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Everything posted by angel_sepiroth
"Finally speed.". said Cody. He arrived at the medical center a few minute's he jumped out of the car and ran in the entrance. He kept running not knowing where he was going. Then he saw it the creature that has haunted his memory for so long. The creature known as nemisis. "It's you.". said Cody as he unsheathed his sword. "S.T.A.R.S.". said nemisis as he charged cody. "Eat Lead.". said Cody as he pulled out the magnum and emptied the rounds into nemisis head. He then put the gun away picked up his sword and started to hack away at nemisis. "I cant what to meet you again nemisis.". said Cody knowing that nemisis would return even mor powerful than before. "Why was he standing in front of this door.". said cody as he started to feel the same feeling as before
"D***** i tweaked you enough cant you go any faster.". Cody yelled at his car as he made a sharp turn. "I hope the medical center isnt much farther, arrggghhh d*** car.". said Cody as he slammed his fist on the horn as he ran a red light and almost ran into car. " Why do i have this feeling that something important is danger." said Cody as he turned up the volume to the radio, which was playing the song Crawling In The Dark. "D***** this is taking to long im using the nitrous.". said Cody as he flipped the plastic cap on the stick shift, and pressed the little red button under it.
yeah i have that problem i'll try to do better -------------------- A loud roar could be heard thourgh out the hospital. "Can't... hur....t oth...ers.". Said Cody struggling to keep him self restrained until the others gained distance. " I.. cant... hol.. d.. on.. any.. long...er."Said Cody as the beasts sense's started to take over. Cody was running thourgh the hospital at an immposible speed when all the sudden, he ran into a few shadow's. Cody or should I say the beast, let out a roar. It knocked the shadow's who were in there solid form down. Cody then picked up a small metal rod scratched it with his claw until a spark appeared, he then let out a massive belch. This allowed the methane in the belch to be turned into a flame, which hit the shadows with great force. Cody then ran proceeded to run thourgh the hospital looking for the medicine, while the beast was looking for something else.
"somethings wrong can any one feel it"said cody "no"everyone else said "something is in trouble i dont think that it's here either" said cody " im going to go check something out at the other end of town" said cody as he ran out of the building and started to drive to a building umbrella made "what was that all about"said lauren
"well lets go check out the stars office" said cody as he sheathed his sword and pulled out his magnum " why the stars office" remarked lauren a fellow stars member (you are stars right lauren) "well because you no those rumors about some kid seeing nemisis well the first place something like nemisis would go is to the stars office and since the police department is really the only place that seems to have the main crowd of zombies that would probally mean that if nemisis has returned he would be at the stars office"said cody "makes sence" said blake
"dammit i need my medicine" said cody staggering thougrh the hospital in his normal form " ahh im going to start changing soon if i dont find any medicine soon"said cody as his face had an angry exspresion and his eyes were turning green. suddenly lynx like ears appeared where his ears his face then started changing to in to a mix between a wolf and a panther he then gew a big bushy tail and his arms got super muscular as did his legs then fur started to grow rapidly all over his body. "no this isnt goo..."said cody his eyes pupils got really thin and his nose stuck straight up in the air. he smelt fresh flesh. --------------------------------- no this isnt a were-wolf but it is worse than what i was before
oh man crap i wish i had seen how far it had advanced i didnt think it would be doing this well. thinks for getting me into the group --------------------- "well come on lets go roast em' "said link as he unsheathed his sword and ran in. he picked up a bomb-flower that was growing nearby and threw it at the eyel-laser he then ran into the giant dodongo skull. when link got in he saw what maro ment by there being alot "ok um i can do this" saidlink as he jumped on too one of there backs and starte to kill dodongos as helet the one he was writing go on a rampage "i could use a little help here" called link to the group
