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Everything posted by k9*

  1. trekkie all the way, tho i like wars too. my fav serie r next gen and v'ger
  2. cool, me likes, i need to figure out how to draw piccolo-san myself ;)
  3. k9*


    man, way 2 go. i had my own fight with a bully back when i was an orange belt in Tae Kwon Do. :laugh: he was ~twice my weight :smirk: anyway, i didn't really break anything, but he was hurting, i like to hit the solar plexus hehehehe. anyway my bro decided to let our westie out of our yard (yup, thats right, this occured on the street right in front of my own home), she lived up 2 the breed description, she got right in there and kept biteing his ankles. :naughty: :demon: it was something to c.
  4. k9*


    mayb akira-san is hungry a lot? :babble: don't forget kamesennin's turtle wave, baby gamela, and the flying nimbus. or that nameks r all named after gastropods (except piccolo and kami)-dende, nail, cargo, lord slug :D
  5. k9*


    actually, piccolo was named for the musical instrument-look @ his bros :eek: drum, tamburine, etc. only the saiya-jin r named 4 vegetables, more examples r brolly, paragus, and bardock
  6. woodman, hmm...the squares flash just b4 the spikes rise up, if u have any fire element chips, use them... other than that, i don't know
  7. october....hhhhmmmmm......i think i can wait that long. it's supposed 2 be a mix of rpg and fighting, yay! :D
  8. cutest is def. gohan or mirai trunks but give me my piccolo-san any day :naughty: :tasty:
  9. lol, kintoin (sp?)(flying nimbus) or instant transmission oh,oh, and baby gamala
  10. i just heard that this game's coming out, any1 know an approx release? i just can't wait :nervous: :excited:
  11. i used to fence, gotta little too busy too continue :cross:
  12. lol, i should remember those :D my mom always seems to ask me 2 wrap her gifts. that would teach her 2 ask me :naughty: :freak:
  13. k9*


    it's ok, i don't watch it much
  14. k9*


    i like lugi's mansion and ssbm- so much fun
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B]K9 why don't you just cop your brothers game file to yours? [/B][/QUOTE] i don't want to mess w/ it, anyway we've been helping each other get through. he did the ice climbers event match 4 me, he throws a lot easier and better than me. i got him mewtwo, which allowed him 2 get mr g&w. we've been switching games back and forth playing the vs. so it's a pretty even trade. :mrt:
  16. hey outlawstar, long time no c :D just hang in their, school will b over soon enuf, then off u go into the real world :bawl:
  17. :smirk: that is so funny, and so true hehehehehehe
  18. so far, the hardest part r the events 31+, they seemed to jump in difficulty :mad: i hhhhhaaaaattttteeee the lethal marathon one :devil: and what is the point of the mario bros one? i can't freaking read tonight :rolleyes: , i had the hardest time w/ falco, i got mewtwo for my bro, but i don't have him on my game yet. my bro also has mr g and w, that's just sick and wrong :drunk:
  19. Glitch is the navi that tells you about the missing program when u first enter the net. i'm just suggesting that you go into the rich girl's portion of the net in order to talk to him again. ur no :butthead: , it's no disgrace not to understand, as long as ur trying
  20. i prefer my men hot, guess who i like best. but for the sake of this poll.......hhhhmmmm.....of ur current choices, mirai trunks, then yamcha
  21. sort of c him? :smirk: u get to c his full backside. anyway, the wussy parts r just roflmao, i think we can all agree on that
  22. k9*

    Quick Question

    scroll down in dragonballzman's post, the spoiler is right above his siggy. that way, if u didn't want to know what happens, u could skip it :D
  23. that can't b good :o , have u tried going into their network to talk to glitch again?
  24. the game is megaman battle network, it's for the gba. you find the missing program deep in the internet, you need to talk to all of the robot-looking things. i believe that it's after the merchant, but i don't rem exactly where. gamefaqs has a good guide for the game. good hunting :naughty:
  25. k9*

    Quick Question

    NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO.......not him, first trunks breaks him, now this
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