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Everything posted by Rain

  1. [size=1]I'd be very bored for a while. But I can still IM people from OB, so it's not like we'd lose contact or anything. Like Amibasuki, I'd procrastinate less. Get more of my schoolwork done, heh. I'd probably just end up spending more time on AIM, though.[/size]
  2. [size=1]Yes, school holidays tend to get boring after a while. But still, they must be better than school! Hehe ^_^ Umm... let's see, things to do... like someone mentioned earlier, you could get a summer job, though I don't know how old you are. You could exercise or something, go walking or jogging. That's always good. And as for having no friends on OB, you've only been here for one or two months! I was here for a while before I started talking to people. My AIM name is in my profile if you ever want to talk... oh wait, that's my old one. I'll update that now (it's 'Ashleeski'). Give it some time, and I'm sure you'll make friends here. Most of us are pretty friendly ^_^[/size]
  3. [size=1]I know it's easier said than done, but you're better off just asking the person in question. It's a lot better than analysing everything they do. Trust me, I know how that feels, heh. So yes, just ask. You may get rejected, but at least you know. You don't want to end up wondering about what could have been. Once again, I know it's easier said than done, but trust me, it's for the best. Although, I take my own advice, and it hasn't gotten me very far, relationship-wise :p[/size]
  4. [size=1]Wisdom teeth are the teeth at the back of your jaw, aren't they? And some people get them pulled out, because they can cause a lot of pain when they're coming in. Mine are coming in now, but they don't hurt too much. Terpischore, like Baby Girl said, stay positive about it, try not to worry too much. Hope you recover quickly! ^_^[/size]
  5. [size=1]Yes, I'm voting for Sara's sig as well. Although, I love the convo Charles has in his sig. That is hillarious ^_^ And Rae, just off-topic for a second, how did you get into that club anyway? Didn't it say something about having 1000 posts? Ah well. All the more reason for us to be impressed! Hehe[/size]
  6. [size=1]Anyone who's talked to me for 5 minutes will know I have a Ewan McGregor obsession. Not only is he really good-looking, but he is a good actor as well. He does his roles so well. I just loved him in [i]Moulin Rouge[/i]. Oh, and he can sing too! *coughs* Now that we have that out of the way, hmm... I also like Tom Hanks. He's a great actor. I love [i]Forrest Gump[/i] ^_^ Also, Harrison Ford, Adam Sandler and Mike Myers. I don't have many favourite actresses though. Maybe Liz Hurley, I liked her in the first Austin Powers movie (she was better than Heather Graham, in my opinion).[/size]
  7. [size=1]Well, Duo Maxwell and I are planning on meeting sometime maybe next year. So we could go and meet the rest of you guys as well. Road trip! lol, the problem with an Aussie road trip is that you'd be melted onto the seat before you've even crossed the Nullabor. Sooo hot.[/size]
  8. [size=1]Oh, finally, an OBer from WA! Yes, I live in Perth. Actually, I was in Bunbury over the weekend, visiting my aunt. I suppose you don't happen to be Greek? lol. And there are several Aussie OBers. There's a whole group of them somewhere in Queensland.[/size]
  9. [size=1]*sobs* Juu! You don't love me anymore! ...Heh, I'm kidding. Well, I'd have to add Rae (Lady Asphy) and Solo to my list. Just because they're my lovely wife and husband ^_^ And yeah, guys, if you don't have a crush, or aren't going to tell us who it is, you might want to refrain from posting. It gets quite annoying reading post after post with everyone saying "My crush is... no one!" or "I'm not telling! How embarassing!" *coughs* Yeah. Sorry about that.[/size]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] In most points, you're right, Rain. As I said, it's just my opinion and the way I think. I only thing I can actually bring up to defend myself is that I know a whole bunch of people who's personality changes drastically on the internet. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]Heh, yes that's one thing that worries me quite a bit. What if they're all different people in real life? I suppose in the end, it's just a matter of trust... And sorry if I seemed kind of aggressive there. You have every right to express your opinion without me jumping on it, lol ^_^[/size]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1]Heh, I don't beleive that people can really fall in love over the internet, it seems ridiculous. But, it's just my opinion. Although, I hear people on this board talk on IM and Chat and whatnot a lot, so I guess it's possible. O_o;;[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]Why is it so ridiculous? What, because you can't see someone, you can't love them? Sounds a bit superficial if you ask me. I love my internet friends, some more than my "real life" friends. So I don't see why it'd be so hard to fall in love with someone on the internet. It may make things more difficult, but I think it can still happen. Sorry if this post is a bit off-topic.[/size]
  12. Rain


