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Everything posted by Rain
[color=blue][size=1]Wow, this is cool...I'm from the future! ten bucks to find out what happens! Heh, it's 1:07am here. Just got back from a party at my brother's house (well, it's not really his, he's house-sitting for my aunt, but that's another story). Yea, just a small party, about 20 people. I got bored halfway through and watched American Pie 2, lol. Then, at midnight, we popped poppers, drank this horrible champagne, and watched the few fireworks we could see from where we were. Oh yes, there's nothing like celebrating New Year's Eve in the Perth suburbs :p Happy New Year to my fellow Otaku-ites ^_~[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Athena got to the blaster-cannon. Athena: Oh my god, how am I supposed to use this? She tried to aim the blaster-cannon. She pulled the trigger and hit...a wall. Athena: Aw, hell She aimed it again, pulled the trigger, and managed to hit one of the robots. Athena: WHOO Yea! Two to go! She pulled the trigger, and it hit a wall again. but this time the wall cracked and fell down. It landed on top of one of the robots and knocked it to the ground. Athena pointed the blaster-cannon at the robot on the ground and pulled the trigger. Athena: Yes! Hit it! She aimed for the third robot, but it started shooting at her. She ducked and covered her head with her hands. Hiding behind a low wall, she tried to aim the blaster-cannon the best she could. Athena pulled the trigger. The robot stopped shooting. Athena stood up and looked for the robot. It was lying on the ground. Athena: YES! I did it! She then ran off to the last challenge.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Athena walked up to the donkey and circled it, thinking. The donkey just stared at her. She stood behind it and tried to push it across. But it didn't work. The donkey just sat there. Athena started to get anxious. She was running out of ideas and it looked like Rabid was easily winning. Then she saw something. A marshmallow left over from one of the earlier challenges. Athena (to the donkey): Stay here The donkey just stared at her with a stupid look on its face. Athena ran over and picked up the marshmallow. She heaved it over to the finish line she was supposed to get the donkey over. Athena: I hope this works... The donkey stared at Athena, and then at the marshmallow, and at Athena again. Athena turned and pretended she wasn't looking at the donkey. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the donkey creep towards the marshmallow. It came closer, and finally stepped over the finish line. Then proceeded to eat the whole marshmallow. Athena: Oh, I did it! You're over the line! Yea! The donkey looked up at her, and cocked its head to one side. Athena: Thank you! Wheee! I did it! Oh crap, I better get moving... Athena jogged off towards the next challenge that awaited her. then suddenly she stopped and turned. Athena: Heyyy, wait. Donkeys don't eat marshmallows... The donkey stared at her and burped. Athena: Weird. Oh well, at least I got it across the line She ran off, leaving the confused donkey behind her.[/size][/color]
[quote][i]Originally posted by Duo Maxwell[/i] [b]Rain, I have a couple of friends with the same spelling as you[/b][/quote] [color=blue][size=1]You do? o.O Wow...so I'm not alone...heh[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Athena got to the Messy Marsh. She lit a match and made her way to the first torch, stepping lightly so she wouldn't fall in. Those ballet lessons she'd been forced to take when she was a kid had come in handy. She made got to the second torch, lit it and slowly made her way to the last one. just after she'd lit the torch, she started to lose her balance. She waved her arms around trying to grab on to something, but failed. Athena fell into the marsh. Athena: Aww, crap She struggled to get up, and got out of the marsh. She looked down at her clothes. Athena: Damnit! They're ruined! She sighed and ran to the next challenge.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Yes! I've read the first book a few times now, but it still freaks me out...I think I'll avoid going camping from now on :p I hated Fi as well. I always wanted Homer and Ellie to end up together. What do you think was the saddest moment in that series? I think, for me, it was when Corrie died. I don't know why, I guess I just wasn't expecting it...[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]As Kayla talked, Ashlee thought about how she hadn't seen Billy in school for a while. She looked around to see if he was there, trying not to make it obvious. She couldn't see him. Ashlee sighed. Kayla: Ash? Anything wrong? Ashlee: What? Oh, no I'm fine, just looking to see who's here They went back to their conversation, but Ashlee was still worried about him.[/size][/color]
[quote][i]Originally posted by genkai[/i] [b]Can't they just clone organs too? I always thought that was possible.[/b][/quote] [color=blue][size=1]Well, read Rae's post from earlier:[/size][/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by Lady Asphyxia[/i] [b]SCR (I couldn't be bothered typing the entire thing) is where they get a cell and try to grow more of the cells, for exapmle a pancreatic (sp?) cell to produce insulin which can be tansferred to diabetics.[/b][/quote] [color=blue][size=1]So yes, they can 'clone' cells and organs, or, at least, they're working on it. I agree with stem-cell research. I don't agree with cloning. As far as I know, there's no medical benefit from cloning (although anyone is free to prove me wrong on that). And, as I said earlier, there's something about cloning a human being that is just creepy. It doesn't seem right.[/size][/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by Deus[/i] [b]Dammit.. I specifically told him that it was between us and him.. and he wasn't to tell anyone else!!..