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Everything posted by Rain

  1. [color=blue]Athena looked over at her partner. " Well, there isn't much to tell...I'm originally from Jupiter. I've lived there my whole life - up till now, of course. My mother died a few months after I was born, she had cancer. So it was just my father and I, but then, about two years later, he was killed in a car crash. So I was adopted out, and I've been living with my adoptive parents ever since then. That's about it. So what about you?"[/color]
  2. [color=blue]Athena looked up at Jason. She smiled. "That's okay. Everyone's in a bad mood now and then. Of course I forgive you." "Great. Well -" He stops mid-sentence. "What's wrong?" Athena asks, concerned. "Oh, nothing. I think it's starting to rain, that's all." Athena looked up at the dark grey sky. It was the first time she'd noticed it. "Well, we'd better go inside before we get soaked" They run inside, just in time. The rain starts to pour down. "I love the rain" Athena says, sighing. She notices Katiya dancing in the rain. "Obviously not as much as Katiya, of course" Athena and Jason both laugh and walk back to their room.[/color]
  3. [color=blue]Funny, all of the people who said they're voting for Juu are doing it because they like her ^_^ I voted for her too...I feel so sorry for her. She really misses everyone. But she's done better than I would have. I'd be trying to get out after a week or two. I think I'm obsessed :blush:[/color]
  4. [color=blue]Athena sat in front of the camera, staring at it. "Oh, right, I'm supposed to talk, aren't I? Well...let's see...this has been a mix of fun and freaky. A bit more freaky than fun. I think I got stuck with the normal people...with the exception of Geroshi, of course. I can't believe I actually streaked! I hate Daisy so much...she just waits for opportunities like this to - oh, sorry, I went off track. Well, I guess I should tell you who I think is going to win. Out of our team, I think Kevin will. I don't know why, that's just what I think at this point. But those Indigoths are probably going to vote him off. They are really weird...anyway, that's what I think." Stares at camera. Starts to get nervous. "Oh my God! Look at that!" *points* The camera swings around in the direction that she points, only to see nothing. It swings back around to Athena, just in time to see her run off.[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus[/i] [b]Yet another person forced to read this thread[/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue]Ditto. Anyway, Rae, that was good. I'm not an expert on literary works, but it kept me interested, so it's good :D. Well, now I have to go find 'Perfection'. Is it on here? So, keep up the good work Rae.[/color]
  6. [color=blue]It's really sad to hear that. Like everyone else said, talk to a doctor or someone you know about it. They can help you. And just remember, you've always got us here at OB :).[/color]
  7. [color=blue]Athena walked briskly down the hall and out the door into the garden. She sat down on a bench. There were so many thoughts running through her mind - most were about Jason. She was trying to make sense of everything when she heard someone call her name. "Athena!" She turned around and looked towards them. It was Jason.[/color]
  8. [color=blue]Athena just stared at them all for a moment, then finally realised she should help. She grabbed a baseball bat from a nearby store and ran after Kevin and Karina. They reached the tunnel where Geroshi and the Indigoths were and followed the sounds of the battle.[/color]
  9. [color=blue]Name: Vanessa Fighting: Boxing Birthdate: 9th January Age: 30 years old Birthplace: Unknown Blood Group: B+ Height: 182cm Weight: 67kg Hobbies: Saving money, catalogue shopping Favourite Food: Beer Favourite Sports: All sports Most important thing: Her wedding ring Hates most: Indecisive people, ghosts Moves: Dash Puncher Machine Gun Puncher Crazy Puncher Wasp Puncher Clinch Puncher Did I do the move thing right?[/color]
  10. [color=blue]Well, as far as I know, I'm doing...nothing for Christmas. We were going to go see my Grandad in Busselton, but he's coming down here on his birthday, so we'll see him then. After Christmas is the worst. I have norhing to do, and it's January, so it's HOT. But anyway, that's my Christmas holidays.[/color]
  11. OOC: Heh heh...so I'm Daisy again? I can handle that. Oh, and sorry for the short post today, but I'm not feeling too good >.< [color=blue]Daisy and Karina, both feeling...less than great, kept eating all the marshmellows they could. "Ohh, when can we stop?" Daisy complained, "I like marshmellows and all, but this is just crazy!" "Just a few more Ath - uh, Daisy. We're winning!" Karina told her. "You two! Less yapping, more eating!" Kevin yelled, trying to keep Candy away from the tower. Karina and Athena got back to eating the other tower.[/color]
  12. [color=blue]Jason was already in the room when Athena got there. "Interesting class, wasn't it?" Athena said, trying to make conversation. "Yea...um, Athena?" Jason asked. "What?" "Uh...oh, nothing" There was an uncomfortable silence, until Athena spoke. "Well, I'm going for a walk. I'll be back in time for class" she said, pulling on a coat. "Ok...see you later" "Bye" Athena walked towards the door, paused for a moment and then left the room.[/color]
  13. [color=blue]Athena and Karina looked at each other. "Cool! we get to eat marshmallows!" Athena shouted with glee. "Yes, now get eating!" Kevin yelled back. Karina ran over to the other groups pile and grabbed a marshmallow. She took a huge bite out of it and then ran off, out of reach of the other group. Athena decided to do what Karina had done. She ran up to the pile and grabbed a marshmallow, and was hit on the head by Yami. "Ow! That hurt!" Athena cried.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth[/i] [b]1 in 5 adult Americans have herpes.[/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue]Makes me glad that I'm Australian ;) Well, what do I do when I'm bored...watch TV, go for a walk, draw, annoy people and talk to weird people on MSN...[/color]
  15. [color=blue]Heh heh...I'm in the same boat as Starlight and Endymion...and I seem to be the only person in my school who is... Anyway, I wouldn't have a problem with dating someone of a different race or culture. Some older generations might, but that wouldn't bother me...if you love someone, nothing else matters (or so is my understanding ;)).[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve[/i] [b]My brother plans on having like...25 people from our side of the family at his wedding... she plans on having 200... I was like... "say what now?"[/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue]I know how you feel. My brother is marrying a Greek girl, and she has all these relatives she wants to invite to the wedding...I sort of stay out of the way of all that planning stuff.[/color]
  16. [color=blue]Athena's attention drifted from the two at the front to the others in the room. This was the first time she'd seen most of them. Some of them seemed like serious fighters, and she found herself worrying once again that she may not be good enough. [i]Stop putting yourself down like that[/i], she told herself, [i]They wouldn't have chosen you if they didn't think you were a good fighter[/i]. All of a sudden, her attention focused on her partner, Jason. He was slouching in his chair with a miserable look on his face. Athena watched him, remembering his sudden change of mood before when she was talking to him. He turned then and looked over at her. She quickly looked away, hoping he didn't know she'd been staring at him. He turned away, and she looked back over at him once more before concentrating on the lesson again.[/color]
  17. OOC: Oh yeah, I forgot we were in a shopping mall when I voted for the food. Oops ^_^ [color=blue]The LimeTime Tribe skips around (yes, even Kevin), singing. "Wow, I love this stuff!" Kevin says. "So manly, Kevin" Athena replies, giggling. Kevin tries to glare at her but the good vibes stop him. "I can't even glare at someone! Oh, well. This stuff actually feels better than glaring." "La la la lala, la la lala" Karina sings. "Peace! Love! Let's strip off!" Geroshi sings, off-tune.[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]originally posted by Deus Ex Machina[/i] [b]"I could never become a Christian. Never. Christians just do my head in. No. Never"[/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue]Heh heh...I say that now...except it's just "I could never be religious". Let's hope I don't end up contradicting myself:nervous: Anyway, here's some others... "I'll never wear a dress"...oh, how very wrong I was. But I did say that when I was nine. I think all girls say that at one time or another. "I won't annoy anyone today"...enough said ^_^ "I won't go on OB today". Damn these boards. Why are they so addictive?[/color]
  19. Rain

