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Everything posted by k9*

  1. i love it too, i just keep replaying it :D
  2. thanx for passing that on. i still have the lost levels tho i haven't played it very much.
  3. guys.........simmadownnow ;) j/k, let's give him some time without yelling at him, he might be preoccupied irl. i have enjoyed his story too, but it seems to bug him when we get a bit overenthusiastic (sp?), as well it should, i'm sure he'll post them when he gets a chance
  4. it's not only the hand-eye coordination, it's the fighting style. that's something i've noticed in games between my bro and meself, we always seem to find diff things in games and find the same things diff in difficulty between the 2 of us. :cool:
  5. now i'm not basing mine on looks alone. 1) piccolo 2) trunks right after the time chamber 3) gohan in high school 4) gokou 5) yamcha 6) tien 7) vegetta a lot of mine is based on attitude i guess i don't really go for the guys that r :devil: or :angel: , but somewhere in between
  6. pastbyer, i agree with you for the most part. where i differ is that there are times when fighting is not only necessary, but the right thing to do. (ie. self defense or in the defense of others) the us, no, the world must take a stand now to say that we will not tolerate this type of cowardist acctivity, but we will find those responsible and hold them accoutable for these deaths. no sane person wants a war, but if that is what it will take to hold these dogs accountable, then so be it. i do not want to see it come to that, but if some country wishes to harbor these terrorists from rightous justice, then that country is just as resposible as those who hijaked the planes to carry these acts out.
  7. yeah king piccolo is want i've heard from funi. i haven't seen much, but my vote is piccolo daimo.
  8. do you mean baronade(sp?) firemac? that one was kinda funny (kaboom), but not as funny as twinrova
  9. my family has 2 dogs (both female): a westie named matty and a brittany named annie and 2 cats: female calico named cia (bodacia), and a male littermate named static (shape on his face resembles the klingon symbol)
  10. another thing about europe that i like is the difference of bars vs. pubs. i mean they grow up with alcohol being a fact of life, here in america peep's turn 21 and it's like "i'm and adult now, i'm going to get drunk off of my ***". that causes some of our societal problems, esp. in college. back to the topic: i didn't get to watch it, but i think it's a great idea for the more adult anime fans.
  11. i had the hardest time with bongo bongo, i always seem to shot at the same time i get bounced, so i miss the hand aaarrrrgggghhhh :wigout: :mad: second goes to phantom gannon, i tend to miss the correct painting and end up going after the illusion.
  12. k9*


    you're welcome Matt .D :D that's cool pokemaster1 :ball: :cool:
  13. congrats baby girl. and just so you don't feel left out transic, congrats to you too (a bit late, but *shrug*) ;)
  14. that's great, i've worked 2 Raw events myself. :D
  15. k9*


    if i understand the breeding right, it will give you an onix. you normally get the unevolved pokemon
  16. oooppppsss.....okay, de rien then :D , tho if we were talkin in spanish i would have said de nada without having to look it up. that phrase makes more sense to me. :cool:
  17. votre bienvenu, madamoiselle :D (translated by the bablefish ;) )
  18. you want 2 bet on the ones that sound really confident (i forget if they bark, if they do, that's a good bet also), something like i can't lose today, my wife and children are depending on me, etc. it's not a sure thing, but they should b in the top 5. NEVER bet on one that whines or doubts itself, on your game one of these will always be near or at the back of the pack.
  19. you need to have the iron boots and blue tunic to sink into the lake that is left and hookshot the crystal above the enterance
  20. k9*

    Help Please!

    there are rooms you get to by swimming, and you have to remeber to go to the past in order to open the way in the present
  21. i haven't read all of this topic, but i have something to say. i look at the universe, and the 'history' of it, and what i see is something that could not have come to be without some sort of outside influence. i'm not argueing against evolution, in fact i know it's still occurring, i'm just saying that according to science, evolution would be impossible, because of the increase in energy of the system that would b required for it to happen. i have choosen to belive in Jehovah as that outside and divine force. i also believe that most other religions and sects provide a good basis for the morality of their faithful followers.
  22. this is one for the philosophers: it depends on the sit and there r diff levels like safer said, for instance this is a common example: Someone who is close to you has a fatal and rare disease, there is a doc who has discovered the cure. The cure is really expensive and you don't have the money to pay for the treatment. The doc refuses to help you defray the cost. What would you do if you knew you could steal the cure and get away with it? this example illustrates the difference between the ideas of right and moral.
  23. dude, i'm glad that God intervened at that point. i agree with transic on the heaven and hell thing, but i feel i need to add something to his statement. (ahem....) ;) God forgives us when we ask Him to and repent, this includes murder. (if i interpret it right, He would have forgiven Judas, but he hung himself becuz he couldn't forgive himself). Suicide is technically murdering yourself, but you can't repent after successfully commiting the sin. well, enough of my :babble: again, i'm glad ur still with us on this earth
  24. k9*

    What if . . .

    here's a quote for everyone: first they came for the Jews, but i didn't say anything because i'm not a Jew. then they came for the Catholics, but i didn't say anything because i'm a protestant. ..... then they came for me and there wasn't anyone to speak out. sorry, i forgot most of it.
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