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Everything posted by Dragonstar

  1. :D I was a big fan of 2 become 1, I dunno why, but I really liked how peacfull that one was, and the one they released after geri left, goodbye, I really like the slow ones. And now that I think about it, I can quite happily watch top of the pops 2 with my dad, it's funny watching him singing along, besides some of the stuff tehre is really good, I just hate when they play Kylie Minogue *shudder* And even when there aren't any good ones on, you can laugh at the clothes they're wearing. I linked Genie in a Bottle too, And Lou Begas 'Mambo no 5' brings back so many memories of when I was just seriously getting into anime and me and my then friend were still, uh, friends. Damn beer. Oh, I love regge too, or some of, I find that it's really good chill out music. I also like Daft Punk (with blue anime vids..?) and some rap, some hip hop. I'm not embarrassed about any of it until I start talking to some narrow minded scalie, who thinks thatthe only good music is gangsta rap and trance (some of which I like) I also have Faye Wong singing 'Dreams' in Chinese. :D
  2. :D I forgot, Ground Control To Major Tom, that one's good. I really wanna see labrynth.. *sings* I was walking... down the high street... :D
  3. :D Find your comfort food, (I recomend fried eggs and potato waffles, or a micro noodle, yummy) Read/write fanfiction, fiction, a book, comic, your favourite TV show. Play a computer game. My usual release is to write fanfiction where I completely screw up Trunks' life or work on my own litte project 'Dragonstar' where I get to immerse myself in my own little universe and BECOME, my coolest character to date. Oh, some advice, don't yell at anyone, they'll tell you to calm down like your troubles are insignificant and then you WILL get stressed. DON'T kick door or headbutt walls. Apart from the fact that it hurts (a lot) it could also get you into a lot of trouble at school/college. If all else fails, find a corner and CRY, stand in the middle of your room and YELL REALLY LOUD (when everyone's out) Watch comedy, I recommend (If you're in England) Red Dwarf, Peter Kay's Phoenix Nights, and The Legue Of Gentlemen. Are you Local..? (scarily accurate) If none of that works, watch the news and think 'it could be worse.' Trust me, it could. :D As for work, take a break eat some chocolate, the nuber of times I've been in college, the Mac I'm using keeps crashing, some goons' blaring out music, I haven't got a clue what to do, my tutor says, 'put it in your evaluation' instead of giving me technical help, the deadline's two days away, everyone else just finds my stress funny, my boyfreind doesn't like my freinds. Need I go on..? Just take a break, go for a walk, a VERY LONG one. It works.
  4. :D I just think all saiyan names are funny, specially Brolly, I know it's s'possed to be vegetables, but where I'm from, brolly is a slang term for umbrella O_o ... You think I'm kidding..? :D :laugh:
  5. :D I'll listen to pretty much anything. From Metsllica through to Linkin Park and on to J-pop. I even like some early Britney and Westlife. I liked the Backstreet Boys, the Spice Girls, need I go on. I'm not really embarrased about it, in particular. :D
  6. :D Two Woeds, Laughing Gnome... very,very funny. Yeh. Other than that, I've not heard much of his stuff.
  7. :D Has anyone heard of this, I went today with my college group, it rocked, (and I found an anime store at lunchtime, which uber-rocked) We only saw three of the artists but they were really good, if a little strange. There were Two Americans and a Japanese guy, First there was Corey Archangel (that's his real name) He hacks into nes carts and and makes musice using Sinclair Spectrums and Comodore 64s. The next up was a guy from the Surveilance Camera Players, they put on acts in front of said surveillance cameras and hold up signs saying "We know You're watching, mind your own business." They did a production of George Orwell's Ninteen Eighty Four in front of a subway camera. The last guy was this strange conceptual artist called Takahiko Iimura, he showed us this weird game where you make words in japanese using only the japanese vowles the this weird observer/observed thing wher he point cameras at other cameras and moniters, with vioce over, this is a camera, thats is Takahiko Iimura. Very starnge, and yet, cool. Anyone else know of any of this..? :D
  8. :( I'm not old enough... I'm 17 and people think I'm 12 anyway... GAH! This does look really good, something in the trailer caught my eye definitely. Meh, this is just the humble opinion of me, so you don't even have to pay attetion to me... :D Hmm... yet another new look, cool. I MISS MY HAIR DAMMIT!
