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Everything posted by Dragonstar
Writing The Fellowship in Sixth Grade (my first fanfic, and it's LOTR)
Dragonstar replied to Mr. Maul's topic in Creative Works
:D Hahahahahahahahaha! Oh that was funny! write more soon. Lactose intolerant, heh. I think the result of anyone drinking a pint of chocolate milkshake would be the same. Meh, that's just me. Moooore! :D :laugh: -
:D Heard and love Seven Nation Army" but the vidoe is kinda Trippy, I get motion sick watching it, but I've discovered that as long as I don't focus on the centre it's ok, meh. I'm straaaange. :babble:
:D This guy at my college is obssesed, and he got me into them, I own none of thier music, I've heard very little, but what I've heard, I like. meh. :D
:( I was filling up the end, hell my boyfriend was filling up, and he knows how it ends. But if everything goes the way he says, then I really will cry. (I'm cyclops fangirl, heh :P) And Nightrawler was cool, "But in the Munich circus..." fun. Can I ask someone, how much of the movie is true to the original, (is Nightcrawler that religious... is he even in the original) other stuff like that. :D
:( they've been extinct here for hundreds of years, it's so sad that superstition made people hunt them to extinction. Hey, if you like wolves, I suggest you read "Cry Of The Wolf" I forget who wrote it, but the ending is so sad, it's all from the wolf's perspective too, so it's kinda odd. Again, I love the poem... :D
:D The first one was pretty cool, sara, um... don't take this the wrong way, but... uh... :eek: try to be a little less negative... the important thing is that vicky is trying, other than "The howler" her writing actually makes sense. I know I enjoy reading it. *shrugs* I don't like when people pick my work apart pointing out mistakes, 'cos basically, we all make them, and I do proof read what I write. meh. I'm done. *hides under table* Don't hurt me! :worried:
:D Do you by any chance mean the G-Mex..? Meh, this isn't too bad, in fact, you just gave me an idea... :D
:D OK, I want some opinions on a fic idea, as I write this, I get the feeling that most of you are gonna say it's disasterously stoopid and should be saeld away in a vault in a neuclear bunker somewhere in outer space, but if even one person likes it, I'll write it. Here's the idea... A while ago,I made up a character named Blue Tajiri, (I put a pic in the artwork section) I was basically wondering how she would work in Digimon fic, (keeping in mind, she is an alien.) I have a digimon to go with her and a whole history worked out, but if I told you that it'd defeat the object of writing the fic. The digimon is called Psymon, it's a little black wolf with Blue dragon-like ears and a metal helmet, I'll put a picture up here when I have one, It was made up around four yeares ago and has a stage that goes beyond mega, I heard one showed up in S3 but I know squat about it so it most likely won't tally with that. I may also try putting Trunks in there somewhere, just tell me what you thing, be honest. :D I already know that you're either gonna love this or hate it (probably the later) but either way, I'm writing it. I'm just wondering wheter to put it here or not. :D
:D Three times and goin' for four. Loved it, always will. Quite possibly the book that got me through high school, in a very round about way... meh, fave characters, Strider and Legolas. First read it way back in year 8, sooo, '98/'99. I remember one time, I was readin it at four in the morning, and it was where they first meet the Black Rider on the road to Bucklebury, I was pretty creeped out, I head something scratching behind me, I looked up and there was a huge spider about four inches from my head... :nervous: anyways, enough nostalgia from me. I love the movie too, but they cut too much out, It would've been nice to see Tom Bombadil. :D I've never heard of Tales of The Three Kings, but it sounds like an interesting read, *runs off to tell library to order it* :D
:D Nicely put... unfortunately, noone from my school comes here, or I'd do something simmilar, meh, one day I'll be a famous game maker, then I'll say f**k you Hyde, yeh. Nicely put :D
:D Short and sweet, I like it. Plus, y'know, wolf obsessive... why are they alsways the baddies..? :confused:
:D Basically, the BBC gets celebrities to do really dumb stuff and humiliate themselves, and we give money to Comic Refief for the privelidge. Then all over britain, people buy huge red noses (think clown, this years had spikey hair, last years stuck it's tongue out when you squeeze it) they sit in bathtubs full of baked beans, they shave thier haeds (and other thing) big tough men wax thier legs, schools have a non-uniform day where you bring in a quid (or simmilar amount) for Comic Releif and you don't have to wear a uniform, they release a charity record, this years was Gareth Gates with The Kumars, (search, Kumars at No42) singing "Spirit in the Sky" and Ruby Wax and some other girl named Jo di "Touch my Bum" by the Cheeky Girls (very scary) Jack Dee stood on a pole till the money stopped comin in, people dyed thier hair red, wore HUGE afro wigs and tons of other really dumb stuff, all to raise money for various causes. over £30,000,000 this year Wheeeeeeeeee!:D
:D Our college has all kids of posters about rallies and stuff, they encourage "Fight The Power" an' all that, one of my mates has written an anti war song for his band to play at a gig... anyway, back to the subject, Tameside College (my college) is so relaxed, we had a pancake race on Pancake Day, we just had a trip to France, (drinking age 16, beer allowed, till they all got smashed on the coach - ew)we had a great trip to the Urbis Centre and the War Museum, The Lowry, the Imax, and some art museums, and our tutor has us writing our dreams down. When we were in France, he was lying on the floor outside Notredame with the camera to frame his shots. :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Medra [/i] [B]One of my most embarrassing times...hmm. That would be walking into a busy street while talking to a friend. Good thing that Civic was lowered. >
:D You don't need to do drugs and have parties to be cool, NOSTALGIA ALERT: The Day I finished my GCSEs me and some freinds went bowling in this tiny four lane bowling alley in Hadfeild (Roysten Vasey anyone?) We were on the train on the way back and I was basically sayin how sad I was cos I had never drunk alcohol (I still haven't and I'm proud to say it, and glad of it about two weeks ago) My friend basically said the opposite, she thought I was really cool cos I don't have to drink or do drugs to have fun.^_^ I'm 17 and I've had a total of two boyfriends, but both of them were (and one still is) deep, meaningful relationships, so chill out and slow down. If you rush things now you'll regret it later. :D
:D My mate Danny's gonna shave off evry hair that isn't on his head, IF this other guy can raise £500 to shave his legs.:D EDIT: OH that is more than I needed to see. Naked Robbie... *shudder* nice face, but I like when his face is all I can see...
