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Everything posted by Dragonstar

  1. I would if I could, as I don't have the money to buy DVDs, My VGR is broken and I can't even find half of the DVDs I want under the right region anyway. But I can't download anyway, since I don't have enough time on the web, nor do I know where to look. :D
  2. :D I just borrowed the first teo volumes of the Viz manga off my tutor. ^_^ I know I'm a girl but I think tha ninja centrefold is great. Kakashi is cool, and he looks like his name to me too, he definitely doesn't look quite with it. He's sort of, half asleep ^_^ :sleep: :D
  3. Yes 'The Kumars at no 42 rocks, as does 'Goodness Gracious Me.' My mum says it's racist, but scince it's written and produced by asians aith an asian cast, I fail to see how. It's just asians making fun of themselves. I particularly think the two families who are trying to outdo each other at being English are brilliant, as is the man who thinks everyone famous is Indian. Artemis- I am English. Dad's Army is great, I can't remember the names of all the characters, but some of them just crack me up, particularly the young guy and the one who just says, 'we're DOOMED' oh and the guy who says 'Don't Panick Mr Manwaring!' I remember an episode I saw when I was about six, and they capture this German soldier, and he sings 'whistle while you work, Hitler is a twerp!' XD I laughed at that for years. 'Allo, Allo' was creat, I love that policeman who has a relly bad French accent, so instead of 'Bomb' he says 'Bum' and noone understands a word he's saying. Classic. :D doukeshi03- It was Billy Boyd, I thought 'Hetty Wainthrop Investigates' was brilliant, my mum used to call it 'Wetty Hainthrop' *shrug* no idea why. :D
  4. I didn't mention The Young Ones and Bottom as I haven't seen them, which is also why I only mentioned the Monty Python films Which reminds me, Carry On... now they are hilarious, I've seen Carry On Coloumbus, Carry On Follow that Camel and bits of Carry On Nurse and Carry On Dick (I think it was alled that, the one with Dick Turpin) ^_^ I am unwilling to belive that I'm the only League Of Gentlemen fan here though. :(
  5. Well I am a triplet, so most of the people who knew me in primary school call me 'triplet' evertime they see me, and they somehow make it sound like an insult O_o I have also been known by any and every form of 'rabbit' in the english language and even 'Bugs Bunny' since I have huge fornt teeth and a massive overbite >_< I also named myself 'Bugz' on a whole bunch of playstation games. Oh, and some guy at college decined to call me 'Die Kaninchen' which is 'the rabbit' in German. I'm usually called Caz or Kaz, but this guy at college started calling me 'Cazza' NOT (NOT Kazaa, but still with a long 'a' sound) I was playing windwaker at my boyfriends house and trying to think of something more interesting than my usual 'Caz' or 'Blue' so 'Cazza' returned. oh, and my brother went throught a phase of calling me 'Carolin Manson' after my name, Caroline, was spelt 'Carolin' although most people think that that's my name anyway... I've also been called Powrie-ranger (by stuck up snobs at high school) Flowery Powrie (by my mum after I wore a flowery jumper and flowery leggings) What!? I was 7!! and people still seem to think it's hilarious to sink 'Oh Carolina' every time they see me. Oh and my form teacher used to sing 'Sweet Caroline' when I was dawdling out of registration. *shrug* I got the joke CHW (you have a long name, therefore I must shorten it) :P
  6. I used to spend literally ALL DAY on my own, break times, lessons, and then I found out that one of my so-called 'freinds' was b*****ing about me behind my back. Then I went to college and made some great friends and even got myself a boyfriend (I asked if he had a gluestick O_o) and OK, so one of his freinds has a 'cold sarcastic sense of humour' as one of my friends phrased it, which is usually aimed at me, but I've found that if I try and get along with everyone, then eventually people will realise that I'm a nice person (even if I annoy them and never shut up about anime) and they accepted me for what I am... My point... just be a nice person, say hi when you walk into a room, smile, and if poeple still decide to be off with you then forget them, there are always people who are just mean and nasty people, let them get on with it. And if you think your friends are ignoring you, it's probably not even a concious thing, or a deliberate one, sometimes people have a bad day or get absorbed in a conversation with someone, I do. It drives my boyfreind nuts... You will eventually meet people who don't ignore you and who take an interest in you, even if you are shy... :D
  7. :D I seem to have neglected 'The Office' Ricky Gervais is so funny in this. The really disturbing thing is that I know people like David Brent, y'know, think they're great and that everyone likes them, but laughs at them as soon as they leave the room. And yes Absoloubtely Fabulous is is great, *is suddenly very glad her mum is sane* oo I also forgot 'The Vicar of Dibley' and 'Father Ted' both of which were incredibly funny, although Mrs Doyle was kinda scary, in retrospect... French and Saunders are great, especially thier spoofs of Harry Potter... lol "You're a woman Harry..."
