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Everything posted by Dragonstar

  1. :D I just watched Farscape on BBC 2.. the episode was "Bad Timming" It was announced twice as being the last episode EVER, however It said "To Be Continued" at the end of the episode... (WTF?) I went to the website to see what I could find, but the only info it gave was about the series on the Sci-Fi channel. Help! What the hell is going on!?:D
  2. :D I did a search for Red Dwarf on google to see if I could find out anything about a game, the only thing it came up with was a drinking game, (which was really funny by the way) but nothing else.. :D By the way: Final Flash.. theat avatar is REALLY creepy..
  3. :D I saw most of The Seven Samurai a looooooong time ago (ITV Digital was still around) BBC Knowledge (i think) did a Kurosawa season. It was pretty good too, but I doodle while I watch TV so I kinda got a little lost :whoops: I may manage to concentrate on it now though, scince I've picked up an interest in learning Japanese...:D
  4. :D This remids me of something one of my friends told me, as for who I'd pick, um.... My son.. no.. daughter.. eh.. I dunno. I didn't even get the question, how is there a right r wrong answer here..!? :whoops: :D Just a thought... You answer his question, then you ask him if you got the question right or not, after he points to a road, even if you got i wrong, it increases yur chances... I have no idea.. :D
  5. :D I have heard rumours of a movie, but I dunno if they're true, this is the first I've heard of the game so I'm gonna do a search now... I think Lister's the best character, has anyone seen the one where they're in prison and Kryten makes a winkie cos he doesn't want to be classed as a girl? :laugh: Very funny.. Has anyone heard the Munchkin Rimmer Song? He's Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer, Without him life would be much grrrimmer More reliablre tan a garden strimmer He will never need a zimmer.. I'm not sure if they're in the right order, but that is damn funny, If you have the video clip to go with, it's even funnier..:D
  6. :mad: I can't see a reason not to show it either.. I can't see anything in the show that could possibly offend anyone, It's a sci-fi spoof for pete's sakes!:D
  7. Dragonstar

