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  1. Manga's better is what I heard. Still a great movie, not the best of all time.....but its better than Ninja scroll thats for sure. =P
  2. I say its hard to truly tell what you'd do until the day truly comes. Until then your just speculating, the news might send you into a delusional paranoid state.
  3. Well, I've only seen the first part of the OAV and I've seen the american Movie (Samurai X) and Saitoh is the man ^^.
  4. Siffen


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b][i]Good[/i] movie?!?! Akira is the BEST anime movie, EVER![/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] somebody's hyperactive.
  5. Siffen


    ......yes it is a good movie Oo.
  6. Rules? .........if there were rules around art then it wouldn't really be art would it?
  7. simple put: Perfect Blue, why? cuz it has no special powers, it has no things that are beyond reality, simply put its a story about a schizophrenic Pop star, with so many plot twists it almost makes ya sick, buts an easily do-able anime. Least? DBZ by far, why? it impossible to make it look good, it just can't work, massively powerful flying guys with spikey hair, against aliens with antenas and tails and smooth shiny skin? it can't be done in real life.
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