten fuse, to when goku and vegeta defuse) in english, but they're dubbed :(
hmmmmm.... two words: really good game... or... anyways, i like the game, i just got 40 shines, just a second ago. i would give it a 9.0... for great gameplay. i sorta liked the shadow mario... after you know the story behind it. anyways, no one has to listen to anything i say, so ill just go now
thanks for postin outlaw ;) _________________________________________________ Gochan: well, what are we gonna do? Outlaw: i dont know... Gochan: i forgot where we are...
fine, ILL POST! ______________________________________________ Gochan: lets call him... little guy No Hime: no... Gochan: uuuuum...mouse? No Hime: no... Gochan: how bout... brak? No Hime: NO! Gochan: poodish? NO HIME: NO! Gochan: lets call him Goshin? No Hime: ok Gochan: ...what?
no dbzman... if i have to do this alone, then so be it:mad:
i know its dead, it still is... i havent posted in awile so... yeah, here i go! ____________________________________________________ Gochan: i think its coming.... DBZMAN: i think i know what im doing... i think i can deliver this child... Outlaw: oh ****... *others wait outside as gochan, no hime, and dbzman are in a private room. 5 minutes later gochan walks out carying a little baby boy* outlaw: so DBZMAN did ok? Gochan: no, he fainted... i had to deliver this little guy. no himes still recovering. *about 5 minutes later, no hime comes out* No Hime: wow, time does go fast! i feel great! Gochan: wait... what should his name be? :confused:
this is dead... i have come to the conclusion... ____________________________________________________ Gochan: ha, you are gonna die, yes you are! *alex falls to the ground, dead* DBZMAN: wait...... what happened? Warlock: who knows? NO Hime: *doubles over* ugh... Pyro: oh, i forgot... time traveles much faster here than other places... i expect no hime here will have her baby in, oh say, 7 minutes. All: WHAT!??!:confused: Gochan: well... no hime, will you marry me? No Hime: ye-yes! *gochan picks her up and kisses her* ____________________________________________________ AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
oops... didnt see ur post... nvrmind... __________________________________ Alex: ill kill you all! Gochan: no... (teleports behind him and drop kicks him) this is fun! (gochan continues to beat the bloody pulp out of alex) DBZman: this seems out of place... Gochan: (pauses) so? (keeps kickin *****)
Gochan: hey, i feel him... DBZMAN: me too... No Hime: how am i flying? i cant fly... *drops and lightly runs* Gochan: you shouldnt run when you are pregnant! *picks up no hime and carries her* DBZman: this way! *hhe points upward to a square hole in the celing and the three of them go up* Gochan: where are we? DBZman: quiet! look over there... *gochan and no hime look and see warlock hanging there, being beaten* gGochan: hold on dbzman, dont go over there... with kao ken he'll sense you... *he sets down no hime and creeps up behind the lizard. he tapped its shoulder and ran to the other side* lizard guy: wha? *turns around* Gochan: beg your pardon, could i trouble you for a spoon of sugar? *SMACK* (the lizard falls to the ground) Gochan: hey warlock, whats up? oh you... ha! sorry... *dbzman gos and unchains warlock* Warlock: *wobbles* thanks guys... no hime, did you gain weight? Gochan: well... shes pregnant... Warlock: oh, congrats! DBZman: well, lets go then, shall we?
Gochan: well, if she says so... No Hime: yes, we are Gochan: geez... ima gonna be a daddy... hey, dbzman? DBZman: yeah? Gochan: you got goten in you right?*DBZMAN nodds his head* well, hes my dad... so can i talk to himm about parenting? DBZman: ok... wait, first lets get warlock!
GOD! DAMN HOMEWORK AND SCHOOL!!! sorry... well, i havent posted cuz im so busy and junk... yeah _____________________________________________ Gochan: wait... i hear something! DBZman: really!?!?! Gochan: no DBZman: doh:o Gochan: ok... i think... i can find warlock DBZman/No Hime: how? Gochan: well... if.... E=MC2 right? No Hime: yeah... Gochan: then warlock must mean... *looks like hes thinking hard* i know where he is! DBZman: where? Gochan: follow me! *they run awile.... still running....... still runningg.........* Gochan: STOP! DBZman: where are we? Gochan: well, the calculations i picked up of the castle while being led where in a blockage formation, so i made a map in my mind, and i found a hallway that twists and turns, so from a birds i veiw it says saiyan... so i thought... what if there were renagade sayians? they could use their powers... so they had to have a magic seal for sayians too! so they must have put warlock in that seal, thru that door! Both: :excited: OMG GOCHAN, HOW DID YOU FIGURE THAT OUT???!?!!?!?!!?!? Gochan: im not as dumb as i seem... DBZman: Gochan, you are a GENIUS!!! Gochan: yeah, grandpa, well, my grandpa from kenitoku, taught me all the math and junk, so... No Hime: so our kids wont be stupid! Gochan: KIDS:confused: were having kids! No Hime: well, not now... Gochan: WHEW! *DBZman is still in shock from gochans intelligence* Gochan: so... lets go get warlock!
