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Everything posted by Dragonstar

  1. :D You could get to be Future Trunks girlfriend... :laugh: seriously though, um... a meeting with Akira Toriyama, in Japan, a whole loada DBZ goodies... *shrug* Akira Toriyama draws you as a DBZ character, that could be good. Signed pictures of him, standing with you... uh... you get te idea. OOOOH a Capsule Corp jacket, like Future Trunks wears... :D
  2. :D There are a WHOLE LOT of movies, I don't know about all of them, but I've seen up Broly and I've seen the Bardok special. The other movies will no doubt be released in good time. Dragonball:Gaiden sound an awful lot like AF to me. Which is totally fake, though there is in fact a web RP. I dunno if I'm right about that though. :D
  3. Dragonstar


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zanarkand Abes [/i] [B]Man, it seems like everything Pokemon comes out in March. Last March was the Ruby and Sapphire versions, now the colloseum, why can't it be in December, so I can get it for Christmas? Anyways, thanks. [/B][/QUOTE] :mad: which means it'll be realeased in July in England, when I have no money... :mad: Take it from me, con't be a supply teacher, no holiday py, BLEH!
  4. :D I was wondering if anyone knew the name of the song that Lugia sings in Pokemon 2000, the same one that Melody plays on her flute. I would really appreciate an answer as I think this is an amazing piece of music. Anyone happen to agree with me by the way..? :D
  5. :D Arasoi, these are amazing... y'know, Demon Song would go very nicely to music... I'm trying to think of more to say, but I'm literally speechless... :eek:
  6. :D We watched this at college, no idea why, but we did. And it was amazing, very depressing though (not to mention that most of my group aren't old enought o watch it...) A couple of people walked out cos it got kinda porn-like. But I thought it was great, plus it really inspired me for the animation I made for that project, kinda surreal and dreammy with lots of flashes. The strange thing was, my boyfriend asked me had I ever seen it when we were on the phone the Friday before. The same thing happened with 'The Fly' and then a topic apperad on here about that too. Very creepy. :D
  7. :D Seriously, I love both Sci-fi and Fantasy, they're pretty much the same thing, just in different times really. At least, that's what I think. I'd love to see someone with true superpowers in StarTrek and I'd love to see what Merry and Pippin would do with a phase pistol. (I doubt it would be pleasant) The only difference between Sci-fi and Fantasy (that I can see) is that in Sci-fi, powers come from machinery and illusion (Goa'uld staff weapons and hand devices) whereas in Fantasy powers come from either true magic, or a magical item. (Any wizard, the One Ring) Final Fantasy perfectly combines the two in FFVII (Meteor, summons, materia, spaceships, need I say more..?) Although I'll admit, fireballs and ki blasts could be a little dangerous on a spaceship, but it would ad a whole new dimension to battles and fights. (Will you overpower your enemy, or taer your ship apart?) See..? :D I've just had some GREAT fanfiction ideas. :D
  8. :D I'm gonna have a hard time topping some of yours... I'm English, I live in a suburb of a suburb called Newton, which is part of Hyde, which is part of Manchester. Kinda. Newton is about one square mile, and full of scalies and idiots and snobs. need I say more..? I was born in Didsbury, Manchester, where my mum grew up. My family are from all over the plaec Dundee (Scotland) Kent (near London) Uppermill - Saddlewrth (part of Oldham) and someone somewhere is Irish, someone else moved to america a looooong time ago. and my surname supposedly originates in Norway. O_o I actually made myself sound interesting. :D
  9. :D I once had a gymnast barbie, a year later I got a crime buster and raid action man, then a remot control car. My ultimate favourites... The inline skates I got when I was seven, oh, and I once had Minnie Mouse roller skates. I once had a doll, it was nearly as tall as me (I was three or four) I named it Angela, after my cousin. The Sylvanian Fammilies windmill, with the badgers in..? I loved that. Does a Master System count. My mum hid it under a pile of gift wrap and made it appear by magic (my brov got a magic set that year) We spet about three months saying how much we wnted one, but we never thought we'd GET one (we weren't dropping hints either) I also had a LOT, of Poly Pockets (and some Mighty Max) I even got the Lucy Locket Dream House, it was shped like a HUGE heart. I took it into school and my teachers thought it was my lunchbox (despite the fact that I paid my dinner money every Monday) but I filled it up with water and ost all the bits. My freind still has one in perfect condition, (as well as my action man) but I haven't seen her in YEARS (literally) :( and I still Love lego to this day, and Plasticine/ Play-doh :D
