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Yu Law

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Everything posted by Yu Law

  1. I only thought that there was 3 see what happens when ya use the cheat codes on the second try. So everyone here beat the game no codes? I did once but not a whole lot.I like to beat the game over and over till I get real good at it....sometimes...only sometimes
  2. -_- I don't know anyone except Mist here so I guess I'd have to be her...I'd have to be her.She's cool anyway so I'd be happy to be as cool as her.^_^ ^_^ Mist your the best ^_^
  3. Hey your not an American but you can aid in our quest to blow stuff up on our day of independence.lol Take out a lighter and go explode some fireworks.The bigger the better.Light up the sky with missle from My collection.lol Blow somthin up...blow somethin up...aww yeah blow somethin up..say it with me....blow somethin up!!
  4. Yu Law


    How many total Cds do they have anyway...1...2...3...well atleast a single I like music that sounds good but one thing I can't stand.......Country.....ohmy I think I'll have a war flash back if I listen to that.Oh yeah I don't like Blues either unless its Cowboy Beebop's Real Folk Blues lol
  5. I like GTA3 There is a cool part in there where you can jump the bridge and everything slows down to Matrix style...gotta love it. The beat downs the prostitutes and the car chases what more can a felon ask for...hmmm...well yeah there is a bank robbery but hey atleast you can fight an old guy lol.
  6. Hey they call me the burnt food king.I think I'm the only person that can burn cereal....-_- but that skill helps out a lot with heavily explosive fireworks ^_^ lol I was so surprised when my mom got up and said....YOU HAVE TO COOK THE FOOD...shutters from the thought of it Gotta go run check the grill.... ::sighs::
  7. Yu Law


    I don't like too many rock bands but they sound pretty good to me.I think I'll have to go out and buy there Cd. But there not as good as the people who made the puddle of mudd Cd ...I can't remember their names -_- oh well I still need to get their Cd as well as that Daft Punk one
  8. I'm happy for ya! I'm sure your folks are proud of you. I never heared of the test but from the way you said you didn't think that you'd score that high I guess its a hard one so congrads on the high core.^_^
  9. I think Juuthena has a good idea,but its missing one or two major major factors in the fourth of July celebration you have too...hmmm..how can I say this.... Blow something up.Illegal fireworks and brilliant shows of lights and explosions...the colors don't hurt ^_^ UH OH...I HAVE TO COOK ALL THE FOOD BY MYSELF...MOM WHATS WRONG WITH YOU....I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO USE THE GRILL!!! Thats exactly what happened today.
  10. I haven't even seen movie 12 -_-0 Where did you guys get yours?? I've checked Sun Coast and Sam Goodies and endless other places but I still can't find many of the dbz movies. So come on help me out. I think I'm having a dbz crisis ^_^
  11. I get Frustrated but I don't yell anymore. First step frustration Second step anger Third step Sleep Sleep ahhhh yeah thats what you do when your tired of being mad.^_^
  12. Well I think Ryoko is the best for Tenchi.Her or Tsunami (sasami when she grows up ya know) Aeka she kinda has a little bit of an attitude problem and plus there is that little blood line problem.I don't care what they say on Jurai but on earth to marry into your own family is for country hicks.lol. They also would probably have one messed up baby.You know one with teeth that will never grow in and an ear where its nose should be. I think they should have a saga where Mihoshi gets a turn at Tenchi.So that everyone can see what she can do.I know I know she's comic relief but still you have to admit that Mihosi and Tenchi's exploits would be one to set the recorder for or hit the nearest Sun Coast and buy the whole entire saga on Dvd. I hope they come out with a new part of the tenchi series soon I want some more of that Ryoko action.lol.Well I'm only being real.(':demon:')
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