  8. :D I was wondering if there were any other fans of British comedies here (obviously) ya know like Red Dwarf, The Fast Show, Peter Kay's Phoenix Nights, One Foot in the Grave, Only Fools and Horses, The Thin Blue Line, Mr Bean, Keeping up appearances, Dad's Army, Black Adder, Are You Being Served, Maid Marrion and Her Merry Men, The Brittas Empire, Allo, allo, allo, Last of the Summer Wine, Porridge, Open All Hours, Fawlty Towers, um... ooo, The League of Gentlemen (no, NOT that one, Sean Connery was NEVER in Hadfield) there are probably a load more I'm forgetting... Of course the movie stuff too, Monty Python, The Carry On Gang. My favourites bieng Red Dwrf and The League of Gentlemen. Red Dwarf is just dumb enough that people who laugh at Sci-fi can watch it as a spoof, and just clever enough that seriious fans like it. And I went to school in League of Gentlemen country, Tubbs and Edward are pure genius. Oh, and I love Last of the Summer Wine, the concept of three OAP's acting like schoolboys... 'nuff said... anyone know what I'm talking about..? :D
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Swordsaint [/i] [B]hmmm Swordsaint, well this one you kind of have to know me in person to understand, or believe. I'm really interested in Medieval stuff, especially swords. So I practice with wooden ones that I make, and after a while, I actually started to get decent at the whole thing. And I'm in general a very accepting easy going person, I do my best to be kind to everyone I meet. One day one of my friends happened to call me swordsaint and oddly enough it stuck. I have no clue why but it does. I don't exactly qualify to be a saint, I havn't performed three miracles. Though some of my friends think that the fact I'm still a virgin is a miracle, especially after hanging out with them for so long. [/B][/QUOTE] :D Sword Saint also happens to be a character in Storm Riders, a super cool chinese manga I found in my local library, (the artwork is AMAZING) my name, Dragonstar is just cos I draw a whole load of Dragons and spend loadsa time Stargazing, so when I made my character Blue, her people worship Dragons, Stars, and Wolves (really, don't ask) so I named the galaxy they were in Dragonstar, then there was a legendary sword, Dragonstar it just kinda made sense, to me, although I usually call myself Blue Tajiri and I have been known as Silverstar before now. :D
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by misery [/i] [B]yay Stargate is cool. I like Egyptian history.. but it was so typical that Daniel came back to life and Jonnas Quinn got kicked out. >< [/B][/QUOTE] You went and spoiled it for me! I live in England ya know. :mad: And I don't have sky, or cable, so I'm stuck with whatever Sci-fi ch4 and the Beeb decide to show, and they both treat it like s**t. It gets bounced around the schedules like a tennis ball, bleh... But I just stay up late and wath series two re-runs at 3:00am. Along with Enterprise repeats, Andromeda (Tyr and Harper ^_^) oh, and Monkey. I like all Sci-fi, but I really like the way that Stargate SG-1 brings in all the Mythology, and brings that interesting twist to things. hmmm... when ya think about it, If you went back in time to Ancient Egypt, all you'd have to do was show them a gun and you'd be a god to them (or a wizard at least...) *shrug* *runs off with Teal'cs' medallion* :D
  11. :D OK, I thought what I did was a little strange, but it seems to pale in comparison to some of you guys... Me? I'm partial to Bananas on toast, be they mashed or sliced... my sister thinks I'm disguting... hmm... oh, when we were kids, if there wasn't enough cereal left, my dad would mix them together, I still do this, the best cominations I've found are Rice Crispies and Weetabix, and Coco Popos and anything, exept bran, or anything too wheaty, usually with Cornflakes or Shreddies. I also used to put on icing sugar, if there was no sugar, (or my mu wasn't looking, heh) Oh, I love Glace cherries, I could quite happily sit there with a tub and eat the lot, on thier own, but I'd hardly call that strange, I'm sure most of you would do that. I like porridge, my dad uses water and salt and oats then puts sugar on... ew, I do it with milk and THEN put sugar on, and leave the salt in the cupboard, which my brother thinks is gross... *shrug* :D I have family members who've eaten Cat Food and Fish Food *shudder* that's just nasty. Oh, and I once drunk neat (undiluted) blackcurrant juice @_@ That was for a dare, I think, or I couldn't reach the tap... My friend mixes Ribena and Vimto, which has quite kick to it. And I recomend you try this, get some Tic-tacs and a sherbert fountain pour the sherbert and Tic-tacs into a bowl, seal, shake, and freeze. Then eat the liqurice from the Sherbert Fountian. Most people thik my taste for Marmite is weird and gross, I don't think it is, unless SOMEONE doesn't put butter on, bleh. I used to eat Dairylea Triangles too... :D