  9. :mad: No! Never kill Trunks!! AHEM! Um, actualy Revenge, he did die..? And he had to come back to go stop the androids in his own time. And an arrogant vllain wouldn't see being arrogant as a weakness, or they don't know they are arrogant, it's part of being arogant. Maybe it's kind of a moral, like a fable or something..? And it also makes us really hate the bad guys, which is kinda the whole idea... Meh. I've heard Icejin used a lot, but only on fanfiction sites, and I always thought he looked like a monkey too, um... maybe he's sme kinda ape/lizard cross-breed or something... :D
  10. :D My banner won't work!! It works on another forum I use, but not on Otakuboards, I tried the link in two different forms and every time I just get"Image Not Found" What am I doing wrong..? EDIT: Never mind, I fixed it, I had the wrong file uploaded... heh heh ^_^; :o :D :whoops:
  11. :D O.K. I'm on the official Warner Bros Harry Poetter forum, and there are a lot of theories and rumours flying around there. One of them is that [spoiler] One of the people in Harry's year will become a teacher by the end of Book Seven, Judging from the way things are going, I can see it being Neville.[/spoiler] I really loved the way [spoiler]Neville changed in this book, and we finally got to meet his parents, I had always wondered about what Saint Mungoes would look like... [/spoiler] Does anyone have a theory about what the next book will be called. I have heard a possible name from two different sources, but I don't know how reliable they are... Judging by how early on it is, I doubt the truth of the rumours, but then again, JKR has alrady started on the sixth book, so that could include the tittle. :D
  12. :D I got the book Saturday lunch and finished it Sunday morning, which I will NOT try to repeat, cos my neck was killing me. :( I hated Umbridge, I had teachers like that in both High Schools I went to, argh! Plus I hate when people get pushed around, it really frustrates me. I sit tere thinking "Smack 'im ya fool!" But nooo, AHEM! Anyway... :mad: I was gutted by [spoiler]Sirius[/spoiler] dying. I didn't cry, but I did have this big hole kinda thing going on, he was possibly my favourite character... :( The mirror thing really frustrated me, I did this with GoF too, I sit here and think 'if only this happened...' or 'if somebady did that...' As for Luna Lovegood, I think she's a great addition to the characters, I can imagine her now, She kinda reminded me of me... (All my tutors at College think I'm totally crazy.) I don't want to see a Harry and Ginny, nononono, [spoiler]but something was definitly hinted at between Harry and Luna at the end.[/spoiler] As for Ron and Hermione, I can live with that. In fact, I can see it happening, correct me if I'm wrong but at one point in the book [spoiler]does Hermione not kiss Ron..?[/spoiler] Can't wait for Book Six... :D
  13. :D O_o Looo-ooong... And yet, I liked it, heh heh. This is really good. I kept getting tangled up in the "Good Lego King Harry" lines... *blinks* my eyes hurt... :D
  14. :D WOW! That's really COOL... you're really talented... write more soon, cos I wanna read your stuff. :D
  15. :D I love crossover fics, if you get them right, they're cool, they give you whole new possibilties for a storyline, and for some character development (especially if you mix in a little AU). Even when they don't work, they're interesting, an experiment in writing, think of it that way. Besides, write for yourself, if you like the idea, then go for it. If you like the results and enjoyed writting it, then you've gained something... That's just my opinion, do what you want. :D
  16. :mad: Whether thay are guys or girls has crap all to do with anything. UNLESS, there's some genetic reason for it. :D Deathbug and Youka Minamino: You guys just gave me the funniest mental image... YOU BROKE MY NAIL!! heh heh... :cool:
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][size=1]Bulla, also known as Bra to those who may be confused. First thing I would like to mention is that Pan does not have Super Saiya-jin power. The truth is that female Saiya-jins lack the ability to transform into a Super Saiya-jin. Why? We do not really know, but Akira Toriyama 3:16 said so, lol. There are probably a countless number of possible reasons that Toriyama would have made it this way, but we just do not know exactly why. We just know that they lack that ability.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] :D Um... I've never heard that said, officially, I know a lot of people just assume that's the case, but has it been made official, or has it just not come up in the series ever... :drunk: I hope that made sense, cos I'm confusing myself. :D
  18. :D I'm either gonna make a manga or a game, I've got these characters I've been working on for years ad I only need to work out the fine details and remove the final hints of fanfiction. I already started making a game of it in The Games Factory, but it sucks, I don't have a clue what I'm doing. :D
  19. :D O_o Okaaaaaay... that's just insanity. heh heh. This is funny... :D
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]the song Crawling by Linkin Park reminds me of mirai Trunks from DBZ. I first heard the song in this awesome music video about all the crap mirai Trunks had gone through in the series, so from that point on I've always thought about Trunks every time I hear it.[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] :D I have seen soooo many videos and songfics using mirai trunks and 'Crawling'. That and 'In The End'... not that I'm complaining, in fact, I agree. Other than that, nope, nota one. :D
  21. :D I was wondering, could any of you tell me a little more about scott's background, he's my fave x-man and I know squat about him. Anyone...? :D
  22. :D I love that show, one of my brothers' friends actually looks like Ed, *shrug* unfortunatly, I had ITV Digital... I found something a tad disturbing tho. On fanfiction.net, they have Ed, Ed, 'n' Eddy ANGST fanfiction. I can understand comedy and even action, but ANGST...!? Has the world gone mad? Meh. My fave is Double D, "559 ants Ed, pick 'em up! Pick 'em all up!" He's just funny. And I just realised right at this second, there's a little iny joke in his name. There's this rhyme "Dunce double D, cannot learn his ABC..." Yet Double D is far from a dunce. Just something I noticed... :D
  23. :D Pierrot le fou, that episode was just plain freaky! :D
  24. :D I'm glad soeone likes my idea? Anyone else got any thing to say? :D
  25. :therock: aaah... It's complicated, um.. I'll have to explian later cos my sister's bein' a b***h. I don't really hate any of the characters, I only hate them if they're evil or just poorly thought out. meh.:D
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