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About anime4

  • Birthday 10/19/1979

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  1. hello people i have a forum too!:) check it out at [color=deeppinnk][size=1][edited][/color][/size] well i have like 13 members but they dont login and i had mods (used to) but they dont login. it pretty sux having a forum with no one logging in so check it out and join if u like it the forum is about anything. if u join make sure u login and post i ont like it when people just join and dont login so check it out!:) [color=deeppink][size=1]Feel free to advertise for your forum in your signature, just not in posts themselves. -BabyGirl[/color][/size]
  2. Dragonball AF may not be real so dont PM me or email me becuz its false information thank you. The story Of dragonballAF DragonballAF takes place in the freeza saga 120 years later While goten and Trunks are collecting the dragonballs and revived Goku,vegeta,gohan,and Shelia (Trunk's daughter) with the Alfa ball. But an intruder comes by, his name was Boronks he is a super sayajin level 3 who is evil and wishes he was the strongest sayajin but at the same time goku and the others were revived already. Goku was already at level 6 super sayain so was vegeta,and gohan then gokue fought boronks but boronks beat the living crap out of goku, goku couldnt controll his power and it was too much for him, when he was knocked out it also caused him to die again. Until goten got mad and fused into ssj5 Gotenks and beat Boronks. So as he was defeated he was like another vegeta so he allied (even his attidude was the same). The Legened of the half sayain and half GOd Goku leaves earth again going to planet to planet traning and growing Stronger, until he met this good looking lady who was a god. When she found out how powerful goku was she made wante goku to make love to her then goku started to think about chi chi. the next day she made birth to a half sayain and half god child he was only 1 years old (he formed out like brolly) And this name was Cia. Cia found out that goku wanst his real father so he Went off searching for his real father. The End
  3. anime4


    Whoops sry I checked my mail too late and i made this. Lol
  4. anime4


    Lol i know it will look kinda weird. lmao!!!!!!! but which saga will they show?? im pretty sure it will be the Raditz saga. Becuz it is the beggining and the movie is coming out next year.
  5. Hey did u know theres gonna be a dragonballz live action movie? u can check it out at [URL=http://www.dragonballz.com]www.dragonballz.com[/URL] and theres a vote of whos gonna play goku, Heres the list just to let u know. 1.Brad Pitt 2.Jackie Chan 3.Jet Li 4.Keanu Reeves 5.Robin Shou 6.The rock 7.Tom Cruise and who the hell would pick Tom cruise???:stupid:
  6. What was your favorite old school game? Like mario,or galaga. Tell me wat was your favorite classic, old school, ancient, game. My favorite was bubble and bobble, mario,and galaga. And wats yours?
  7. i mean its new in toonami. im not talking about "oh NEW episodes are coming out in sept 3" thats wat i mean by new not new new i mean new to toonami.
  8. when is die hard:vendetta coming out? for game cube? they say its coming out in the winter but that was last year. Please tell me when its coming out.
  9. hey all new dbz episodes coming soon! at sept 3!:toothy: so watch em.
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