  12. :D Lost... Kingdoms... II... *falls over* Most of the bosses were frustrating, then, you beat [spoiler]The God of Harmony[/spoiler] and there's a little cut scene and you've realised that you've beat the game, at level 11, and with 9 hours on the clock. :( good job it only cost me ten quid... :whoops: :D
  13. :D Everytime I read a post I remember another show. Carebears - I watched a teeny bit, I think. Sonic the Hedgehog - I loved this, I still have a load of comics from when I was about 13, I wish I could still find it. STC! WHOO! Alvin and the Chipmunks - and there was the movie spoofs version too. BATMUNK! YEAH! I very VAGUELY remember Captain Planet and I really wish I'd seen Samurai Pizza Cats. I discovered the Smurfs when I was ten, there was this big niose on TV cause they were being put back on the air. I remember a show called Eek the cat, but that barley goes put the name, I do remember Felix the Cat however. Pirates of the Dark Water, there was an episode of this that scared the hell out of me, this woman they meet melts and there's this black and white goop in the sea, our toilet seat at the time was black withlittle white rubber cushions under it, it reminded me of this, so I always used to put the seat down REALLY fast if someone left it up. LOL Which reminds me of something, Dizzy Heights Hotel. There was an episode where they built a wall across the hotel and this person cooks boots for food. Some plaster falls form the ceiling when someones stomach rumbls, and I got the impression that they died or something, either way, it kinda creeped me out. Does anyone remember Radio Roo? the Original Bodger and Badger? Or perhaps Chucklevision..? My brother just reminded me, Juniper Jungle... hee hee, the villain was a matress, and his henchman was a tyre. There was a cheetah policeman who had noughts and crosses boards drawn all over him *shrug* And the matress used to say 'Why am I laughing..? I'm evil...!' And then there was 'The Hurricanes', about a football (soccer) team whos big rivals kept playing dirty, and cheating, and one of them was called Ruud and he played in bare feet >_< (ouch) and there was one where they had to dig a prison escape tunnel with a spoon, LOL. And other stuff, Winnie the Pooh. I think I once saw the Mario Brothers and Legend of Zelda cartoons. Dr Zitbags' Transylvania Pet Shop, hee hee, there was an episode where they made a scape goat, another one I only got recently. Mighty Kai: I'm glad to see someone finally remembers SOMETHING of the Cosgrove stuff. They were aimed at kids, but they actually had a LOT of adult jokes in them... and I may have mentioned it already but does anyone remember Fireman Sam? And I almsot forgot, PC Pinkerton... I loved that. Oh, and Mighty Max, of course. That was kinda funny. and He-man, Batman, Spiderman, a little X-men. Captian Pugwash, and in the same vien Peter Pan and the Pirates, no, not the Disney one. Maid Marrion and her Merry Men, Men in Tights kind of humour, only not so adult, Robin Hood spoof, obviously. Superted, yup, watched that too. Little Mouse on the Prairie, Bananas in Pyjamas. Wow, this brings back memories of Andy Peters in the Broom Cupboard, someone in my house had an Ed the Duck lunchbox. Scooby Doo was another favourite. And the one with Scappy too... O_o *notices ripping of line* Tiny Toons, with the younger versions of the Looney Toons, I had the game, Babs bunny... hmm... possibly some the basis for Lola in Space Jam. Wren and Stimpy, which, looking back, was really gross. Dinobabies was cool, and Greedysaurus. OMG I still remember the theme tune, ya know, that looks like it was done in paint Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers, My god what did we watch..? Charlie Brown, still funny today. I had a snoopy pen topper, it came in my Rice Crispies. Popeye, Poypye and Son. We had a song for this... *ahem* He's Popey the Sailor Man! He lives in a caravan! He opened the door and he fell through the floor, He's Popeye the sailor maaaaan! *runs away* Attack of of the killer tomatoes... that had the best theme tune. Ghostbusters, we played the theme tune at birthday discos :therock: Hong Kong Phooey, which was just wierd, he had a PINK karate belt. and he washes the kids blackbelts and turns them white. Inspector Gadget was cool, unfortunately, there was the annoying Gadget Boy cash in. ohmigod! The Wombles! 