  10. :D One thing I heard was that there was going to be a graphicaly updated version of FFVII, which would be good, because FFVII was ,in my opinion, the best. People who haven't played it tell me that they'd like to get into it, but the jerky animations and blocky graphis atop them from enjoying it, so I think it'd definitly work. An FFVII-2 would work as a game, it could be great, although I did hear tat there was going to be a movie *remeber sucess of 'The Spirits Within'* :eek: they should definitly make it a game. I've seen a video for FFVII-2 actually. Sephiroth's hair is short, Cloud's hair is vertically challenged, but they still have big swords ^_^ Looks good to me. One big flaw. It's not manga, FFVII should be mangs-style. :D
  11. Dragonstar


    :D Broly looks really cool (if a little weak) when he is in his normal state and [spoiler]under the controlof Paragus.[/spoiler] He just looks dumb when he transfomes, especially with all the jewlery. His waist should NOT be that small, I don't even know girls with a waist like that. :D HE'S IN THREE MOVIES!? I WAS RIGHT, WHOO-HOO! *ahem* EDIT: and his name is slang for umbrella... O_o :D
  12. :D Anime changed the course of my life in a major way... It gave me an obsession, which got me onto my course, where my tutor thiks I'm a (crazy) genius and I met my great boyfreind. I developed Blue, and started up Dragonstar, which combined with Final Fantasy, made me want to make an RPG, so I got into Klik Games and ok, I failed a major project when I tried to make the RPG, but, y'know... It gave me many outlets for stress, watch anime, read manga/fanfiction, draw manga, write fanfiction, torture Trunks, torture Blue. It also brought my all-important alter-egos into play, I stated caricaturing my freinds, then started on alter-egos (what they'd be if they were animes) Though they require me to constantly pester my friends for more detail about thier alte-egos, since I use them in fanfiction or in original stories (usually Dragonstar) It gave me a major depression when ITV Digital/ On Digital went bust and I got major withdrawal from about ten animes after CITV decided to treat 'em like crap and move them around all the time. Mostly, it made me different, it made me stand out from the crowd, since not many of my freinds (that I see very often) like anime, it lead me to Otakuboards, where (aside from certian people) I am treated with respect and I have a lot of fun and increase my knowledge and perspective of the world. It lead me to fanfiction, which helped me to develop my own characters even before I knew that making up a story about Cloud meeting Blue was called fanfiction. It gave me a new and unique art style which noone can imitate perfectly, and it still does get me shours of 'WOW' from the other side of the room. It also got me a rejection from a Gameboy company that contacted my tutor and got me let down by college web designers twice after they said they'd put my work/picture, on the site. It got me into web design, so that I could make my own anime and fanfiction sites, which have evolved into sites to show my own work off. (all without being put onto the net... It made me weirder that I already was (which is good, since where I'm from, 'normal' means Scalies, and Bullies, and Junkies and Gangster wannabe stoners) It gave me new songs to sing, (Eyes On Me, Suteki Da Ne, and Melodies Of Life being my current favourites) By reading fanfiction, I also picked up odd words of Japanese (usually swear-words) which made me want to lern about Japan and Japanese (still working on that one) I now have big ambitions to become writer/ anime/manga artist/ animator/ game designer/ all of the above... you get the idea So yeah... it changed my life a lot. For the better. :D