:D Umm... my mate was in the dead-room at college (y'know, sound proof box with padded walls) anyways, he was doin a sound check on a mic and decided I had a good singing voice(which I think I do) Anyways, he asked me to sing "Eyes On Me" to "get a good range of pitch and note". The bum recorded it without tellin me and then when my tutor came into the dead-room. Good ol' Danny boy took great pleasure in playing the recording for my tutor, (6'4" Bohemian Dude, Vegeta Rocker knows what I mean) I feel it important to mention that however good I am at singing, it all goes out the window when faced with a mic. BUT I got my revenge, the other week he was going full belt James Hetfeild style into a song him and his band wrote, (I won't tell you the title in case I offend the majority of the people on this board) It's basically an anti-war song that has a good dig at George Bush and Tony Blair. Anyways, once agian, Kev the trippy hippy walked in on him, but this was live not recorded ^_^ *worms voice* REVENGE!:D
:D I fall of on flat ground so... I would like to acyually be able to do that stuff, but I suck, so I can't. :whoops: :D
:D :eek: Ruby Wax singing SK8R BOI... Officially the scariest thing I'll ever see inmy life... The HP spoof was hilarious. :laugh: :D
:D I'm more into medieval history thatn anything else, that and ancient history like the greeks, romans, etc. I'm really into the mythology side of it, I love learning about other religions, especially the ancient ones.. :D
At the time, the people of Germany were Jobless, Homeless, and had little of anything.. Hitler promised to solve the countries' financial difficulties.. at the time he wasn't killing Jews, and once he did, I guess they needed someone to blame. It's a very loooong topic... I won't go into details.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ZxFrOgGie13 [/i] [B][color=indigo][FONT=courier]What do you feel about people in a relationship with ages years apart from the other? Are you for/against it? Do you not care anyway? what do you think a maximum age difference would be? I'd really like your input.[/FONT] [/color] [font=arial][color=darkblue] in response to the questions above... i would say that age shouldn't be at the extremes. but like in high school and such, it should be within 1-2 years. like 16-18, 14-16, and of the sort. once you are older than 21, i think more than 5-6 years apart is still kinda wrong, but tolerable. i mean, that is a total personal opinion... cuz like i know some one who is 20 dating a guy who is like 15 years older than her... well yeah.. that's just SICK! but hey that's my opinion.[/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] :mad: Now I take offence at that... My parents have a ten year age gap, but then agian, they're not exactly young, It depends on how mature you are, and how old the youngest person is, like someone already said.. :D
:D I took history in my GCSEs if that counts, I do like history, but I think studying World War II five times in as many years is a little too much, I love other history tho, I studied medicine through time as part of my history GCSE.. now that was cool (got an interesting story about that).. and local history is usually pretty interesting, 'specially 'cos I live sort of in the middle point between Derbyshire, Oldham, and Manchester, which had a lot of mills of various kinds. :D
:D This reminds me of the one my friend told me, but the answer to that one won't help here.. soo... wait a minute, you can't answer this either way.. You could say that you tell the truth, but then, you could be lying.. OR.. You could say that you lie, but if you lied then you woud tell the trth, which you obviously aren't.. see what I mean, I'm goin round in circles here... :whoops: :D I coud tell ya mine if anyone's interested...?:nervous:
:D X-2 looks like it's gonna be one cool movie... as for Daredevil and Hulk, I'm not gonna comment till I've seen 'em. As to my favourite.. uh.. X-man(?) Cyclops is just cool.. and the five second fragment I've seen with iceman made him look pretty cool. :D