'Underground overground...' AHEM Timmy Mallet, my god, he had a giant pink hammer and HUGE glasses, it was great. and in a simmillar vein, Get Your Own Back, Run the Risk there was the funhouse or something like it and one where you had to look for clues in a big house and deliberately trash the place. The was The Wetter The Better, where school kids soaked thier teachers, which was filmed in Blackpool, incidentaly. The Adventured of Spot, I loved it, he once buried his dad in the sand... ^_^ The Animals of Farthing Woods, which in retrospect was sooo an environmental campaign... I had BOOKS. Fox was cool. And the rabbits, (while running around in panic) Don't Panic! Don't Panic!. Earthworm Jim, Albert the Fifth musketeer, Robonson Sucroe, Bananaman, Barbar, Brum, Pingu, Space Precinct, Oscars' Orchestra, Elidor, Astro Farm, Funny Bones, (in dark dark house, in a dark dark street, the was a dark dark stair.. yeh) The famous five, Insektors, Secret Life of Toys, The Crystal Maze, Grange Hill, Madeline, Noddy, The Playbus (which I may have metioned) The Queen's Nose, Postman Pat, The Really Wild Show, Round the Twist, Rocko's Morden Life, Return to Jupiter, Rosie and Jim, (we had a song about that too, they do... stuff... in a biscuit tin...) Rupert the Bear, Ship to Shore, The Borrowers, Thomas the Tank Engine, I wish I'd seen The Trapdoor, All of the Beatrix Potter animations, Where's Wally. I found a website -_-; I watched WAAAAAY too much tv didn't I? [URL=http://www.abc.net.au/rollercoaster/kidstv/shows/prog6.htm]Clickie[/URL] :D This post took exactly 1 hour and 40 minutes -_-;
  14. :D OK, there are a couple of things I'm having trouble with, niether of them seem to be very vital, but all the same, I'd really appreiciate some help. THE SKULL MASK: Who do I sell this too!? I swear, I must've been everywhere you can reach as a kid and noone sems interested. CUCCOS: There are two chickens that I need to catch in Kakariko Village, but I can't get to them, they're on the hill above the windmill and one of the carpenters is blocking the way out of the backof the house, is there a way to move him or am I missing something somewhere..? ZORA'S DOMAIN: Near the big ladder by the entrance, there's a platform in the water, ever time I go near the platform, my controler vibrates, I had a closer look and I noticed what looks like an opening under the water, but I can't get deep enough, I can dive for six meters but I still can't reach. What do I need to do here, am I even on te right track..!? LAKE HYLIA: That plague near the Water Temple warp point. It says 'When water fills the lake, shoot for the morning light' I just started the shadow temple but I don't have a clue what to do here. RED POWDER: The guy I'm supposed give this to vanished and there's a fairy there saying that he turned into a Stalfos, so now what am I supposed to do with it. FOREST STAGE: What is this for anyways? LOST WOODS SKULLTULLA: In one of the clearings in the lost woods, I can hear a Gold Skulltulla, but I can't find it. This as an adult. It's close to the Sacred Forest Medow. MAGIC BEANS: Where do I plant these? what are they for !? O_o hmm... OK, so it was A LOT more than a couple of things... there may be more yet, but I have to test some theories first... *runs off to death mountain.* :D
  15. :D Where I am, (England) it's out right now... and it ROCKS!!! ^_^ It does have a kinda story mode, called Dragon World, and the graphics are pretty cool. Just one problem really... I really wanna know if Future Trunks is in the game, and if he is, how do I unlock him, I mean, I've got characters that only appear in a few episodes and noone really cares about, but no Future Trunks... *runs off to cry* if anyone can help, could they, uh... PM... or something. :D
  16. Hey, long time no see VR! Your poem is amazing, I don't have any personal expeirience of this, but I read a whole lot of stuff so I get what you're saying... Nicely done. *applause*