    [size=1]Ah, Placebo. I'm fast becoming an obsessive fan, lol. I love [i]Pure Morning[/i] and [i]My Sweet Prince[/i]. Brian Molko has such an awesome voice. And I'm debating whether or not to ask my parents for tickets to the Perth concert for my birthday. Well, if I don't end up going, will all you people who are going think of me? Hehe.[/size]
  13. [size=1]Well, last night I was listening to "My Sweet Prince", by Placebo, and it made me cry. I was feeling emotional at the time, and it's quite a slow, sad song. Also, in my opinion, Brian Molko has a beautiful voice. I just love it. There are a few other songs that make me a bit emotional, but whenever I read a thread like this, they just fly out of my mind, heh ^_^ I'll edit later if I remember any.[/size]
  14. [size=1]Well, my OB crush is Monique (Duo Maxwell), my first wife. But she already knows that, lol. She's just a wonderful person, always knows how to make me laugh. Sexy too, hehe. And she got me onto Placebo music, which is just another reason I love her so much, yay! ^_^ There is another person, but I don't think they'd appreciate it too much if I rambled on about them, lol.[/size]
  15. [size=1]Soley, I didn't know you were into poetry. Well anyway, I like this. The last stanza is the best, in my opinion (and no, not because it means that poem is going to end :p). It's... um, I'm not good at commenting on poetry, but... the last stanza sums up the rest of the poem. If you get what I mean. Well, it was very good. Hope you post some more soon ^_^[/size]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dark_serena [/i] [B]I can't take naps. I dunno how ppl can sleep in the middle of the day. :cross: [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]Yeah, me too. Unless I have a fever or something, I find it impossible to sleep during the day. But when I'm sick I sleep all the time. I have to have music on, and I usually can't sleep on my stomach. I need two pillows, and I can't sleep with a light on. Heh, I'm quite demanding when it comes to sleeping. At least I'm not like my sister, who is a horrible person to share a bed with. She moves around so much, and you end up right on the edge of the bed. So I try to avoid sharing a bed with her whenever possible. It's actually the waking up part that gets me. How do people do it? :p[/size]
  17. [size=1][b]My blog address:[/b] [url]http://ashyness.blogspot.com[/url] [b]Blog name:[/b] Blog of the Squidge Queen [b]Thoughts behind it/reasons for creating it:[/b] Everyone else had one? Heh, well Duo M told me I should get one, so I did. It's basically full of song lyrics, surveys (I'm a survey whore) and my weird schemes, with a few serious posts every now and then. I don't write too much personal stuff in there, because it's on the internet for everyone to read. Also, like Solo said, it's a good way to let people know how you are if you can't talk to them. Although, Blogger seem to like stuffing me around when I try to post. >_
  18. [size=1]Hmm... I was freaked out by Signs, and I seem to be the only person I know who was. Also Pet Semetary and the Poltergeist trilogy. Although, I did see those movies when I was... 10, so they may actually be less scary than I think they are ^_^[/size]
  19. [size=1][b]Physical features[/b] Hmm. I'd have to say, probably my hair. It's not as long as I'd like it to be right now, but I like the colour. I also like my height. I'm kind of tall for my age, but that does get a bit annoying if you have quite a few friends who are a lot shorter than you -.- [b]Personality[/b] I like my sense of humour. I find I get by a lot easier if I can just laugh at things, instead of letting them bother me *shrugs*[/size]
  20. [size=1]Travel. Buy Russia. And some monkeys. Be glad that I have more money than Bill Gates. Ooh, and own a spork factory! Hmm.. spoil my friends and family. And buy some bling-bling, hehe. Oh, and the first thing I'd do is visit Duo M, Deus, Soley and Rae... After that, I really don't know what I'd do. Donate money to charities?[/size]
  21. [size=1]Yea, but a bit of History is always good to know. Makes it sound like you know what you're talking about in debates :p[/size]
  22. [size=1]Ooh, I like History. Especially modern history, like WWII and Political history. Most teenagers I know find it boring, but it interests me for some reason.[/size]
  23. [size=1]Whee, sounds cool.. Character name: Pearl Anime stereotype: Ditz Bio: Pearl is ditzy, sweet and naive. She's a below average student, and always has a crush on some guy. Giggles a lot. Pearl seems to always be eating something sweet. Powers: Fairly skilled martial artist. Has also been known to giggle her opponent into a stunned trance. Sworn enemy: Socks, and people who treat her (and others) unfairly. Appearance: [img]http://www.tcp.com/~jen/Gallery/Shampoo.gif[/img] Hmm.. so yeah..[/size]
  24. [size=1]Matt Groening, definetely. Paul McCartney! Franklin Roosevelt.. if he weren't dead.. And John Howard (Aussie Prime Minister).. what? He's funny ^_^[/size]
  25. [size=1]*tear* That is so beautiful. I wish I had a guy who'd write poetry for me.. ... ...... ......... :p Cute.. and funny ^_^[/size]
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