geez, when was the last time i posted? last apocolipse? IT WAS A JOKE GUYS, YOU KNOW, HAHA! sorry... __________________________________________ Gochan: so... what are we gonna do now? Gomen: no clue... Hikarumon: i sense others! lets find the others! Gochan: ok.... CONFUSED!!!:nervous:
geez, i havent been on in along time... im so sorry liamc! ____________________________________________ Gochan: so... um, how and why did we get here? Kittykramon: i dont know, i just know you were supposed to come, and you did!!! Gochan: riiiight... *CRASH!* *a giant beetle thingy-bop comes out of the trees* Gochan: shi-****! Kittykramon: humph... bubble blast! *POP* Gomen: its not working! demikinomon, you try! Demikinomon: ok... bubble blast! *POP* Gochan: its not working! Kittykramon/Demikinomon: dont worry! *flash*[COLOR=limegreen]KITTYKRAMON DIGIVOLVE TO... HIKARUMON!!![/COLOR] *flash* [COLOR=teal]DEMIKINOMON DIGIVOLVE TO... KINOMON!!![/COLOR] Gochan/Gomen: crazy... Hikarumon: Tiger Flip-Kick! *Smack* (the beetle wobbles) Kinomon: Gambling Roulette! *Smack* (beetle falls down) Hikarumon: lets finish this over-grown bug off! Kinomon: right! *both do attack at the same time... and the beetle disinigrates* Gochan/Gomen: *_* uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhh..... Hikarumon: well, whatr you waiting for, lets go!
no one said you guys can join liamc2 and Dark prince, you shoulda signed up earlier
Gochan: IM LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOST. Gomen: um... yeah Kimono: shut up Gochan: ok, sorry... Gomen: then i will do it... IM LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOST. Gochan: um...yeah Kimono: shut up... why do i put up with this...
*as kittykramon and demikinomon rambble away, gochan and gomen just walk amazed, until...* *SMASH!* Gochan: ow! Gomen: what the?!? *gochan slowly gets up and peers at his peer... peers peer? how stupid am i? anyways...* Gochan: gomen? is that you? Gomen: gochan? what are you doing here??? Gochan: i dont know, i like, fell into my computer or summin... Gomen: hey, you got a little monster too! Demikinomon/Kittykramon: no, digimon, digital... Gochan/Gomen: monsters. Gochan: anyways... where do we go?
dude, if you think its 1/4 blood your wrong. you know why i know? Goku jr. and vegeta jr. can go ssj, and they are like 1/16 saiya-jin. the reason no girl can go ssj is cuz there were no female saiya-jins to begin with, ever thought of that? with that to think about, im outta here
c'mon people! ___________________________________ Gochan: where, where am i??? Figure: hi gochan! Gochan: AHHH!!! get it away from me!!! Figure: dont worry, my name is Kittykramon! im your friend! Gochan: kittykramon? Kittykramon: yep! im your friend! Gochan: okie dokie... um... i wonder if there is anyone else here...
i posted the rpg on Digi-Venture rpg (from "yet another attempt...")
okie dokie, if you registered at "yet another attempt for a digimon rpg" then your at the right place. people registered: 1. Gochan Son, Hikarumon 2. Kimono, Shueishamon 3. Leona Mikono, Renamon 4. Ryu Hoyashi, Guilmon 5. Gomen, Kinomon 6. Liam, Anemon anyways, ill start the story out ______________________________ *Gochan sits down at his comp to check his mail* Gochan: hey, i got a new peice of mail. *Gochan opens the mail* Gochan: *reads* you have been chosen to be a digidestined? what the shibby is that??? *all of a sudden a green digivice comes out of a computer screen and into his and* Gochan: what the hell is this!?! *all of a sudden the floor opens up and gochan falls through the flor* Gochan: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! ______________________________ id like you guys to start out sorta like that... anyways, ill post later, so please post your begining. ps, i got a pic of hikarumon! copy paste the link [url]http://geocities.com/topazrequest/gochans_digimon.jpg[/url]
fine, but just you, no one else
i decided to only have 5 people can join. so, ill make a new topic for the accual rpg.