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] I can understand what you're saying, D_B_D, and it's better to just ignore those things. I'm a fan of fanfiction.net, and I have visited both the Inuyasha, Trigun, .hack//SIGN, and G-Gundam site. Now, if you think about it, all of those animes don't have a single character that is openly gay [i]or[/i] doesn't seem gay. [Maybe Tsukasa is bordering that edge.] Well, from my viewing experiences of the fanfictions under those catagories at ff.net, there's a very, [i]very[/i] slim number of yaoi/shounen-ai fanfictions. Now, go to the Gundam Wing site, and you'll find oodles of yaoi/shounen-ai fictions. It's pretty self-explanatory.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Just try searching for DBZ angst using Truks and Goten as the chacters, most of the results will be yaoi/shounen-ai. Most fanfiction authors just see a possibilty for a freindship to mean a LOT more. I don't have anything against yaoi fanfiction, I've actually come to enjoy it, purely because of the amount of angst you can get into a yaoi fanfiction (I love torturing animes *shrug*) the only time I cmplain is when people piar Vegeta and Goku or Gohan and Piccolo. since Vegeta, Goku and Gohan are all happily married, (to thier wives, not each other) and have famillies, and the problem with Piccolo should be obvious to ANY DBZ fan. For the record, some non-yaoi pairings are even worse than a lot of yaoi, for example Trunks and Pan, Goten and Bra. They'd never happen, the age gaps are about 10-14 years, (and Pan's really annoying) I just can't see it, I think of Pan and I see a ten-year old. That's just a little suspect in my opinion. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Metatron [/i] [B]They are holding the anime characters in their heart in their own dear way just as you hold the same characters in your heart in your own dear way. Why not let them? Because its not real? Does it really matter though? In any event, the anime is being appreciated, and the characters are being taken up by fans who want to make their own story with them. I think the authors will be happy that their characters have reached that status. [/B][/QUOTE] Couldn't agree more. The 'what if?' is the very spirit of fanfiction, it doesn't matter if the idea really sucks, cos authors still enjoy writing it. And most of them stress that Yaoi/Yuri fanfics have characters behaveing very differently from the way they would in the show. And most people don't read fanfiction about a show they don't watch, it tends not to make a whole lot of sense. And even when you do find fanfiction accidentally (which is actually very hard to do) you know that it's fanfiction. Most people search for info on a show by typing the name of the show, so they get index pages for sites about that show. Even a fanfiction site usually has character info and plot synopsis, so most people can figure out what's real and what's not. Coming from personal experience here, fanfiction often turns inot original fiction, Blue (see my avatar) started off as an OC for an FFVII fanfic, I adapted her to fit into other fics and eventually removed and altered the elements of her that weren't my own, I now have a highly detailed character that I can use for both orignal work and (by altering her past) fanfiction. :D
  14. :D OK, I actually have job now, and I'll soon be getting a debit card so I'll be able to buy stuff online. I want to try a new anime, I don't just want missed episodes of an anime I've already seen, I want something totally new. Obviously, you guys know your anime, so I was wondering if you guys could recomend anything. I'm thinking of .Hack//sign what do you guys think..? Bear in mind, I'll watch anything. Be it sub, sub, X rated or aimed at twelve year olds. I even like the crappy FUNI DBZ dub and the Cardcaptors dub, (yup, even the theme tune) :D
  15. :D My favourites? Kero, without any doubt, I wish my cats could do that. (Talking would be a nice start... oh, wait...) ;) Puar, same reason. The Ham-hams, they're annoying and sugary-pukingly-sweet, but they're cute. I dunno if these count, but the Djinni from Golden Sun. They're cute, and they give you powers. Maybe Spinner too (Dub name. I know, I'm a dubbie) :D EDIT: I forgot Ryo-ohke! ^_^
  16. :D B*witched! They were great, I loved 'To you I belong.' Wish I knew the words... an MP3 would be nice too... GAH! Now that's stuck in my head, I don't even know the words!! O_o Oh well, at least it's in a language I understand, which is a change... :D