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Inuluvr1 [/i] [B]So everyone loved the Power Rangers...Lamb Chop was awesome too. Oh yeah and amibasuki, what a wonderful peaceful picture. But I also liked the oldies...Three's Company, Different Strokes were my favorite oldies. Ooh Cheers, yeah I loved that too. I didn't like the Teletubbies when I was little. I thought it was stupid...and I wanted to yell at the TV, "ha ha you all are fat!" but parents were always there to watch your every move. Oh, and I forgot to mention. Does anyone remember the little kid's show with the worm who drove an apple car? I forgot what that was called. [/B][/QUOTE] The Busy World of Richard Scarry! ^_^ That was cool, Pig will and Pig Won't and a load of others I can't remember... :D [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zanarkand Abes [/i] [B]When I was real little my favorite show was Bucky O' Haire, or at least I think that's how you spell it. Anyway, it was about a green rabbit with a duck friend who traveled the galaxy and fought crime. He was pretty cool. I wish I could get hold of some old episodes. [/B][/QUOTE] I used to love that! Bucky O' Hare and Dead-eye Duck ^_^ That has the most AWESOME theme tune. I also watched The Pink Panther, Conan, um... Garfield and friends (although I only just got the Orwell's Farm joke about four years ago) I was a big fan of the Playbus when I was reeeeally young, I always liked the Dot Stop, and the Why Bird Stop. I'm dissapointed to see that noone remebers Button Moon, but there ya go, that's life. Did anyone here ever watch Rainbow? With Zippy, Bungle and George..? They were great, I used to love Zippy... ^_^ Does anyone remember a show about a big green angine named Bertha, or Charlie Chalk? Charlie Chalk was great. I just don't think stuff like the Teletubbies, Tweenies, and Fimbles even compare with stuff from when I was a kid, they're so patronising, and how four plonkers running around in siuts shouting 'Eh-oh!' can be educational. A guy on my course noticed that all the people who do the really original and creative work are the ones who grew up on Button Moon, The Clangers, Rainbow, The Magoic Roundabout, all the relly surreal stuff (yes, ocasionally with reference to drugs, but they weren't deliberate.) Just something I've noticed... what happened to all the great stuff, I woulv'e loved to have grown up in my dad's years, Andy Pandy, Rhubarb and Custard, and Bill and Ben the flower pot men. :D
  18. :D yeh, I did watch the turtles, the sonic cartoons, Power Rangers (when I was about seven or eight) but they ween't even close to my favourites, I used to love a show called Button Moon, there was this girl called Tina Teaspoon and this Boy Scout clled Eggbert (he was an egg) all the puppets were made with kitchen utensils and food. They had this rocket, which was so obviously supposed to be a Heinz Baked Beans tin, with a funnel on top. The moon (surprisingly enough) was a buton, nd they had this episode where they got overrun by mice, which were made out of skittles, all the bodies were bottles, and they used forks and spoons for arms. OMG I've realised where my weirdness came from. (not to mention finally figured out what to animate for my project) I also liked Tomas The Tank Engine, I dunno what it is with tots and trains, but even seeing one is like WOOOOOW! LOOKIT! It was narrated by Ringo Starr, but I didn't realise who he was for a looong time. My favourite was Henry, the big green train, I got a train set with him in, but he couldn't go around the corners cos he was so long and there was no joint between him and the tender. I had a big thing for the Cosgrove animations, Dangermouse and Duckula, mainly. I don't remember much about Dangermouse, but I had Duckula videos and stuff, the characters were sooo funny, and all English voiced (unless you count the texans in one episode) there was even an episode where they went to the jungle looking for ancient treasures, (Jungle Duck, lol) they meet Tarzan, but he's a clumsy wimpy guy with an old style accent, like 'Tally Ho Chaps! Wot!' ah, them were the days... There was another episode where these thieves sell the castle to this Texan couple who want to put it next to the pool to outdo thier nieghbours, they take to castle apart from the bottom up, cos they can't reach the roof. The roof gets lower and lower and Duckula thinks Nanny is wearing High-heels. Then the castle gets mailed brick-by-brick to Texas and put back together wrong cos the thievs can only count to ten. ^_^ Oh, they had a teleporting castle, in one episode, Duckula says, 'the rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain, that's ok, we'll go by castle' he eventually ends up fighting a bull. Igor was a psychotic maniac, who tried to torture guests and always ended up in his own traps. Nanny was a very strong stupid type with her arm constantly in a sling, and Duckula had a thing for Brocolli Sandwiches, instead of blood, cos Nanny used Ketchup, instead of Blood when they made him. heh heh. @_@ I've written a lot. I'm gonna shut up now. :D
