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Everything posted by Acid

  1. [size=1]As I stated already my first session in both the subs and the dubs was Session #3. But my [i]other[/i] first episode was Session #20 Pierrot Le Fou! God, that [b]thing[/b] was awesome. I know he had a childs mind and bulletproof skin. But that is all I really got. I wasn't really watching. :p[/size]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]::looks amused:: Threat? Heh, hardly.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] Um, that was a joke....:rolleyes: But there you are calling my a newbie, it just gets annoying. But I don't want anything to start so I think that I will shut up now. [/size]
  3. [size=1]Was that a threat.....:) But seriously, I don't care about that. I just don't like the title. It haunts me![/size]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mystic's Knight [/i] [B]Nothing at all..You cant do ANYTHING...what if HAlf the boards decided they wanted flash banners... I bed you would figure somthing out...bleh.. its ok, ILE figure somthing out, without infringing the rules of this place. EDIT: ...lol this is funny.. what happened to like 20 of my posts? I KNOW i had 835 posts around noon today... now i have 810? I really dont care bout my post count...But I dont know why it would decline in size.. hehe [/B][/QUOTE] I know what you mean I just hit 150 yesterday. I want to rid myself of the friggin title Newbie!
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by boogeta [/i] [B]Been there done that [/B][/QUOTE] [b][size=0]Either that has a hidden meaning or was complete spam! :) Tsk, Tsk amibasuki you practice what you preach. Your saying about how much you want Mp3s but SunRiZe can't want a Digimon update? :p But, anyway after going all the way through the Trigun section I must say I am pretty impressed, nice work Adam. I never saw that one coming. :smirk:[/b][/size]
  6. Well, I don't know if this guy can be trusted but. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12897]*cough*[/URL] :rolleyes: Personally I think not, Gundam Wing is a decent anime show that has had it's fill of air-time/my time so.......it's over! :p
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]I'm glad because all the people just kept on posting there just to get post for there post count, and that is spamming. And as you can see James hates that. [/B][/QUOTE] No actually post counts didn't count in the newbie lounge, I suggest you do a little research before you speak. :p Anyway, NL was a cool place to hang out but some of the things were just stupid. I couldn't go intoa thread without hearing eat a green bee that tastes like jelly, or beware the sheeps. EDIT: Woah 3 people posted while I was posting my post.
  8. Solid Snake is #1 and I have proof! [img]http://www.penny-arcade.com/images/2002/20021108l.gif[/img] See, he could kick Sam's *** anyday.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B][i]stay[/i][/B][/QUOTE] NO! I voted for the person I wanted gone too! Take one [b]off[/b] from Yoda and put it on NeoC.
  10. [size=0][b]Trust me on this, In line sucks. Stick with skateboarding. I have been skating since Febuary and I can't do much more than you.[/b][/size]
  11. [b]Oh no! I can't get ast the second EPS Unit thing! Where do i go next? I need some help here. Can someone please tell me where to go?[/b]
  12. I downloaded the Ceres video on the site amibasuki recomended and it is pretty good. While my favorites remain the same, I recomend the video to any fan of Ceres!
  13. Well, my favorite is Session #03: Honky Tonk Women. Simply becuase it's the session that introduced me to the series! Ick, at first I hated Faye's dubbed voice! I saw the subbed episode of this first and her voice was so awesome. ^-^ Anyway, as for Session #11: Toys in the attic. While it isn't my favorite episode, it isn't that bad. It is just one of the sillier episodes in CB!
  14. While I have never had a surgery on my toe, I have had many surgeries in the past. You see, I was born with a cleft lip! Many of my surgeries were [i]trying[/i] to fix that. Another one was because I had a hamangeoma (spelling?) in my knee and they had to cut it out. Heh, it's all good though. They wheel in a big T.V. and an N64 when my sureery is over. ^-^
  15. Nice work Adam and Syk3. He just told me about them a minute ago. :p I look forward to going through the Trigun section later. ;) You guys still [b]need[/b] to expand on your anime sections a bit more though. :p
  16. Acid


