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Yu Law

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Everything posted by Yu Law

  1. hey if they're true friends whe you come back from school you'll start right were you left off. Oh yeah and true friends would want you to do whats right for you...meaning.....EDUCATION!!!
  2. woah! you seem a little chipper there
  3. Abortion or no abortion she'll have to live with the consequences of what ever she chooses
  4. I LOVE ALYSSA TOOOOOOOOO!!!!! lol j/k
  5. Nice picture Miroku....but I was thinking that Miroku would have a picture of Miroku.....not inuyahsa lol
  6. COME ON YOU CAN CHANGE IT BACK!!! *Pulls out his blue hair dye and laughs evilishly*
  7. HEY!!! the red one with black stripes is the best um....I mean....yeah her clothes are goooooood um....shutting up now
  8. you ever think about dye {SITH} Change??
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_gurl [/i] [B]Has anyone cosplayed before at an anime convention? I'm going as Yuffie (she rulz!), but my friend doesn't know who to go as. We're trying to find an anime character that has short, brown hair. [/B][/QUOTE] Why not go as Miroku from inuyasha,or Yuske yurameshi don't know how to spell his name,Tenchi,what about put on a skull cap and be krillin lol,um Grappler Baki's Baki hanma,shoot die the har andyo can be anyone lol
  10. THE EMINEM SHOW!!! a must or um......my Zone of the Enders Soundtrack or um wait....um..hold on....um....maybe LUNAR 2's soundtrack easy listening lol
  11. GEN_X COPS and TOKYO RAIDERS!!!! Oh yeah bad bad movies but in a good way don't know if Gen X cops is japanese but Ikow TOKYO RAIDERS IS!!! the leader looks fantastic just lie the other girls blah um...I'm gonna sut up.
  12. ooooooooo Kirsten....... *Looks ofinto space like homer and drools*
  13. um....is Tommy still on there....haven't watchedsince 5th grade.....isn't he like 31 now?
  14. Yu Law


    never heard of it....what kind of band is it??
  15. PS2 PS2 PS2!!! Ps I think will outlast most of the games out today.Gamecube i think is one of the final steps for them.Sorta like Dreamcast forSega.No matter how good it was you just gotta have the good games.Without them there isn't a point in making a system
  16. Blah not enough realness....but its cool
  17. Blah everyone sees what I can't -_-
  18. I want a model of the gundam Blue Destiny Unit one but I guess they just didn't make one -_- one of the best gundams ever built and they don't have one
  19. how ca G-savir look like that and Jurassic Pak look like it does??? They should have spet a pretty penny on it and made it lok lie Final fantasy Now then it would have been a must see
  20. the biggest bust in the rpg is how Trunks an Goten go from the saiyans with the mos potential go to the regular teenage boys -_- I mean Goten geting girls now hat was cool but they stoped training and ended up blah like regular guys not even making it t ssj2 on their own
  21. doubt it too if they every tried to bring Evangelion to afternoon time T.V I think it would cause some kids cause emotionally suffering lol
  22. Blah not all rap has to deal with G's and puffin the magic dragon. I guess you haven't heard of Nas or even DMX Not everything they sayon thei songs have to do with that but you have to realize that they sing about wat they've been through an wat they've seen with their own eye. You can't criticize them for talking about their pasts.Maybe you should the white teens that like it so much.
  24. Yu Law


    TO HOT FOR T.V LOL I bet that won' be on cartoon network lol
  25. um...I guess so sometimes it is a little hard to first get into a relationship and mke it feel natural but man....THE EX THING!Whats up with that.I mean thats the part that throws me off. Most of my exs kinda um....hate me but even if we were still friends it would be a lot weirder to have them over my house than my new girlfriend. How would she feel if youhad sme ex over your house while she's sittin at home?? I bet you wouldn't be talking to her for a long time man. I'm not sayin dump her like everyone else but I am saying that I don' think that its all over like you think it is......
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