    Wedding Shower

    [color=blue][size=1]Rain walks through the door after Juu. "Hope you like the cake! Juu chose it, but she asked me to help her carry it over," Rain told Na'dou, "It was so funny and - well, anyway, we finally made it. And we're not even late. I wouldn't miss this for the world!" "Wow you guys, thanks so much for the cake. I don't know if there'll be enough people here to -" Na'dou is interrupted by the doorbell.[/size][/color]
  20. [color=blue]When my cousin was about 8, she put on one of her mum's bras and stuffed it with socks. As funny as that sounds (and it was pretty funny when I heard about it), it scared me, because it makes me wonder what she'll be like when she's 15:nervous:[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine[/i] [b]I see all these adverts for toys for children aged about 8-11, and I see them splashing on make-up and trying to look fashionable. Society's stereotypes are being pushed on them at a younger age and it's not right.[/b][/QUOTE] [color=blue]I definetely agree with you there. The worst is Barbie...she's aimed at the 4-8yrs age group and she's, well...you all know what I'm talking about, lol. But, what kind of example is that setting for a five year old? no wonder so many young girls have eating disorders and the such. But, I don't see why even 11 year olds have to wear bras, unless they develop very early...and especially not padded bras. And these are the parents that wonder where they went wrong when their daughter ends up pregnant at 14...[/color]
  22. [color=blue]I'd have to say the movie that affected me most was Schindler's List. That was the most powerful movie I've ever seen. I've never cried in a movie before. And we were watching it at school, so I'm sitting there biting my lip, trying not to cry.[/color] EDIT: Wait, I nearly cried in another movie...Monsters Inc. What!? It was sad when *SPOILER* (i think this is a spoiler...) At the end, where Boo had to go back and they couldn't see her again... *END SPOILER* Ok, you can stop laughing now...
  23. [color=blue]Fun! I'm in! Do you need me to do anything for it?[/color]
  24. [color=blue]Well, I love OB. I've made some good friends here...and I'm sure I'll never forget you guys...oh great...Now I'm going to cry *breaks down and cries*. Ok, sorry. But OB is by far the best messageboards on the net. I can't stay away for long. And that concludes my thoughts on OtakuBoards. *checks post for typos*:p[/color]
  25. Rain

    Road Trip

    OOC: Hope it's okay, but I changed my characters name. it was Dawn, now it's Athena ^_^ [color=blue][size=1]Athena had been sitting by that road for what seemed like hours. Only a few cars had passed in that time, none had pulled over. [i]Probably think I'm some axe-wielding maniac[/i], Athena thought to herself. [i]Why did I decide to hitchike? Of all things, i had to choose this.[/i] She began to wonder if leaving her home in the city, to get away for a while, had been a good idea. The longer she stood on that road, the more she missed the busy metropolis she came from. Then she saw a car up ahead. A green Volkswagon Beetle, actually. [i]Wow...nice car[/i], Athena thought. She got up and stood at the edge of the road, stuck out her hand and waited, praying the car would slow down.[/size][/color]
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