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Everything posted by Trumen

  1. That was a nice but depressing poem.
  2. No, that was pretty good MysticdarkElf.
  3. I walk down the streets of Otaku land and I see Adam building the strecture of the land. I walk into the capital building and I see James with his pen out writing the costitution. I see the moderaters wearing the badge proudly and writing tickets to the people who don't follow the rules. The members are sending out messages some make sense others do not. The lounge is full of general conversation and full of members that are happy and sad. I know it is not that long or good but it is my first chance.
  4. In this game you have to blow up the world and escape to mars. Why blow up the world and escape to mars you ask.Well you blew up a country (not on purpose) and the world thinks you'll do it again.By the it would be reconmended that you team up with some other people playing doesn't matter how many.Finally I will be playing the world(I play fare). Here you in step one you have to pick a body and name it. NOTE: The bodies all have different stats that give it an atvantage in some catigories.Also the highest any catigory can go is 20. Body A1A: Strength:9 Speed:17 Jumping:distance-15ft. height-5ft. Stanima:19 Sight:11 Hearing:1 Other: Height: 6'8" Weight:215 lbs Body A2B: Strength:10 Speed:10 Jumping:distance-10ft. height:3'4" Stanima:20 Sight:10 Hearing:10 Other: Height: 7'0" Weight:300 lbs More Later............
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