    Red Dwarf

    :D I was wondering if there were any Red Dwarf fans here aside from me really.. not much else to say. Well... Lister's damn funny, I guess that's somethin' ....Do any americans here know of Red Dwarf, or is it even shown outside of the U.K.? :D
  8. :D I'm warning you now, some of these (ok most of these) are truly terrible... you have been warned... 1st guy: my dog's got no nose.. 2nd guy: how does it smell..? 1st guy: [spoiler]terrible..[/spoiler] ¬_¬ yeh Why did the orange cross the road? [spoiler]to play squash[/spoiler] Why did the hedgehog cross the road? [spoiler]to visit his flat mate[/spoiler] How do ya get a Pikachu on a bus? [spoiler]Poke 'im on.. (pokemon..?)[/spoiler] Why did the one armed man cross the road? [spoiler]to get to the second hand shop[/spoiler] How do you get four elephants in a Mini? [spoiler]two in the front and two in the back.. duh..[/spoiler] How do you know there's an elephant under your bed? [spoiler]you bang your head on the ceiling[/spoiler] What do you get when you cross a mouse and an elephant? [spoiler]great big holes in your skirting board[/spoiler] What do you get when you cross a sheepdog and some daisies? [spoiler]a cauliflower[/spoiler] What do you call a sleepwalking nun? [spoiler]A romin Catholic[/spoiler] (please noone take offense at this, I'm Catholic myself..) Now for my my doctor doctor series... Doctor Doctor, I feel like curtains.. Well pull yourself together man! Doctor Doctor, I feel like a pack of cards.. Sit over there, I'll deal with you later. Doctor Doctor, I feel like a bridge! Well what's come over you..? Two lorries, four busses and a car.. (ouch) Doctor Doctor, I've got 30 seconds to live! I'll deal with you in a minute.. The rest I can think of are just plain rude, including what I call the "zzztz!" joke.. I also got a buncha David Beckham jokes if anyone's interested...? Oh: then there's this.. News Reporter: The man who inveted the Hokey Cokey died yesterday, problems occorred when undertakers tried to put him in the coffin.. (you put your left leg, your left leg out..) Traffic was held up on the M6 motorway today, by a huge hole in the road, Police are looking in to it.. :therock: They just get worse and worse... :rolleyes: :D
  9. :D I think that's his name... The guy who gave Trunks his sword.... I was wondering if anyone has a picture of him cos I don't know what he loks like and it's really annoying me.... I f anyone can help out I'll be a very happy person...:D
  10. :D DRAGONS! This one REALLY cool poem, my poetry is usually kinda depressing (the tiny amount that I wrote for english coursework) though considering my subject, it couldn't really be cheerful. Nice poem, MOOOOOOOOORE!:D
  11. :D Ypu really scare me sometimes.... :D Meh. The fic doesn't have a name yet, but it centres around Trunks getting some wierd dreams, not much of a problem...., till they start to come true anyways. Ooh yeah, I just watched The World Is Not Enough, so I had another idea, remember Elekras' chair..? :D
  12. :D That's gross.....! That is a thought that never crossed my mind, I like him, but not that much!:D
  13. :D I can't help but notice that there aren't any Trunks avatars in the Choose Avatar section of my profile. Could we get some cos I can't make my own avs as I have nowhere to host em.:D
  14. :D SONIC..? I love Sonic! A forum about it'd be cool. I, don't think Sonic could go in the Sony forum tho.:D
  15. :D I think the main reason for my obssession with Trunks would be his past, Future Trunks has a grat story to him, added to that is the fact that so little of his past is mentioned in the series, which means there's a lot of room for fanfiction writers to make stuff up. Unfortunately, no Gotenks. (no I don't have a crush on Gotenks too, my boyfreind wants be to beat him up in a fanfiction):D Any more ideas any one?
  16. :D It would really depend on whigh show you want fanfiction about. I obsessively hunt for Trunks fics so I found some pretty good ones about him, but if you mean any show other than DBZ, then I can't help you.:D
  17. :D I'm as confused as you are, he's my favourite character, yet I seem to enjoy writting about him getting hurt, I dunno why, I just do, as I said earlier, You hurt the ones you love the most.:D Nice pic, by the way.:D :D :D :D
  18. (and again) :D I'd have to get somethin for most times I made an idiot of myself, usually in front of a mod or highly respected and well known person. Seriously though, this could be interesting. I feel sorry for whoever has to tally up the results tho.:D
  19. :D Fair enough, I'll take my twisted imaginatin there then.:D
  20. :D Well, Iknow a lot of you will find this a ridiculous and stupid idea but can we have a Harry Potter forum, scince I would really enjoy having somewhere to post a fanfiction where it isn't going to get deleted because it contians a certian silver haired alien elf. I can also be a little more graphic here since you guys aren't totally opposed to blood. I also don't lose things here. that's all I really have to say. Bye now.:D
  21. :D Does anyone know where there is any really good trunks fanfiction, that doesn't revolve soley around a Trunks/Pan romance. I don't mind romance but I like fanfiction with action a battle, maybe a death and loads of gore. I've trawled through site ater site and when I find a really good one it has usually been discontined or hasn't been updated for a while. Does anyone know a reliable writer ANYWHERE?:D
  22. :D These're gettin good, but like I said, if they get really sick, PM them. Just think that you guys will all be credited when I finally write this. (you will be forever remembered by people like me, there's a comforting thought) :D
  23. (again) :D I go to Fanfiction.net, whadda ya wanna kno?:D
  24. :D The first thing is that nobody likes being told that they're wrong, even if they are. Something that really gets me mad is if I posted something about a certian topic and then a MEMBER, not a moderator, comes steaming in and says that I someone else already started the same topic somewhere else on the board, invariably, a part of the board that I haven't been to. another thing is that someone jumped on me for not using the spoiler tag, what I posted would depend very much upon your opinion of what a spoiler IS. And I also don't know how to use the spoiler tag, heh... I know you can't yell when you are typing, but it's kinda like, the tone of the post, the wording etc, suggests that you are shouting. These are isolated incidents, I have actually found that a lot of people have been willing to help me out and I actually started a topic that went on for three pages, scince on the other boards I'm on I tend to get ignored or the post drops through 200 plus pages before I've even posted it, I was really surprised, (and happy):D The Moderators do a good job by the way. Could someone tell me how to use the spoiler tag...? Please?
  25. (That's another) :D When Genkai was Genkai-yyh, i used to see Genkai yee yeeh, (:therock: :D
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