[/b][/quote] [color=blue][size=1]Just off-topic: Deus, you never cease to make me laugh. Get back on MSN. Soon ^_^.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Has anyone else read this book, or any of the other books in the series? What'd you think of it? I really liked the whole series, although the first book was the best, in my opinion.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Whoa...this topic's making my head hurt...^_^[/size][/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by MistressRoxie[/i] [b]I, myself, am Catholic. There are some things though, that I don't believe in that the Catholic Church believes in. For instance, I believe NOTHING of Adam and Eve. I can't even accept something like "there were two tribes of Adam and Eve." It's just not something I believe in.[/b][/quote] [color=blue][size=1]Now, here's what I don't get. How can you believe one part of the story they're telling you, and then not believe another, let alone the beginning of the story? If you don't believe the Adam and Eve thing is true, doesn't that throw your beliefs out of whack? Who's to say the rest of the Bible isn't all a lie? If a person tells you something and you don't believe them, you're most probably going to think twice about believing anything else they tell you. By the way, that wasn't an attack directed at you or anything, it's just something I've always wondered when people say that.[/size][/color]
[quote][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth[/i] [b]Hmm...why delusional? Are you suggesting that I post like a Newbie? Cos if you are, I'm not sure whether to take that as an insult or a compliment.[/b][/quote] [color=blue][size=1]Umm, no. I just meant you must be delusional if you want to be a Newbie. You know, everyone else wants to move up the ranks, and you want to go back to being a newbie. Bah, just ignore me ^_^[/size][/color]
[quote][i]Originally posted by Gokents[/i] [b]The baby has been named "Eve."[/b][/quote] [color=blue][size=1]Whoa...does that remind anyone else of Evangelion? heh... I read about that clone in the newspaper, and for some reason it seems really creepy. Like Juuthena said, a replica of someone else. It just doesn't seem right. That sheep that they cloned, didn't it grow at a faster rate than normal sheep? I think, if they really have cloned a person, they're going about it too soon. They haven't worked out how to overcome all the problems with the technique yet.[/size][/color]
[quote][i]Originally posted by Cyko[/i] [b]I think Asuka is simply the hottest chick in any anime. Just look at her.....:drools:[/b][/quote] [color=blue][size=1]Well, not just Asuka. All of them are, uh, good looking, and I mean this in a straight way. Well, maybe not Rei. Something about her just annoys me. But Asuka, Misato and that other woman...whose name...I've forgotten. You know, the blonde one. Heh, my dad refers to Eva as 'the show with all the good-looking girls'. Well, that was my two cents. Or was that five cents? No, no, it was two :p Sorry ^_^[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1][b]What was the latest album/single you got?[/b] Eh heh...I got a Beatles album. [b]What's the latest tune you just can't get out of your head?[/b] Yellow Submarine, Eleanor Rigby, and Lose Yourself (just heard it on the radio). yes, i have more than one tune in my head at once. It's very confusing. [b]What's your favourite and worst genre of music?[/b] I don't really have a favourite genre of music. I like certain singers and certain songs. Worst genre is definetely rap (with the exception of Eminem, he's ok). [b]What/who is your favourite band/singer?[/b] The Beatles, Robbie Williams, Eminem, Matchbox 20, Destiny's Child, Shakira...ya, it's a real mix of music.[/size][/color]
[quote][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth[/i] [b]Bah! I miss my Newbie title.[/b][/quote] [color=blue][size=1]Gee, Mnemolth, I always knew you were crazy, but not delusional :p[/size][/color]
[quote][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho![/i] [b]Brisbane? Where the hell is that????? 0_o....[/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]I just knew some one would ask that...[/size][/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho![/i] [b]*Cries* I guess no one likes me....I'm not on anyone's list.....[/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]Well, you only joined recently. It takes time to get to know people. I was here for about 4 or 5 months before I got to know someone from OB well. I'm sure that if we have a topic like this in 12 months time, you'll be on more lists. If you plan to stay that long, that is... Heh, you should check out the 'Role Models of OtakuBoards' thread. I'm on two lists, lol.[/size][/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho![/i] [b]See? Everyone likes Juu and Rain!!!! [/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]Everyone...likes...me? When did [i]that[/i] happen? :p[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Let's see, I don't have a religion. My mum's a Catholic and my dad's Anglican, but neither of them go to church or practice their religions. I was never baptised. Apparently, when my brother was born, my mum went to get him baptised and the priest wouldn't do it because my mum wasn't married...so that kind of put her off religion. I'm glad I wasn't raised religiously, because I can make my own choices about what I believe. But even though I don't have a religion, I still believe there is some form of god. I just have no idea what it is. That probably sounds a bit weird, but I'm still trying to sort it all out ^_^. I also believe in re-incarnation. There's a lot of things i could say about organised religion, but I'm not going to, because I always seem to get myself into an...uh, situation when I talk about religion. And I'm not sure how to write down what I believe without confusing you all. So I'll just say this. I can accept that a person is religious. But that doesn't mean I agree with their beliefs.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]I know how you feel, Mako. Sometimes I hate this 'Newbie' status as well. The thing I hate most about it is how a lot of people associate newbies with bad grammar/post quality. But I'm slowly making my way up the ranks. Very slowly, lol ^_^. Well, just try to forget about your status and concentrate on your posting quality (not that there's anything wrong with your posting quality. It's actually pretty good). Welcome to the boards, by the way ^^[/size][/color]