im going to do something big k. --------------------------- no one noticed that cody was theonly one that stayed behind " are you ready ot die again nemisis" said cody as he stepped out of the shadows and started to transform. nemisis stepped back "what... " said nemisis as he stepped back in fear "thats right nemisis your a** is grass just like it should have been" said cody as he finished transformation just then he heard someone laugh he turned around and saw sid the man who did many of the exxpiriments on him " go ahead cody kill him you have the power" said sid as he leaned against the wall. "hello sid how's it been"said cody as launched two of his tentacles right thourgh nemisis. "well i died came back to life with the new virus i created" said sid. "what you did was wrong you a**hole why did you go and make another virus i seriously doubt umbrella would have done it again either "said cody as he popped out the blades and started spinning them around. "im not going to ell you why i made another virus it's none of your buisness you use to do the same thing at umbrella"said sid "whatever, you know im going to kill you and everysingle one of your creations right"said cody "then kill me now "said sid " no im going to want my friends to see me slaughter my own dad" (bum-bum-bum dont worry ill explain) said cody. "hey why did you change your last name" said sid "because i didnt want anyone two know i was related to a psychotic freak" said cody as he launched his back tentacle at nemisis head. "s***". said nemisis as his head flew off "now for the shadow" said cody "i dont think you will want to do that"said sid "why" said cody. "because that was that boy that i stole from your group" said sid "what...". said cody "youheard me" said sid as he realeased a hoard of zombies from behind a large steel door " now humor me some more" said sid " i wont give youyou sick pleasure" said cody as he ran out of the room in search of the others. ------------------ pretty cool. h0ope its ok
sweet im at the lobby ---------------------------------- this gun should be usefull thought cody as he picked up a cougar magnum and 18 rounds off the dead cop. then he heard a clicking noise he looked up and saw someone moving towards the middle of the lobby. he didnt see the face so he pulled out his gun and started to walk silently towards the thing. as when he was about three yards away cody said "turn around"......
"alright let's kick some a**" said cody as he unsheathed his sword held it in his right hand pulled out his gun and held it in his left hand. everyone stair's at him. "little to enthusiastic there buddy"said jubei "heyshut your d*** trap dont say that my comrads always said that to me when i tried to act happily about something. it comes out in spurts okay" said cody as everyone backed away "okkk" said jubei has he took out his gun and started to follow relee. "i'm going to check up ahead" said cody as a blur past the group and at the end of the hall there was cody firing away "what the hell" said relee as they started running after him. -------------------------------- hows that it has enthusiasim and anger and confusion
mine are 1. cobra kits 2.dodge viper venoms 3.lambohrogini countache the one i own is a ford mustang 2001
"what the f**** going on her" said cody to him self "i hope nemisis hasnt returned" he said to him self as he turned off the radio which was playing brain stew. SSSKKKKRRREECCHHH went the brake as his car slid straight into his parking spot "i love doing that" said cody as he got out of his car and walked towards the entrance. when he heard gunfire from inside "d***** there probally back" said cody as he with drew his sword and leapt over the front counter and saw a cop lying on the floor a with a bullet hole straight thourgh his head that woudnt have helped you buddy as cody sliced the cops head off he then heard some more gunfire he headed to the direction of the noise.
"man why is it raining it was fine out just a while ago" said cody as he was driving thourgh the rain to his work in is custom cobra kit which didnt have a top. "man this sucks how can it get worse " said cody as he had image's of zombies crawling all over his car "oh yeah" said cody as he suddenly bracked when a creature he had never seen before jumped out in front of his car he got out and drew his sword and and charged the beast as he got closer he realized that it was a licker "oh s*** it just got worse" said codyy as he lept over the beast it's toung flew after him and caught his leg but he sliced it offand then made a perfect landing he thenproceeded to charge the beast again this time he didnt jump but the lickers tounge went straight up thinkintg he was going to do the same thing again. "dumb a**" said cody as he sliced the licker in half with out getting a scratch on him. he then ripped the tounge off from around his ankle sheathed his sword and drove towards the p.d.
