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Everything posted by k9*

  1. tough decision....link to the past was the first one I played, so it will always have a softspot in my heart for it, and the gba remake is more fun (multiplayer woohoo) MM is cool, all the effects of the different masks is something to see. the only downside to it is having to warp back to permanently save your game, and just the long chains of events that you have to repeat is something of a pain. Oot is the other good one, :wink: you actually get to see link all grown up, heh. I guess I'm not too much help either, most of the games have upsides and downsides to them.
  2. well, that's what happened to me with the reservation i made of legacy of goku, I went in later and then they had the game card pack, so they gave it to me right then. so, they should do the same thing with this bonus disk. **crosses fingers.**
  3. what part of the spirit temple are you stuck in? especially, is this as a kid or an adult?
  4. This is a topic I've seen a lot, lol. I'm always sad when I finish games and books, I'm going to wait till after the last Lord of the Rings movie before I read the books, many times I get more out of the books ;). but seriously, I'll stay up reading until I finish the book, 4am easily before I know any time has passed. I also have....well....see the siggy.
  5. Heh, I got the game when it first came out.....then I bought it for my boyfriend for christmas :P .....but, he wasn't as thrilled with it as I am, so we haven't had a chance to play the linked game yet :(
  6. easy way to get out to get the potion is to surface and step onto any piece of land, then use the warp seeds to warp to the tree nearest the witch's hut
  7. isn't that the dungeon where you get the triple-sling shot?.....that's the only way to hit all three statues at once
  8. hmmm.......there are so many different types of love......what it should be is the best thing you'll find in life......too often it's not. the end of love, or even the illusion of love can be pure hell
  9. actually, some religions talk of a third (or inner) eye that sees more clearly than the two physical eyes, tenshinhan just actually has a third physical eye, that probably does the same thing.
  10. k9*


    ...with the ring secrets, you have to start the second game with a secret, then talk to the red snake in the jeweler's in both games (first asking, then telling)
  11. i had thought is was a hole in the spaceship too, but when i looked at it again, it looks more like it's just a hole in the moss covering the spaceship.. :toothy:
  12. hmmm.....i was always a loner thru elementary and middle school, out of neccessity, not by choice i still find it hard to trust ppl, but i'm working on it *shrug*
  13. do i have dreams about dbz?.....ummmm.........all the time heh, from being trained by Piccoro-san to uhh... :blush: ones i won't discuss here :naughty:
  14. the dvds start having japanese audio with subtitles at the captain ginyu saga.....i know this because i own them :D :rolleyes:
  15. unfortuneately, there is no way to bypass the dancing.......grrrrrr....
  16. i don't believe that it's possible in oot, because you don't even find him outside of cutscenes until the tower as an adult
  17. k9*


    i have glasses, luckily i don't need them too much, or i'd be in real trouble, i have this habit of losing things :laugh: :whoops:
  18. actually, there is one reason to avoid going after lady liberty, it would anger more than just america, seeing has how it is one of only two major monuments by monsieur (sorry about sp) eiffel. i just wish petty revenge was the goal...we don't want to bring osama to justice, we want to punish him
  19. well said James... America seems to be caught in the middle of foreign policy all the time: we get chastized if we don't help the ones being downtrodden, and we get told to butt out and mind our own business if we do try to help. *sigh* it's a no-win situation....i wish that war would just vanish from the face of the earth, but hate is too widespread.
  20. that's the space for the faerie's sword... which is the reward for gathering the faeries in stone tower temple.... :cool:
  21. i believe that the Z stands for zen....
  22. 20 pounds, normal lure and the sinking lure is in the grass around the edge of the area... but i've never been able to catch the loach...help? please...
  23. the whole thing is just......ummmmm......... :( what you have to remember is distribution companies (like Bud and Pepsi) are represented by the final sellers of there product....would anyone here want to be represented by those who express joy at another's pain, whoever the parties involved are? i'm not saying what they did was right, i'm just saying that isn't entirely wrong either..... ugh, now i've confused myself....
  24. i don't know about maron (kuririn's daughter) having any powers, but who needs them when your mom can beat up most anyone and no female goes super saiyan, just doesn't happen :bawl:
  25. it has to be bibbidi, father of babbidi, otherwise it doesn't sound like the cinderella phrase.
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