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]Eternal Otaku, please use paragraphs when typing. / This isn't coincidence so much as cause-and-effect, but it's rather amusing. I was typing last night, and got stuck on a word (anthology). I wasn't sure if I had the right meaning of it, so I opened a window to dictionary.com. I was in the process of typing it up again when my sister came into the room to talk with me. "So," she said, "Let's talk about your costume." I looked up. "Anthology?" I said. I was so focused on making sure I had the right word for the definition that it just sort of slipped out. I meant to say something along the lines of, "Oh, okay." She looked at me as though I were quite insane. It was pretty funny. It's not the first time that's happened, but I think it's the first time anyone else has really witness, heh.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] You reminded me of something, not exactly coincidece, but definitly strange... A while ago, I dreamt I was in school, we were studying the Amazon River in geography, only my teacher was a woman not a man. She asked what chewing gum was made from, I said rubber, she then asked where rubber came from, (I wake up somewhere around here) I muttered 'tree sap' as I woke up. The same thing happened at my boyfriends the other week. It may be worth noticing that my teacher in year 5 was a woman, which is when I actually DID do a topic on the Amazon River and the Rainforest.
  18. :D I love the style in the videos too, you have your classic comic relief too, the guy with the bottle in 'One More Time' Correct me if I have the title wrong, it's been three years at least (oh my god thats a long time, blue didn't even have a tail) Methinks the guy with the guitar ship is a possible love interest, of course, I could be over-analysing here, but I could totally follow the narrative of the first tewo videos, the third, I only saw three times, the fourth... I never even saw all of that one. ... I wonder if I could download 'em somewhere... :D
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinmaru [/i] [B]Yeah, I think the implanting of Agent Smith into that guy is heavily implied. I believe, in Matrix Reloaded, [spoiler]that guy was stuck in The Matrix and Agent Smith was able to use the phone connection to enter and become a host in that guy's body.[/spoiler] I like the whole "what goes around comes around" feel of this. Man made the machines, which rebelled because they were being improperly treated. It makes sense that the programs of The Matrix would do the same, since they are also being improperly treated by the machines. But it makes you wonder...is Agent Smith also a part of the anomaly of The Matrix? Destroying Zion has become, as James said, a routine task for the machines. Was Agent Smith ever a part of that routine destruction or is he a new part of the equation, so to speak? [/B][/QUOTE] I've heard a theory about Neo and Smith First up [spoiler] the guy Smith inhabited is called Bane,[/spoiler] Now onto the theories [spoiler] Neo didn't stop the sentinals, the machines did. - Neo is stuck inside of the Matrix, as is Bane - The captian of the other ship says that someone fired off an EMP, Bane did exactly the same thing Neo did. [/spoiler] - Now for the big one [spoiler] All of the agents are the Ones who came before Neo, including Smith, Smith is so messed up at finding out the truth, which is why he goes a little crazy, (something to that effect anyways) [/spoiler] I also heard that [spoiler] Bane blinds Neo [/spoiler] If that one's true, it should make things interesting. If the [spoiler] Matrix within a matrix [/spoiler] theory is true, I'll cry. Even as I theorised about this as a I left the cinema, I really hoped it wasn't true, it's just a little too... crossroads... Oo, now this brings something to the surface of my mind... If you wanna make Reloaded worth seeing (I thought it was anyway) Go watch on an IMAX screen, the bass actually plasters you to your seat. If nothing else interests you, you can point out all the tiny dots of muck and zits on the actors faces. Morpheus... oh my god, he has lotsa little craters on his jaw. And Link has a spot on his eye, and I'm sure there's a bit where someone actually has something in thier teeth. I loved Reloaded, we dowloaded the Revoloutions trailer at college, but