Sign Up Resident Evil-The Return of Nemisis
angel_sepiroth replied to spike speigel's topic in Theater
thank's i thought it was pretty cool my self -
i am confued just a moment ago wasnt the city full of pepole by the way im offical so i can post here
Sign Up Resident Evil-The Return of Nemisis
angel_sepiroth replied to spike speigel's topic in Theater
alright name: cody wilks age: 28 weapon:(in pic) sharpened to on a both sides the length between the top of the sharpen to the bottom of the sharpen is less than a quarter of a molecule. also has a set of brass knuckles appearance:has an average build. he has blonde spiked hair. he wears a dark blue almost black dress shirt. black khaki style pants. a pair of tan boots with steel toes. a black leather coat with stars written in white on the back. sun glasses to cover up his pure white eyes. he also wears his brass knuckles. and a lether sheath attached to his back bio: became stars at the age of 23. before this then he lived in china with his father at a buddhist templethere he honed his skills and became a martial artist taught in over 34 diffrent styles. when he moved to america he was 20 he liked it and decided to stay he then moved to a place called raccon andbecame a s.t.a.r.s. member. -
Sign Up Resident Evil-The Return of Nemisis
angel_sepiroth replied to spike speigel's topic in Theater
is it to late to join -
no i was just jokin about the copying part i dont mind but how come im not in any bodys posts
ooc:ahhhhhhh how come im not in any bodys posts ever aaaaaarrrrrrrgggghhhhhh. and how come every ones coping me and being ex-umbrella
Sign Up Yu-Gi-Oh: The battle for your Loved ones[sign up]
angel_sepiroth replied to Spikey's topic in Theater
i agree with dark order (btw darkorder do you go to ffinsider) name: jericho age:28 deck:a mix of dragons warriors magics and undead cards appearance: dark black hair done like squalls from ff8.has a tattoo of exodia the forbidden one starting at his back and it's arms travel down his arms. wears a white tanktop with a blue hawiian shirt over it. wears a pair of sandy brown cargo shorts. has a muscular build(btw he's a martial arts expert andowner of his own card shop and hawiian) bio:one day when him and his 12 year old sister were dueling. a package was placed on the porch of his card shop when he opened it at the table a mist came out of the box and he and his sister fell uncouncious. when he came to he was in a van with five or six guys. when he tried getting up he found that his hands were tied to a small pipe. "he then reached for the small swiss army knife he always kept in his hidden pocket he then cut up the ropes and then proceeded to take out the guard looking men. he then started shuffling thourgh there stuff and stole all there wallets and the big brief case that the man up front had with him. he then kicked out the back door and started to run towards a nearby convineint store he bought a map and started to run toward his card shop once he got there he grabbed a his best deck, emptied all the money from the register and headed for the air port..... (ill finish later) favorite card:exodia the forbiden one favorite of his own cards: the dark magician -
im fast forwarding. this one isnt gouing to be one of my better posts either ---------------------- "hurry up jake" said link as he was chasing the group right ahead of him. "im going as fast as i can link but i dont havea long shot like you"said jake as he was climbing the small wall "dont you have a jump booster mgic or something" said link as he was he shot his hook at at a small woodenn pole protruding from out of the mountaiin "here i am link"said jake as he jumped onto the branch "lets go" said link as he started to run towards the entrance of the tall mounntains
gado was leaping from building in a large tiger form(looks like baihumon). when he got to the location of the suspect he did not take action then all of the sudden out of the croud burst kyoto running towards the man she grabbed him and he grabbed her back and thourgh her a far distance back this enraged gado so he shanged into a dragon like humanoid were the dragon creatures claws should have been were massive battle axe blades. he jumped off the building and had the axes targeted to go right down the center of the man....
