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Everything posted by Rain
[color=blue][size=1][b]1)[/b] Save my money [b]2)[/b] Get to know more people on OB [b]3)[/b] Hmm...I guess I should include this one: Stop being jealous of my sister...[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Deus[/I] [B]also occasional run-ins with the dictionary.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]My dictionary says Deus is Latin for God...how cool ^_^ Let's see what Rain means, shall we? [b]Rain:[/b] Precipitation from clouds in the form of drops of water, formed by the condensation of water vapour in the atmosphere. o_O...I think I'll put the dictionary away now...[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Valen[/I] [B]completely screw up the RPGs when you're trying to read and the post/sig is the same colors.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]Perhaps there could be a rule or something that says you have to uncheck the "Show signature" box when you post in an RPG.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Well, when I signed up, my name was Saiyan_monkey (geez, what was I on when I thought up that name? I hate it now ^_^). When James did the name changes, I got my name changed to Rain. I don't know why, it was the best name I could think of. Plus, I like rain, and we haven't had any for a while...*shrugs*[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Pressure[/I] [B]Now that I read through all of this thread, I think I'd also like to meet Rain. I don't really have a reason yet, I just kind of want to meet her.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]o_O...I just can't believe you people actually know who I am...WOW, I'm noticed! *tears well up in eyes*[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Whoa, whoa, whoa...Elite, let me get this straight. You'd be willing to drive around the America with DEUS and some POTATOES? Well, ok...it's your choice...^_~[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Heh, when I signed up to OB, I wasn't going to tell you guys anything about me, but now most of you know my full name, where I live, and a couple of people know what school I go to...heh... Wait, that wasn't the point of my post... To put it bluntly, this girl seems desperate. I can understand you guys wanting to meet, and that's perfectly fine. There's a few people here I'd love to meet. But she's talking about going on a holiday with you, and that seems a bit strange. For all she knows, you could be an axe murderer (I know you probably aren't, but it backs up my point ^_~). All I'm going to say (despite having rambled on for a while already) is, be careful. A lot of people have bad experiences meeting people they know online.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]1) Where are you going for the Winter Holiday?[/color][/size][/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]It's actually summer over here. But anyway, I'm not going anywhere[/size][/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]2) What are you planning to do? (anything special? ^_^)[/color][/size][/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]When I get some money, I want to do something...go to the movies, maybe. And go into town. That idea was inspired by Duo Maxwell and James...they were talking about the stuff they have where they live, and I realised I don't really know what we have in town. You never know, Perth may end up being interesting after all ^_^ If I'm stuck here for now, I might as well make the most of it.[/size][/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]3) How do you celebrate Christmas?[/color][/size][/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]Either with mum's family or dad's family. This year it's with mum's family, we're going to her sisters house.[/size][/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]4) Will there be anyone special attending? ^_^[/color][/size][/B][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]Not really...actually it'll be a smaller Christmas than usual. My dad has 8 brothers and sisters, and they all live in the same area, so it's always a really big Christmas. But my mum's family live all over the country, so it's hard to have everyone there for Christmas. Well, I hope this has been enlightening for you...^_^...or not.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]*goes all quiet and reflectingful (I...just made up a word)* Athena: I always thought Kevin would win, but I guess he freaked you guys out, so you voted for him...heck, someone from OUR tribe voted him off! Weird...hmm, the most frightening was probably you, Candy Candy: :D Cool! Wait, is that good or bad? Athena (*shakes head*): Strange...anyway, what I really can't believe is that I'm one of the final three...*looks at Sage* uhh, not that I'm complaining or anything...uh *hides*[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Ashlee sat in her bedroom thinking. [i]Does he like me or not?[/i], she thought. [i]I just don't know[/i] *sighs* [i]Bah, I should just let everything sort itself out and hope for the best...it's too complicated...[/i]. "Ashlee!" called her mum, "Phone!" "Ohh, I'm doing my homework, who is it?" she called back. "It's Kayla" "Oh, ok, I'll be right down" She ran downstairs and took the phone from her mum. "Hey Kayla, whats up?" she asked, sitting in an armchair.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zaeon[/i] [b]unless of course your in on it James...but we know your not right?....right? *nervous laughter*[/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]James? In on something like that? Are we talking about the same James here? Heh, I'm kidding....really, I am...um...