it hd no sound, for some reason, altough I have to say [spoiler] the rain fight [/spoiler] looks amazing, very Z-ish. And whoever it was who said that Keanau Reeves isn't cute... I beg to differ, I think he's cute. And he's a good actor, I find the scenes with the Oracle the funniest, here's this big tough badass superhero, gonna save the world... when he's with the Oracle, he's like a lost little boy, and the Oracle was definitely NOT, what I was expecting. Y'know I've just had a thought... [spoiler] The Oracle is one of the renegade Programes, yet she obviously plays a vital role in getting the One back to the archtect and starting the cycle all over again (I think she's actually a bad-guy, or was going to be, yet her words to Neo 'You've made a believer out of me.' mean that she may actually believe the Matrix can be brought down permanently) The key-maker also plays an imoprtant role, yet why are the agents hunting them down, they are obviously still vital parts of the Matrix. [/spoiler] Now I'm confused, MEH, all will be revealed no doubt. Has anyone seen the Ten-minute-Matrix made for the MTV movie awards? Justin Timberlake and some guy from American Pie. 'Wet willie, Mister Timberlake...' heh heh hmm, my longest post in a while... y'know, this forum makes me post essays even on forums where I can get away with posting one letter replies and threads saying 'VISIT MY SITE!' :D
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]EDIT: Rammstein is amazing. ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] :D I love them, Links 2,3,4... quite possibly the best song I've heard in a long time (Which proves you don't have to understand a song to like it, it helps tho...) I recently made a little mix using Links for a college project. Everyone seems to think that my obsession with game music, (namely Final Fantasy) is sad, as is my love of J-pop. I disagree, My fave two songs of all time? Koigokoro and (I think) Yumemiru Shoujo ga Irarenai (if I got that wrong, tell me) I don't have a clue what they mean but they really get my creativeness going. OtakuSennen, I know how you feel. My sister thinks I'm totally sad, most of my friends can now insult someone in Japanese (I read fanfiction, so sue me) Me? I'd love to try a little cosplay... Wanna know what's really annoying, there's a guy in the year below me at my college, he's goin to Japan in two years... anime fans always seem to pass my course, maybe it's something to do with most of the Otaku's in Tameside being completely nuts. (My tutor decided I qualified for the course on that very point) :D And break, have you heard 'Heavan, by DJ Sammy, I like that one. OOOOOH! Dj Otzi! *sings* Heeeey! He-ey Bayby! Oo! Aa! I wanna kn-o-o-w, if you'll be my giiiirl! *sweatdrops* heh heh, that drove eberyone mad for about two months a couple of summers ago. The actions were... how shall I phrase this... interesting... Anyone here like Black Eyed Peas..? 'Where is the love?' is a great song... Dammit! Now I got it stuck in my head! GAH! :D
  21. :D There are a lot of coincidences between me and my boyfriend. My mum's from Manchester, my dad grew up in Sadleworth. I was born in Manchester, jay-jay's from Sadleworth. Jay-jay (my boyfriend) is showing this guy on his road how to do cool things wih his computer, this guy plays on the same Bowls team as my Granddad. There are loads of other things, which I can't remember right now, but it's pretty creepy at times. :D
  22. :D I love winter, the skies as the sun sets are beautiful, and everything looks amazing with a layer of snow on it. Besides, most of my happiest and most fun memories are of winter. :D And when it's too cold, you can go inside and warm up. How do you escape from heat. And the summer sun hurts my eye and makes me sneeze. I like spring too, if it gets warm enough. :D
  23. Dragonstar

    Baby Boy

    :D I have to say, I prefer the Big Brovaz version. It's soo much better, the videos better, it isn't sold on sex. And look who got a MOBO the other week. Sean Paul really annoys me.
  24. :D Of course I would go see it! I loved those videos, they rocked... remember the guitar ship anyone..? :D
  25. :D And people who hear a song on a car advert and don't bother to find out the tittle, though that was at the back of my mind as I typed that, let that be a lesson to me. Research things first. :o
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