man this sucks i forgot about this and how come im not in any bodys posts ----------------------------------- i wonder what happen to that man from earlier cody thought as he watched the boy named ryowas grand-fathr get slaughtered "enough of this crap" said cody as a tentacle shot out of his back the tentacle had a blade looking thing attached to it then a few more shot out of his back then they started to shoot out of his hand then the rest of his body started to morph. his head turned to along pointy object with blade sticking out his torso turned into a bunchof tentacles conecting each other. his legs increased insize and grew spikes out of the knee. his feet transformed into what would like like that of a raptors, only bigger. "this is the side effects of the expirments performed on me" said the mutated cody in an extremly low and evil voice "dont worry im still on your side though"said cody asone of the tentacles shot straghit at the creature that killed ryowa's grandfather. after tetentacle was shoved thourgh the beast three massive blades popped out of the sides of the tentacles. blood sprayed everywhere " if the this mutation were to activate when i didnt have contol of it. everything in this hospital would be gone except maybe sid"said cody as he launched one of his tentacles thourgh a row of around 8 oncoming zombies "why didnt you do this before you..."said jubei as he was cutoff by cody "because this requires massive amounts of energy"said cody as he fell back into his orignal state.he was unconncius
"hey yugo can i have your autograph"said an annoying woman who had been following him around all day "look lady all i want to do is get home and be alone alright besides didnt i already sign your autograph book" said yugo "yeah but you havent signed this book yet"said the woman as yugos eye twitched. "ahhh lady leave me alone" said yugo as he started to walk away."wait ekkkkk" screamed the woman as yugoturned around with a shotgun in his hand "alright lady walk away now" "bu..."the lady looked down to see a large hole thorgh her chest "see what you made me do"said yugo as he put the gun in his leather jackethe then looked to see skye "oh man not her" said yugo as he jumped to the top of the building he was next to he then started leaping from building to building when he saw another vampire doing so he stopped and waited for the vamp to get to where he was "please go to see the prince" said the vamp "why" said yugo "just do it" said the impatient vampire "fine" said yugo as he started to leap towards the princes residince.
"hey jake we need to go to the hylian section of the town, i know that you dont like it there but we need to get some supplys"said link as he started to play the ocrina and walked towards the town. "i dont know link i get pretty quizzy when i go there the way there slaughter the tree's like they ...." jake stopped talking noticing he was already in the town his face turned even greener than it usally ways and he ran behind a stone building and started barfing away. link rolled his eyes and pulled out his walllet "alright two hundred rupees". he said as he walked towards the bazaar. he then proceded to buy a two handed sword for 60 rupee's and longshot for 120. he then sold the bastard sword he just obtained for 30 rupees. he then bought a sling shot for 30 rupees and and a trowel for 5 rupees and a sharpining disk for another five rupees. (ooc: i now have one two handed sword,one longshot, one trowel, one shapening disk, one sling shot, and zero rupees) "thank you". said the shop keeper as link walked out of the building. he was playing zeldas lullaby on the ocrina without even knowing it he just felt thatas he hearded it before, then all of a sudden his hand started to burn he dropped the ocrina and looked at his hand. three trinagles appeared each one stacked upon each other. "oh man i'v seen this before" he said as he grabbed jake and stared running towards where jake was but then the world around him changed "ahhh crap where am i" said link when a pudgy man appeared before him "hello link my name is...." said the pudgy amn was cut off when the where he was at started to change again "hahaha.... hello link you sure do look like him ironic isnt i t just when im at full power your ancestor shows up and destroys me i doubt it will happen agin this because this time im not goingto underestimate you"said a tall man with red hair and darkened skin. an image flashed thourgh links mind as he saw a man and woman running. the woman was holding some thing in her hand's then a flash. then appeared another image the man that is infront of him appeared in this image . this time the man that was running was on the ground with a hole thourgh his chest and the woman was in a fighting stance. the woman jumped at the red haired man but the man grabbed her by her head and crushed it. the red hair man then proceeded to move to the little bundle ad open up the sheet and a bright flash appeared and the red haired man was crawling away. another flash and a small old woman picked the bundle up and started to walk towards a town that didnt look that far away. link fell to his knees. "your gannon arnt you" said link as he got up and unsheathed his blade. "yes i am by the way it wasfun killing your parents"said gannon link then ran at gannon full speed bounded off a rock to get extra air, and then slammed his sword into gannons chest "ha you think you can kill me with that flimsy peice of crap"said gannon as the world turned into its original state "this isnt real"said link as he picked up the ocrina and his knap-sack and started to walk towards james