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Everything posted by k9*

  1. you can preorder the games at your local gamestop store right now (software etc., babbages) :cool: :p
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B][COLOR=purple]Oh yeah, thats a good pic, uh-huh, i can soooo see you... :rolleyes: you can barely see yur face... dork[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] i can see it just fine, so i respectfully request that you cool off :D :naughty: **dumps the bucket of ice water she had behind her back over dbzchikaghan** :demon: the bucket strikes again :demon:
  3. :D yay, piccie :p :cross: now we're getting blade play in here? **steps back carefully with her hands bhind her**
  4. the reasons for my depression - genetic predisposition for it probs at school as i was growing up - i am so not going there :flaming: and the stress i was dealing with at university take your pick for an easy multiple choice grade :freak:
  5. best of luck, during the surgery and your recovery :toothy:
  6. :D and there was much rejoicing (everyone) "yay" seriously, congrats panny chan :cool:
  7. i'll just skip the romantic thing :bawl: but yeah, i know depression intimately - i've started to take it one day at a time (why do they all attack me at once, lol), i've also re-examined my priorities, and how i live - i'm learning to put my own happiness ahead of making anyone else happy :naughty:
  8. i'm definitely going to b an organ donor, heh why not, i've already donated blood :p why not help other families keep those that they love? besides my mom has been a RN (registered nurse) for many years - she has made her own wishes about donating her organs known, she even has a living will detailing her wishes about hospitalizations
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B] WOW.... there's [i]two[/i] other [size=1][[b]EDIT[/b]:[/size] Kristin-Christine-Kristen's[size=1]][/size] floating around the boards.... weird, in deed. I thought my name was fairly unique; I guess not... lol. [size=1]Navi: Love the name... tee hee. k9*: Love yours too... I also go by Kris. Love Kris, hate Krisy... bleck.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] actually, i never thought mine to b unique, lol. i had another kristin and a kristina both in my own grade thru middle and high school - and my graduating class only numbered 63 :rolleyes: and yes i LOATHE krisy, fortuneately, nobody's actually tried to call me that within earshot :p *starts muttering to herself about krisy and going piccolo on the fools who thought that one up*
  10. if my info is corecct, they wished it back during db - the whole wolfman thing. :p then piccolo blasted it, and then the hologram from goku's spacepod :cool:
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Navi [/i] [B] pronounced krist-teen or kris-ten? [/B][/QUOTE] it's [U]kris[/U]-ten :D how bout yours?
  12. :rotflmao: doesn't geronimo shout "meeeeeee" - which movie was that? one of mel brooks' for sure :D , hot shots? blazing saddles? ggrrr....dorn forgetfulness :p
  13. k9*

    Why anime?

    you guys pretty much answered for me as well :D , but my main reason, i guess is the fact that there is a storyline that continues on, which gives the characters a lot more depth :cool: (but it is bad to come in the middle of a series-i still haven't been able to see the cell saga :mad: )
  14. lol, i like k9 :D :D -smart aleck of a robot :p my name is also a common one, made worse that i go by nickname that is even more so (one of my highschool teachers never did get my full name) oh, it's Kristin (note, it's the scandinavian spelling, lol), and i always answer to Kris ;)
  15. a night on the town definitely, and jewelry/flowers are both good, but don't overdo it. :freak:
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] Yeah, but those dubs are still censored I believe.... [/B][/QUOTE] yes, the dubs are still censored :mad: but there as complete as they get, and the subs aren't :cool:
  17. :p lol, that's why i get the dvd's, i get both the dub and the sub :smirk: :love:
  18. :D :cool: looks good to me lady k
  19. i normally find it somewhat easy to make the money, just slow time and kill the dodongos in north termina field (arrows to the tail work best for me) during the day. keep killing them, and you'll have more than enough ruppees built up :D :toothy:
  20. i have probs with him too :rolleyes: but that's the way i do it - arrow, switch to zora mask, swim down and barrier him as you turn and swim back up and dolphin leap onto the island it does take some doing, but it helps if you get the chateu romani (however you spell it) milk b4 facing him good luck :D
  21. how could i have forgotten about getting a hairline fracture in my lefthand in a game of pick up basketball - for anyone who knows the terminology, it was the fifth metacarpal :p - my pinkie still bends to the inside of my hand :smirk:
  22. well said anna, i couldn't agree more :D
  23. member name: k9* original member name: k9 member since: was it aug or sep 2001 current status: junior member fav forum: zelda, nintendo, dragonball, general discussion fav thread: sleeping in the nude, fav outfit in dbz, and others fav rpg: don't have one fav smilies: :naughty: :p :smirk: most memorable moment: me dumping the ice water on vegitto :naughty: quotable quote: many of piccolo-san's lines from dbz, take your pick, lol words of wisdom: read the warning signs - esp the do not follow into work area wish to be remembered for: umm....having an open mind, christianity, and a willingness to help when i can my epitath: i forget :smirk: i will: ........piccolo-san to lady m, to even out her bejita obsession ........my zelda dx to kuja, just bcuz it's a cheap remake ........my non-normalcy to the entire board, who wants to b normal? ........and my forgetfulness to......i forget
  24. lol i love bill engvall's material - here's your sign i have a few good ones from my last job (at the sf music box co.) note - means something i was thinking, not what i actually said 1) do you have any of these figurines that aren't musical? -what does the sign above the entrance say 2) do you have any of this waterglobe in a smaller size? because i don't want to pay that much -sure, we're just like a clothing store and on our last day of business (it was a seasonal store) 3) last day today, huh?..........well, i'll have to bring in the wife tomorrow -what the @#$% are you doing in the mall all alone, you senile old man? :mad: :cross: and there's plenty more of those :blackeye:
  25. i don't really fit into either category - the whole glass half-full, half-empty thing isn't my style. i just see the beer (or milk, or whatever happens to be my refreshment of choice that day) :D
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