  19. :D I've never gone out of my way to listen to the beatles, but other people in my house have and I've always liked it. I'm not an obsessive, or even a major fan, I guess a casual fan. My boyfreinds a big John Lenon fan, so I really like stuff like Imagine (in fact I love Imagine) *shrug* My dad used to have this joke, our cats used to bring insects and other assorted nasties into the house, we'd go to take a abth and there'd be this water-beetle on the floor. We'd run to my parents 'There's a beetle in the bathroom!' and he'd turn round and say, 'which one? Ringo Starr? John Lenon?' ¬_¬ lol I've seen most of Yellow Submarine, veeeeery strange, yup. Cool, but weird... doe anyone one remember Tomas The Tank Engine..? That was narrated by Ringo Starr... I used to love that... :D
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]At least you guys have a [i]cool[/i] stereotype. Your whole country is loved by America because people think that you're happy all day and have the most awesome accents [which, actually, you [i]do[/i] have awesome accents.] The American stereotype are the "rednecks" from the backland hills of Tennesee and West Virginia, who speak with thick, unintelligible Southern accents and have bad hygiene. However, these people only make up a [size=1]tiny[/size] percent of the population, it's not like our whole country is running rampant with them. So I would rather have your country's stereotype any day ;)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] :D Yeh, well most people seem to expect that English men walk around in tweed smoking a pipe and that Eglish women walk around in long skirts with thier hair in a complicated knot and talk like Lara Croft/ Rupert Giles/ Dr Corday. Bleh :p And for the record, Steve Irwin's cool, a little crazy maybe, but he's cool. :D
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Burori [/i] [B][FONT=times new roman][COLOR=darkblue] Do you think turning 18 will make your life an easy one or make it even worse? [/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Lessee, uni, other complicated parts of being an adult, and I lose my excuse not to get bladdered On the plus side, I will be able to buy Ghost in the Shell and see every movie that gets released (legally, I mean) It's gonna have up sides and down sides, but it's definitly gonna get complicated. :D
  22. :D O_o Wahhh, so much anime, Everytime I come on line I hear about a new anime... I'm definitly gonna try Inu-yasha sometime, as I have a friend who's obsessed with it. (Well, OK, Miroku) I probably wouldn't be able to get Ghost in the Shell, since I believe that has an 18 rating. So I'll have to wait 4 months, and most peole think I'm twleve anyway. I've heard a lot of good thing s about Escaflowne and the tiny amount I've heard about Rourouni Kenshin has been good, (plus the characters look cool, always a plus) Oh My Godess looks really good, but It'll be hard to find here in Manchester. From what I've heard of FLCL, I wouldn't want my mum to walk in while I was watching it... lol I know little to nothing about Trigun I've never even heard of anything else you've mentioned... :D For definite I'm getting .Hack and Inu-yasha.
  23. :D I loved Sephiroth, maybe it's just cos FFVII was the first RPG I played, but no other villain seems to match up to him, ok, Edae was creepy, and what she does to Squall >_< *ouch* but Sephiroth had more personally than any other villain. Kuja sucked as a villain, I'm still not entirely sure of his motives and FFIX doesn't make any sense to me. [spoiler]Yevvon[/spoiler] was a poor villain simply because of how easy he was to beat. [spoiler]Seymour[/spoiler] was good, ok, so he sounds like Chris Eubank, and he's annoying as hell, but he had character. And you kinda regret killing him. (almost) Kefke just made me laugh, although that face make up is creepy... when you see him in the FMV on the PS1 re-release, yikes :eek: As for Brahne... *shudder* O_o She was just gross...
  24. :D Does anyoe remember Gremlins..? My freind had one of those too... I had a Captian Blue action figure, but my bruv was the ultimate fantic he had Thunderbirds action figures, Thunderbirds soap... He had a Tracey Island, and a load of the ships too. Including the T2 with the big ol' pod that dropped down... As well as some Captain Scarlet stuff, (Captain Scarlet, Liutenant Green) and My sister had Colonel White. :D
  25. :D I have a nice little philosphy on this... if you feel like doing something that coud be considered childish (within reason, obviously) then go do it, even if you think you're too old. Don't be in hurry to grow up, cos you'll miss childhood once it's gone. Growing old is compulsory, growing up is not. ^_^ :D
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