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Everything posted by angel_sepiroth

  1. hey elven why the hell did i vomiti worked for umbrella so iv seen worse than a few dead bodys ---------------------- "you whine to much it isnt nemisis it's probally a hell of alot stronger though" said cody his second time talking to the group "hey you ******* what did umbrella do why did they recreate a virus"said blaze "it wasnt them i know who did it though a man named sid"said cody "how do you know it's him."said blaze "hes one of the scientist key to making the viruses and he was last heard of here in this city"said cody as he saw a puddle moving along the ground "nows not the time for idle chat we got a monster on our hands"cody said as he drew his sword
  2. "hey kain what the hell why did you even give me this note you no i dont like to fight unless i have to"yelled li as he was running towards kain. "well li i was... owww" said kain as he was smacked upside the head with a stick "why did you do that"asked kain "because your stupid and you didnt show me respect by calling me li just now" "sorry sir man thats stupid any ways i was wondering if you wanted to get your temple back if yo did you would have to fight some but also you would help in getting the mystic stones back"said kain rubbing where he had been smacked in the head. "sounds tempting i guess ill join you and if i join you as a partner you dont have to call me sir"said li "i have to go back to my house to get my weapons"said li as he took off at an amazing speed towards his house
  3. i wanna be link and zelda's great, great, great, great,great grandson and i say grandson cause you know link and zelda got it on..... but if i do be him i wont find out till later in the rp hows that sound ----------------------- name:link gender:male race:hylian height:links height weight:143 hair:blonde eyes:blue clothes: enhanced kokiri tunic, enhanced kokiri boots,an enhaced kokiri hat, fingerless gloves mental:likes to have fun but is serious about gandorf returning
  4. i wanna be heero and ill help you out with the plot if you want
  5. ohcrap sorry i havent posted yet i just saw this ------------------------------------------------- "i hope that kid gets hme ok"said cody afterhe demolished the zombies and sent the kid to his home. he started to walk to the entrance but he stopped as he heard some talking then it turned into shooting. he stepped a few paces away from the hospital and looked up towards the fourth floor where the noises were coming frm he saw bright flashes in a window, then a piece of something flew out the window and smacked him in the face he picked it off and threw it to the side. he took a few more paces back and then ran at the builing with unbelivable speed he then jumped and he landed on the ledge of the third window, he jumped again and he landed on the ledge of the fourth window.he then quicklypulledout his gun jumped in the rest of the way turned to his side and started firing at the dogs "who the hell are you" blaze said with slight annoyance "my names cody wilks im ex. umbrella special op's" he yelled over the gunfire.
  6. um omega ill join as a vampire but, if you let me i would like to be a carpatheian, or i could turn carpathian later in the story. if you dont know what one is i'll pm you. but it's some what like a vampire i can tell you now. oh and the carpathian if any of you saw it in the aniar stones sign up that is not a true carpathian ------------------------------------- name:yugo makanita age: 99 (looks 32) gender:male clan:toreador (inconnu) physical description:stands at 6'3" with bleached spiike hair and white eyes. his skin tone is fair.his fingernails are painted black.has a tatoo of a wolf on his back.has a muscular body.dresses goth mental description:being a toreador he makes music and plays the eletric guitar. he loves the ladies. considered a punk rocker because of his music but he also plays heavy metal. he practicly owns half of the music industry due to his abilities. although it''s not known by the public.he only drinks from assholes, jerks, and rich snobby pepole who dont donate money to charity's. he is a very kindred spirit despite the grusome fact that he's a vampire. history:in his life before he was turned into a vampire he was amazingly a buddhist monk. on his 32 birthday vampires stupid vampires attacked his temple he killed many of the vampires but one of them attacked him from behind and turned him into a vampire.him and the rest of the monks went their seprate ways after changing. now yugo is at(insert where story takes place).many changes took place in his mind but he still know pretty much every martial art move ever made still physical-2 mental-3 social-4 psyhic-1(cant help himself when drinking)
  7. name:li chang age:276 height:6'2" apperance: looking for a pic personality:he is immortal.he's very protective over the innocent, but being a monk he likes to look for way's around fighting. he is a vegitarian. he does not kill unless he has to. bio:260years ago li was leading the life as a monks apprentice when a group ofthives burnt down his temple and killed all the monks whie the temple was still burninghe ran back in to get an ancient relic called the chalice of life whih allows the drinker of it to become imortal he quikly took a sip and started running toards the exit but he tripped and the wooden cup rolled into a fire he then got back up and ran out of the temple before it collapsed. these many years later his temple that he had made himself was tooken away from him by the new king the same one who stole the mystic stones fightin style:jeet kune do, tai chi, jujitsu, ninjisu weapons:uses combat staff's, long bow, and a gift from his father a katana called "kanpeki susumu"
