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Everything posted by k9*

  1. how 'bout using one of the names off of crystal? type, hhhhmmmm, that's a hard one, grass or fire. just my 2 and a half cents :D :ball:
  2. thanx sia, i just wanted to make sure growlithe was the one i wanted b4 i wasted too much time on it. :D
  3. what are the pokemon that he wants to see? i've got the lickitung and oddish ones. i think the next one is growlithe, but i'm not sure and my growlithe has already evolved.
  4. k9*


    you just want him to look like the greenest of newbies. so you don't want to tell him that not all of the pokemon r available in every game......oooppppssss, sorry. :D :ball: :wigout: :blush:
  5. just push the boulders on the floor above into the holes, then when you slide across, you'll hit them and stop. there are four stones, and it will take some thinking to get them all into the holes. if u mess up just leave the floor and return, ta-da reset. :ball: :cool:
  6. yeah, i'm really looking forward to Zelda :wigout: my bro is the one getting the cube, and he's going to b getting games. i'll prolly play some and like them, but ZELDA :wigout: :wigout: :wigout:
  7. thanx for editing the poll :D cuz its going to take me time
  8. he'll get it up when he's done. i think he's putting thought into being original in the battle with Falkner
  9. k9*

    What if . . .

    again, hard to say, but here goes: there were resistance movements in most (if not all) of the occupied countries, so even if Germany had somehow won WWII, it would have been followed shortly by WWIII. something more to think on, Hitler wasn't born a German, but an Austrian. True they're the same ethnic background, but they are diff countries since the end of WWI.
  10. most everything's been said, but i will add this (you prob won't like to hear it, but i think it needs to b said): it sounds like you're better off without him. if he doesn't care about your feelings and what you like, it's not gonna b a good relationship. that said, don't hurry into an other relationship, right away, but take this time to grow and mature so you can see if the next guy will be better
  11. k9*

    gcn delayed

    gggggrrrrrrrr...... maybe its understandible for having more units, but to change a date just to get it closer to thanksgiving? it just doesn't make sense, i think they would want to be out earlier to have more time to sell before christmas. did they just disregard all of us who were looking forward to getting this system, it would serve them right to lose some business because of this.
  12. i think it's like this: there are some gba games that link to the cube and some of the cube games link to the gba. it depends on the game, i don't think they're going to be able to put too much overlap into making specific games for both systems. whoa, i think i'm starting to confuse myself.
  13. k9*

    Mario Sunshine

    looks like they put a lot of work into the graphics. i didn't really get into mario 64 like i did the previous ones, oh well.
  14. k9*

    gcn delayed

    why, why, why? any body manage to find the "official" reason for the delay?
  15. yeah that's why when your just joking on a board full of peep's whom you don't know and don't know you, you're supposed to use j/k to let every one know, or a smilie. ;) we can't see you thru the comp screen.
  16. k9*

    best race?

    Zoras definitely
  17. k9*

    Ash loss...

    the devastating attack that miltank uses (at least in the games, i didn't see the show) is............ROLLOUT......aaarrrrrggggghhhhh
  18. it's funniest when you'r standing on the platform of the clock tower, then look up at it. eeeeeewwwwww....... :D
  19. the takkuri buzzard, definitely
  20. i think i had 200+, maybe 240something; but i'm not sure
  21. what about lugia :confused:
  22. k9*

    whats your...

    majora's mask is the best :D
  23. fierce dieties mask, but zora's is very close second
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