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Everything posted by k9*

  1. ;) :p trashtalking a script-i can actually see vegeta doing that :D you're central standard time too vegitto4? lol, we're same time zone :D
  2. :whoops: DOH *slaps forehead* ok i slipped, i was thinking of lugi, or mayb i wasn't thinking enuf :blush: :blackeye: pardon me while i go sulk in the corner
  3. oh, yeah. :( there goes my theory. well if link isn't mario, then maybe the happy mask salesman is. :eek: what am i saying? pay no attention to the dog. :D
  4. it's official for an other otaku member, i'm insane :cross: it was especially hard bcuz i was trying to be quiet-that always makes laughing harder to resist :laugh: :freak: too bad the media player on this com is seriously messed-all kinds of breaks in the sound effects. :demon:
  5. hey shibatku, are you talking about unlocking yoshi, or his spinning egg move? :confused:
  6. he was the founder of wendy's (named after his daughter), and he was in most of their commercials :(
  7. there was some science show like nova that did an epi on time travel. one of the theories presented was that if you wnet back in time in order to change history (the example was to assassinate hitler), events would conspire to stop you. somebody knocking @ your door, the gun wouldn't fire, etc. etc. etc. it really twists your mind, doesn't it, yet it's so much fun to think on. :freak: :excited:
  8. k9*


    there are many differnet views to consider when thinking about this topic: no one has mentioned that many of those left when someone commits suicide will blame themselves for the rest of their lives. for two diff reasons-not seeing the possibility of the person commiting suicide, and for not doing enuf to stop it from happening. personally, i see suicide as giving up on life, i do not fear death, but there is no reason to bring it early.
  9. i don't know about gohan's, other than piccolo kept pulling it out. kami convinced gokuo to let him cut his tail off for good in db. i noticed that vegeta's tail didn't ever grow back either.
  10. anyone know how to get captain falcon to hit the sandbag far? when i do the smash, it always goes backwards :therock: :whoops:
  11. Name: Prism age: who knows? weapon: zet sword pet: haiya dragon (a descendant of Icarus) bio: the first namek ever hatched, she has spent her whole life being trained by Piccolo in Dragonball/Z/GT. she is quite reserved. ---------- Prism: I still can't believe that last sparring session, haiya dragon. h.d.: chirrups Prism: What should i call you anyway? how about.......what is going on around here? i think we need to find out what's happened since we returned to the wilderness. Prism and h.d. begin their long trek, searching for other members from one forum to another, being careful to stay out of sight.
  12. long time, no see ben :D nice work, that may b the best chapter yet :cool:
  13. #1 shen lon #2 sensu bean :eek: #3 master roshi :drunk: [b]#4 piccolo :toothy: [/b] #5 pikehan #6 bra briefs :confused: #7 bulma briefs :confused: #8 king kai (its the humor thing-mine stinks) #9 son gohan #10 son goku #11 supreme kai :angel: #12 son goten #13 chichi :laugh: #14 krillen #15 son pan #16 videl #17 mr satan :wigout: #18 trunks (mirai) #19 yamcha #20 buu - i swear i hate the color pink #21 trunks (chibi) #22 android 18 #23 freeza #24 vegeta #25 cell - what?
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kakkarot ssj4 [/i] [B] actually piccolo started as a pure good being... it was until he saw the wars and hate on earth did he become evil himself... but he still had good emotions cause in the dead zone he had the chance to destroy goku when he was about to leaave from the fight against garlic jr(which was before he trained gohan) [/B][/QUOTE] if u want 2 get technical: the original earth nameksaijin was almost all good, but in order to become kami, he had to drive out the seed of evil in his heart. this evil became piccolo daimao, intent on ruling the earth. he was killed by goku, but spit out the egg that became piccolo-born to get revenge on goku. i normally talk about the tv series or manga, the movies are totally seperate from those. ok, i'm done :lecture:
  15. yup, that is goku, it's shown during the tv series, when raditz is trying to convince goku to join the other 3 saiyajin. :D turles has darker skin.
  16. the only one on that list that i'm interested in is gauntlet. hhhmmm.....i would think that they would @ least get a zelda game out for the cube as soon as possible. :mad:
  17. if i'm remembering right, she's in the tower/palace near to the main town. uuummmm....a little northwest i think. sorry i can't b of more help. :blush:
  18. i believe that there is a seed of good in everyone, some just deny it, and don't let it grow. look at piccolo-he started to become good only after he became attached to gohan. uuuummmm...i'm not making sense, am i. :blush:
  19. the count is diff for series or movies. for the manga and the tv series, the only saiyajin survivors r: son gokuo, raditz, nappa, and vegeta. the movies add turles, brolli, paragus, ummm..ok that's the limit 2 my knowledge :D
  20. roflmao, my bro and i noticed that right off. we kinda looked @ each other like :p :rolleyes: it struck us both as being really funny. does this mean that all of the mario games were actually link wearing that mask?
  21. i would have gone into technology withdrawl, i have really young cousins 2, so no need to apologize :)
  22. actually, i'm almost positive that it'll b worth the wait, go to the official dbz site, most of the designers r fans :D okay, i can hold on until nov. :(
  23. when i was 13, my bro and i were @ bible camp when our parents put our 14 year old dog to sleep. that was rough, our 2 current dogs have a habit of escaping the yard, they'll only come back when they're good and ready. anyway, i recently found out how bad para was the day my parents had her put to sleep. she had had arthritis bad for some time, but that day she couldn't even get up. :bawl: my dad doesn't even remember that my bro and me weren't there that day, that's how bad he was shook up.
  24. k9*


    ice dragon, there's a word for bullies like that kid: coward, i hate that :flaming: :mad: :flaming:
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