  8. i dont know water and mermaid stuff seem sorta' girly to me but ill jjoin if i can be a crooss betweena dragon and a merman if not forget this(this creature was not made by breeding) also main reason im joining is for one of he same reasons wolf did name:loch draconus (means lake dragon) race:merdragon(the bottom half is like a regular fish fin. but the tophalf while shaped like a humans, has the head claws scales and eyes of a dragon) fin:black hair: none dragon scales:dark dark grey height from tail to snout: 9'6" weight:328 pounds weapons:natrual weapons like teeth, claws, eletric breath and he uses a swords and ocassinoly katals (the weapons are water resistant i hope) shortbio: has been hunting down a giant kraken since he was 9 because the kracken destroyed his home and killed his family but stopping hissearch for now to deal with the problem at hand personality: you will find out
  9. oh yeah by the way the rps already up so you can start posting when ever
  10. sounds cool ___________________ name: joe wilks alias: good age:34 weight: 190 height: 6'0" power's: he has the ability to morph into anything , except fire , really quikly bio: he learned he had his powers when he was in 6th grade, because he was being chased by some bullys when his legsturned into water thantherest of his body did he could see thourgh an unknown force and the bullys ran right past the puddle weakness: fire is his weakness because it heats up his molcules super quickly and they explode causing him to explode
  11. sorry would have had it up yesterday but some stuff came up ----------------------------------------- it all started on a foggy morning in the town of newbark, when a boy named johnny was walking to professor elm's house. when he walked in he saw the #1 pokemon enthusiast professor oak. he ran over to the professor pushing down his friend joe who was chatting with the professor "wow nice to meet you mister oak this is so cool im actually shaking professor oaks hand" said johnny shaking oaks hand violently "nice to meet you to me and your friend here joe were just talking about you" said oak "really what were you talking about" said johnny as oak jerked his hand away "well we were talking about how you just recently got your trainers permit and since i have some pokemon i dont need ill give you one" said oak as he reached into his poket pulled out a pokeball and dropped it in to codys cupped hands "wow this is cool my first pokemon what is it" said johnny "its a tauros"said oak "a... a... a... AAAA TAUROS. thankyou proffesor oak it's my favorite pokemon"said johnny...... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ any one who wishes to join may do so in pokemon adventures 2 *sign up* those who have joined or are going to join please post regularly
  12. alright this is contined from the last sign up sheet pokemon adventure, but in this one their will be no spam here are profiles from previous members: pokemondude98 Name:Johnny Stener Age:11(you can be 11or12) Desciption:wears a backwards hat with a bull on it. Wears a blue shirt and blue camo shorts. First Pokemon:Tauros Bio:Became friends with his dad's trainer Professer Oak who gave Johnny his Tauros. His father(Chuck from Cianwood) gave him eighteen pokeball two hyper potions and one revive to start his journey. Ugamon name:kredion kinder age: 13 desprition:black army pants black army style boots a slighly muscled body and black mucsle shirt. first pokemon: pichu bio:he once met ash catchem on his way to get his first pokemon DuoGod of Death Name: Zack Rezinger Age: 14 Description: Wears complete black shirt and jeans. Has blonde hair and icy blue eyes. He is some what withdrawn and doesn't talk to many people, but accepts any challenge thrown at him. First Pokemon: Abra Bio: Being raised he was taught the powers of a physcic pokemon. All his life he has dreamed of becoming a pokemon champion with his Abra by his side. angel_sepiroth name:joe wilks age:18 description: his hair is naturally bleached and isin the style of a number two fade and he has tanned skin and a scar across his cheek from his scyther clothing:wears a black base ball cap with the quicksilver insignia on it. wears a white tan top and a hawiann shirt. wears a black baggy cargo pant's and a pair of charcoal colored nike's first pokemon: scyther-attacks- slash,sword dance, hyperbeam, fury cutter history-he recived his scyther egg when he was 12 from professor oak. he lived next door to his friends house who is younger than him. he raised the scyther by hand. and he went with his friend to see what pokemon he is getting today.
  13. how about pokemon adventures 2: travels thourgh johto
  14. no i mean what city does it start in. ill name it pokemon:adventures in johto
  15. you choose the name but read my above post again
  16. oh yeah any one who joins and those who already joined may tweek your profile to where it has some more info like mine *EDIT* where does this take place and who do you get your pokemon from again cause i lokked at the front and its pretty messed up
  17. alright everyone can keep there bio's and you can still be the owner poke ill just advise you k *EDIT*i'll make the rp will be ready in a second
  18. i have the longest bio i tweeked mine from what poke gave us to use
  19. no you no the part you go thourgh to get to here that place at the index it's labeled as otaku advetures
  20. um pokeits not the best ida to double post and you need to start the actually story line in the otaku advetures area not in sighn up but the place before it k
  21. dude you need to make a the actuall rp in otaku adventues
  22. cool name:joe wilks age:18 description: his hair is naturally bleached and isin the style of a number two fade and he has tanned skin and a scar across his cheek from his scyther clothing:wears a black base ball cap with the quicksilver insignia on it. wears a white tan top and a hawiann shirt. wears a black baggy cargo pant's and a pair of charcoal colored nike's first pokemon: scyther-attacks- slash,sword dance, hyperbeam, fury cutter history-he recived his scyther egg when he was 12 from professor oak. he lived next door to his friends house who is younger than him. he raised the scyther by hand. and he went with his friend to see what pokemon he is getting today.
  23. cant you be older if you can i'll join
  24. when might this start i was wondering
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