Dragonball AF may not be real so dont PM me or email me
becuz its false information thank you.
The story Of dragonballAF
DragonballAF takes place in the freeza saga 120 years later
While goten and Trunks are collecting the dragonballs and revived
Goku,vegeta,gohan,and Shelia (Trunk's daughter) with the Alfa ball.
But an intruder comes by, his name was Boronks he is a super sayajin
level 3 who is evil and wishes he was the strongest sayajin but at the
same time goku and the others were revived already. Goku was already at level
6 super sayain so was vegeta,and gohan then gokue fought boronks but boronks
beat the living crap out of goku, goku couldnt controll his power and it was
too much for him, when he was knocked out it also caused him to die again.
Until goten got mad and fused into ssj5 Gotenks and beat Boronks. So as
he was defeated he was like another vegeta so he allied (even his attidude was
the same).
The Legened of the half sayain and half GOd
Goku leaves earth again going to planet to planet traning and growing
Stronger, until he met this good looking lady who was a god. When she
found out how powerful goku was she made wante goku to make love to her
then goku started to think about chi chi. the next day she made birth to a
half sayain and half god child he was only 1 years old (he formed out like brolly)
And this name was Cia. Cia found out that goku wanst his real father so he
Went off searching for his real father.
The End