[color=blue][b]Name:[/b] Samantha Wilson [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Grade:[/b] 9th/Freshman (Born Feb 13, 1988) [b]Biography:[/b] Samantha (or Sam, as most people call her), was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. When she was 14 her parents divorced, and her mother moved to America, taking Sam and her 9 year old sister, Kate, with her. She is still adjusting to her new life, and hasn't made many friends yet. [b]Description:[/b] Sam is fairly outgoing and very optimistic. She is quite friendly. When Sam is around others, she tries to hide distress or sadness the best she can, and this gives many people the false impression that she is carefree. [b]Appearance:[/b] Sam has long red hair (it reaches about halfway down her back). She usually wears it up in a plait or ponytail. Sam is about 5"8, and weighs about 50kg (I don't know how many pounds that is, sorry ^^). She has light blue eyes. She wears casual clothes; shirts, jeans, that kind of clothing.[/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Athena stood at the edge of the river, wondering how she would get across. The waves were huge. What she needed was a boat. She looked around the bank. And she saw something she couldn't believe. A guy with a row boat! [i]What is he doing there? Oh well, this is my chance![/i] Athena realised that she needed a plan to get the guy to give her the boat. Then she remembered she had a bikini on under her clothes. She took of her top and pants and walked over to the guy. [i]Wait,is this cheating?[/i] she asked herself. [i]Well, what about all the times everyone else has cheated. Just do it, who cares.[/i] "Hey," Athena said to the guy, trying to put on a seductive voice, but not doing very good, "can I borrow your boat?" "I need it to get across the river" the guy said, not looking up. "Why the hell would I lend it to any -" he stopped talking. "Oh come one...please?" Athena said, grinning. "Uh...uh...sure you can...um, here you go, Miss" "Oh, why thank you! You're so kind!" Athena said, walking away and pulling the boat behind her. She turned to the guy "Bye!" she said, waving. "Men...pathetic" Athena muttered, buttoning up her shirt as she walked towards the river. She pushed the boat in the water and got in. "Oh damnit...how do I use this thing?" She grabbed an oar and tried to get across the river. The boat was tipped upside down by a wave. "Aww, hell" she complained, pushing it back over. [i]Oh, the hell with it. Screw these waves. I can beat them[/i], she thought. She gathered all her strength and rowed the boat across the river with the oar. When she got out on the other side, she jumped up and down, yelling. "I did it! I did it!" She ran off to find the next challenge.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Well, my brother proposed to his girlfriend on Valentine's Day (o_O...what a romantic?). I wasn't there, but it was really cool when they told us...they came over and said they had something to tell us, and the first thing I thought was that they were engaged. You should have seen mum and my aunt...my ears hurt from the screaming... And congratulations to your parents, Valen ^_^[/size][/color]
Complete and Official What You Got For Christmas List 2003
Rain replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash[/i] [b]Holy hell, what are you guys, millionaires?[/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]My thoughts exactly. Well, ok, my thoughts were worded differently, but they had the same meaning ^_^ [b]From mum and dad:[/b] ~A beatles CD ~Three new tops ~A skirt ~Sneakers ~erm...underwear... [b]From brother and his fiancé:[/b] ~A bag ~Slippers ~A candy cane ^^ ~Hair clips [b]From my sister:[/b] ~A wallet [b]Grandfather and aunt:[/b] ~Pyjamas ~Nail polish Best present: The underwear, of course. Ok, not really, it was the beatles CD ^_^ Worst present: The hot, muggy weather...[/size][/color] -
[color=blue][size=1]This is really weird. A lot of the people I've spoken to feel the same way as you guys. I mean, sure, I'm excited about Christmas, but it's just not the same as last year and the years before that. Perhaps it's a result of the depressing lifestyles we lead these days...oh great, now I sound old ^_^ But seriously, it could have something to do with the state the world has been in lately. Maybe we're finding it harder to just drop our troubles for Christmas like we used to.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James[/i] [b]Propose to my partner on a private yacht in Sydney Harbour.[/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]Aww, that is so sweet. Good luck to you ^_^ Well, I have just one more to add. To get 1000 posts...well, I'm only about 800 posts away. Eh heh...[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Hey, cool! Great work you guys! I can finally find out how EVA ends now...and I know reading about it will probably ruin it when I watch the show, but that doesn't really bother me. Anyway, I love the site. Yay, more Asuka pics! ^_^ My favourite theOtaku section yet ^^[/size][/color]