*hides*[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Break[/i] [b]We'd have to get a plane to Oz sometime and meet the few people who reside there.[/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]Pfft, knowing my luck, you'll totally bypass Perth...[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Juu, I'm starting to wonder what kind of school you go to...the teachers seem...weird, to say the least. I've never actually talked to the counsellor, and I don't think I ever would. If I had a problem, I'd talk to a friend or someone. There's just something I don't trust about counsellors. Perhaps they have links with the Communists...or not ^_^;;[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus[/i] [b]Stoke On Trent is a city in the UK, made up of 6 towns: Hanley, Stoke, Longton, Fenton, Trentham, and Burslem[/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]Which one is Robbie from? :love: *coughs* Heh...sorry about that ^_^[/size][/color]
OOC: Can't believe I've survived this far..o_O...cool ^^ [color=blue][size=1]Athena looked over the stuff Rabid had got. Athena: CHOCOLATE!! Sorry, can't talk, eating When she was finished stuffing her face with chocolate, they sat down and talked about the rest of the sompetition. Athena: I'm kind of worried about what that psycho will think up for us next... Rabid: Same here:nervous: Geroshi: Eh, we can handle it...it's the voting that will be tough. But I want you guys to promise me one thing Rabid: Uh...what? Geroshi: That we strip before this is over Athena: NO! I've already done it once, never again! Geroshi: Damn...[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]MY GOD, AM I [i]THAT[/i] CRAZY? sheesh... Anyway, I don't recall this being a topic about how crazy Rain is, so...maybe we should get back on topic ^_^.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jesus Chicken[/i] [b]Crazier, Rain? I'd like to see that.[/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]^_^ Trust me, I could be crazier...just ask Deus and Duo Maxwell...or anyone who talks to me on MSN... Anyway, I think they did have a prize...that's what Flash said at the beginning. Maybe it's some kind of gag prize...that'd be cool.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth[/i] [b]Dude, I don't think Rain's in this thing. Though if she were she certainly has my vote.[/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]Pfft..you won't catch me in any OB event that restricts you from the other forums. I'll go crazy...crazier. ^_~[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1][i]They sat in science talking quietly.[/i] "Ashlee!" yelled the teacher "stop talking!" "Sorry, Miss" Ashlee said, gigling. [i]She looked over at Billy. She'd never really talked to him before. But he was a nice guy...different from a lot of the guys she knew. Ashlee then realised he was looking back at her.[/i] "Uhh...what are you looking at?" he asked. "What? Oh, uh, nothing" she blushed slightly. "So, how long has your band been around?" she asked, trying to change the subject.[/size][/color]
OOC: CRAP! Sorry, Jesus Chicken, I kind of skipped over that post and didn't see my name...I'm so stupid ^_^ *Thinks of a way to be in two places at once* Nah, too much trouble *edits post* [color=blue][size=1][i]Ashlee looked up at Billy.[/i] "Oh, sorry, I guess I should help you up" he said. "Yea, that would be helpful" she said, laughing. [i]She got up and they walked down the hall, talking.[/i][/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett[/i] [b]Let's see, the last half of my fourth grade year through to the first half of my sixth grade year. That would be from around 1997-1999.[/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]Hmm...I was there then...damn, another wasted stalking opportunity...aww, hell... (heh, I'm kidding...in case you couldn't work that out;))[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai[/i] [b]Lucky CANADIANS!!! I have frizeezing rain. DAMN![/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]Hey, I'd settle for some rain right now...especially freezing rain. It has to be better than this heat...[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Juu, you are [i]so[/i] pretty...I really wish you'd stop calling yourself ugly...oh well. Name: Ashlee...uh, I can't think of a last name right now...I'll edit this... Age: 14 Class: Freshman? (sorry if I get these mixed up, we don't have them in Australia) Description: Ashlee has long red hair, blue eyes (think Asuka ;)) and is about 5 feet 6 inches tall. She is funny, and quite friendly, although she is sometimes shy around people she doesn't know. She has quite a few friends, however none of them are very close. [/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Hmm...I only got into anime at the beginning of this year, so I'm definetely not an Otaku. My brother used to watch DBZ...I used to tease him about watching cartoons, seeing as he was 20 and all that. But then I watched it one day and got hooked. So I can't tease my bro anymore...heh. Then one day I was searching for DBZ sites on Yahoo, and theOtaku.com came up in the results, so I clicked on the link and thought it was a good site. And after a while, I visited OB, and browsed for a while, but didn't sign up at first. A few weeks later I signed up, and...here I am. I was still a crazed DBZ fan back then, and being here I've found out about other really good anime, like NGE. But anime isn't the only reason I'm here...it's the people. I've made some good friends here, and I couldn't leave if I tried...that could be a problem :nervous: ;)[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett[/i] [b]Perth, Australia[/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]Oh, cool! When did you live there?[/size][/color]