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]^_________^ Yes finally another Robotech/Macross fan comes out of the cracks well. I can't really recommended some sites since its not allowed on OB. Though *cough* *cough* there are some right under your nose *cough* *cough* I have a terrible cold these days.....^_^ also PM me and I'll be glad to forward you some Robotech sites. [/B][/QUOTE] :p Good one! Anyway, I plan on plan on buying a few Macross dvds with any money I might get from christmas! I downloaded a few clips and it's just bad ***! :devil:
  17. Well, even though I enjoy the Roruni Kenshin one much more the Vegeta tribute was done perfectly. It is [b]the[/b] best anime music video out there. I still have yet to see a good Trigun/Eva one yet. I have only even found 2 eva ones. I don't know why but all the talented music video makers seem to love DBZ too much to branch out from it. That sucks. :p
  18. I suppose you mean anime music videos. Yes, I have seen a bunch of those. I have 2 favorites, one of which is the one your thinking of. The other one is Roruni Kenshin - Papa Roach: Last Resort. It is a masterpeice.
  19. Acid


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]I always thought Suzuka was nice looking. [/B][/QUOTE] :tasty: Of course she is. But Hot Ice Hilda is so much better looking, it's not even funny! :p Melfina is the best female throughout the whole series though!
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop were pretty bad dubs in my opinion, not in terms of stuff being cut out, but on the voice acting itself Asuka from Eva and Ed from CB's voices in the dubs send chills down my back, lol [/B][/QUOTE] I don't know about Evangelion (I have only seen a few episodes subbed) but I have seen teh subbed and dubbed versions of Cb and I must say they are both great. Ed's voice is [i]better[/i] in the dub. Of course that it just [b]my[/b] opinion.
  21. Acid


    I have seen the first one. God, some parts were stupid and some were funny! ^-^ That one part, "Fire in the hole" was too hilarious! Than the guy with braces laughing all the time. Gah, that was hilarious.
  22. Ok, a big fight went down at me and Volcom's school today. It goes to show homies mean buisness. Ok, after 8th period we all went to see what seemed what was going to be a normal fight. All I knew was Angela was going to fight Tammara. But when we got there. A car rolled up three older girls and Sarah (a girl at my school) got out and all beat up Rosalie (another girl at our school) she was on the ground getting kicked and punched. Than two girls I didn't know started fighting and so did Tammara and Angela. It was gruesome. Than the copers showed up and we split.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Volcomstone [/i] [B]well i dont hate anyone. i have had to put up with that **** ever since i entered middle school. the whole "thugs vs. skaters" **** is getting so old. as soon as a thug gets their *** kicked they go tell their homies and we end up having a war through the hallways. (not meaning to sound vain)being classified as the hardcore skaters in the school, me and my friends have been in the center of the battle since the beginning. breakouts and fights once a week is too many. i don't even want to start on those white boy "eminems". [/B][/QUOTE] Hey now Volcom, I may not be an eminem but I am white. Don't start with the racial stuff. But I agree at our school it is a huge war, gangster slams a skater into a locker 3 skaters beat up a homie....that is just how it goes. Back and forth.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B]Okay here is a fact for YOU TO GET STRAIGHT MYSTERIOUS WX. G-GUNDAM CAME OUT BEFORE STREET FIGHTER THE T.V. SERIES WAS MADE. SO IN ACTUALITY STREET FIGHTER IS A RIP OFF OF G-GUNDAM!!!! Okay now i'm mad!!! i'm going to stop posting in this for a little bit! Oh and i never called you anything. [/B][/QUOTE] Don't be so sure of that one, both Mobile Fighter G-Gundam and Street Fighter 2 the animated series came out in 1994. If anything Street Fighter came before becuase the dubbed version of Street Fighter came over here 1994. While Mobile Fighter G-Gundam came out in 1994 in Japan. (When I say Street Fighter, I mean the movie) But that is besides the point, Mobile Fighter G-Gundam (while not my favorite anime) is a very good show. Whether or not it copied off of anything, that doesn't matter. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]So basically, you're admitting you're a dubbie. [/B][/QUOTE] Well that doesn't matter, the whole dub vs. sub thing is ridiculous. Who cares if I watch it subbed or dubbes. Maybe I prefer it dubbed. Maybe I can't get it subbed. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]You dont like it? Don't watch it. Simple as that. [/B][/QUOTE] Now here, you have a very good point. :)
  25. Acid

    DVD Review

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]:) Question Adam? What sort of anime dvd is it? Since I have quite an ample ammount of time on my hands for the next 3 weeks. I should be able to do this one for you? IM me if your interested. [/B][/QUOTE] That is my question too! But, I have a strong theory that you would pick RH (anime master) over me. But if you are indeed interested IM me at MaticulatedPyro. ;)
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