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Everything posted by Rain

  1. I'm not exactly sure, but I'd say late 2003/early 2004 I don't think Funimation has an exact release date yet
  2. Well I don't see too many wild animals. I see birds all the time, crows and stuff. Ducks on the school oval sometimes. Kangaroos, but not too often Oh, and snakes. We had one in our house once. Only a baby snake, but still *shudders*
  3. I just remembered some more: -Death -Not being able to look after myself when I'm old -Being paralysed Wow. I'm afraid of a lot
  4. Ummm...Ash from Pokemon. NO I AM JUST KIDDING LOL. I DO NOT REALLY LIKE HIM Heres the real list: Goku :love: *drools* ahem...lets move on Trunks (mirai) Teen Gohan Picollo (despite the fact that he's green) Yamcha Krillin (don't say anything) Wow a lot of good looking guys on DBZ *lowers voice* with the obvious exception of Vegeta. My friend thinks it's weird that you can think an anime character is cute. I just say to her "well you've never watched anime then have you".
  5. Rain

    Big Brother

    Is anyone here as sick of Big Brother as I am? First they had Big Brother, then Big Brother 2 now they have Celebrity Big Brother...I never really liked it to begin with but now it's getting out of hand. I just hope they don't make Big Brother 3:(
  6. [COLOR=darkblue]Squashed Snail, how old are you? It's just that some kids do look older than their age. like my brother. When he was 16 he would have been able to rent a R movie because he looked way older than his age.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]That poster says DBZ or whatever but every movie site I've been to says that the movie is just going to be called DragonBall not DragonBallZ (but it is based on DBZ). If they want to base it on the series they would be better off starting at the saiyan saga because you can't really start with the Androids without explaining stuff like where Trunks came from and why Vegeta fights on the good guys side and then acts like he hates them.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]My strong points: I'm smart I'm an individual (I don't follow the crowd or do something just because everyone else is) I have a great sense of humour My weak points: Sometimes I'm too shy I have a bad temper I'm lazy[/COLOR]
  9. I'd say rats. That and nuclear war.
  10. [COLOR=green]I know that the ifinite items cheat D_A was talking about works(with the item in sixth place instead of fourth). But I heard somewhere that if you catch that Missingno and keep it, it can screw up your game data:nervous:[/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Red XIII [/i] [B][color=teal]Wait hang on now I'm tlaking about all five differant sets Namekian Old/ Guru's Namekian New/ Dunno Earth Old/ Kami Earth New/ Dende Black Star/ Kami Out of all these the Blasck star are vastly more powerful and if Guru created the first shouldn't they have been the strongest[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] If Kami fused with Picollo, how could he create the Black Star DB's? (I'm assuming they're from DragonBall GT)
  12. I thought you had to have the item in sixth spot? EDIT: Ok, I just checked the Pokemon section at theotaku.com and it says you need the item in the sixth thing
  13. 1) Do you speak Japanese fluently? No 2) Have you taken a class in Japanese? If so, how many? No and none 3) Have you bought a book related to learning Japanese? If so how many? No and none 4) Can you count how many Japanese words you know? If so how many? At least 6 (I can count to six, lol) but I might know a few more, just can't remember. 5) Do you know hiragana and katakana? No 6) How many kanji do you know? None 7) Do you have any friends or relatives that speak fluent Japanese? Yes, my cousin 8) Do you WANT to learn Japanese? Yes, probably
  14. Hey, would someone explain about college to me? What I mean is, we have a different system here. We go from year 12 into university were you study for the proffesion you want. Is college like university? cos I'm just wondering.
  15. Oh yeah, so even if Piccolo Daimo took over the earth, it would have ended up under Saiyan rule anyway. Would Krillin and Yamcha have been able to stop Goku if he was evil? Wouldn't it be funny if Goku hit his head again and went back to being evil:D.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B][size=1] LOL@Saiyan_Monkey. 30 is fine with me lol. I heard in our high school we have an old woman that is like 60 something for Health class. How bad is that going to be if we have to say all that stuff like on Varsity Blues.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] OH MY... A 60 year old health teacher?! That reminds me of this commercial they've been showing on tv lately. Its this old woman dancing around and singing about contraception:(. It's scary :p I wish my school started at 9:15. Oh, but then we'd probably get out at 4:00 or something. My school starts at 8:40 and finishes at 2:55...but we usually don't get out untill 3:00 anyway.
  17. Yeah, sometimes I wish we had 3 months of holidays, or however long you guys have. But I go crazy after 2 weeks, I can't imagine how bored I'd be after 3 months! My favourite subject is science. i like biology best because you get to cut up hearts and stuff. Ok, I just re read that and it makes me sound like some kind of psychopath. But our science teacher, she is weird. we had a lesson the other day on the erm...reproductive system and she starts talking about stuff that you don't want to hear your 30 year old teacher talk about:p. I'm like, far out miss, don't traumatise us!:nervous:
  18. Note: Sorry if a thread like this is already on another page... Which DB/Z/GT character are you? I'd have to say I'm most like Bulma. Loud, opinionated, but I'm not ditzy or anything:)
  19. umm.. Britney's cameo...she doesn't sing does she? Because I really don't think I could handle that. I mean, I'm too scared to listen to the radio because they might be playing Britney Spears.
  20. I went back to school last week...but we have a different school year in Australia. It starts in Feb and ends in Dec. We have four ten week terms with two week breaks in between them and then week have a six week break in Dec/Jan. Oh well, only half a year to go.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Uriel5 [/i] [B]Me Saiyan_monkey :blowingup Simpsons forever! [/B][/QUOTE] Hey, thats a threat! Maybe I should sue you... Nah, i'm just kidding:p. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TheGodlyME[/i] [B]I've seen most of the simpsons episodes at least twice (and am now sadly considered a walking encyclopedia of details to my friends)[/B][/QUOTE] I know how you feel! I think my friends are getting sick of me reciting scenes from the Simpsons. Come to think of it, they try to avoid talking about the Simpsons when I'm around. HAHAHA but there is no escaping my wrath! :p
  22. Rain


    Has anyone read the [i]Tomorrow, When the War Began[/i] series by John Marsden? There's like seven books in the series. They're Australian books, I think, so I don't know how many of you have read them.
  23. More like gold, silver and bronze in the womens marathon. :D Australia is kicking butt :toothy: and they haven't even started the swimming events yet...just wait til Ian Thorpe gets in the pool:)
  24. Rain


    i haven't had to go through a divorce, and hopefully I never will, so I can't give you much advice. But i do feel for you and hopefully your life will start to get better now that you don't have to put up with fights and stuff. Just remember, you will work through this...:)
  25. Well, Vegeta Rocker, I guess the answer to your question would be yes. You probably can wish things for or on to other people. Like, you can wish someone else back from the dead and it doesn't have to be them wishing themselves back. Oh wait, they can't wish themselves back. Bad example :whoops:. But hopefully you get what I'm saying. :)
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