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Everything posted by originalimp
ohh well change diner to store and plate 2 umm a magazine
RPG inuyasha:the ultimate showdown!( revenge of an old friend part 2)
originalimp replied to originalimp's topic in Theater
akuji:" tell me old man whats the price to find naraku!" kuso:" some ramen" he looke at akuji akuji: " damn you my favorite food" hands the man some ramen packs kuso: " i will track him for you follow me" he wa;lked toward another room -
impmon:" your all idiots! your letting him bleed to deat" he throws a plate at kesaki kesaki: looks at impmon" ow you little!!!!" throws a plate at impmon impmon:: you throw like a girl" kesaki: " i am a girl!" impmon:now screaming" well you dont look the part!"
Name:impmon LeveL:rookie Digivolutions:beelzemon{mega}yohonomon(DNA biomerge) Attacks:badda boom Personality:odd but will fight for whats right he as did his tamer and friends came from the future Name:b.agumon LeveL:rookie Digivolutions:blackwargreymon(m) yohonomon{dna biomerge digivolve) Attacks:black pepper breath Personality:quiet loner from future Name:penguinmon LeveL:rookie Digivolutions:asukamon(m) yohonomon(dna biomerger) Attacks:blizzard Personality:crazy Name:david LeveL:human Digivolutions:yohonomon(dna biomerge) Attacks:innalation blade( yohnomon) Personality: normal
impmon: look david its a gomamon! david came running david: wow an in the flesh living gomamon those are so rare in my time! blackagumon: amazing but why are they so rare in our time david? david: the sea was posioned in the digtal world bye some odd digimon there are still a few left but not many penguinmon: the dimension is 10,000years in the past right david? david looked at the dimensional device david: according to the device yeah back around this time they dont even have dna biomerge digivolving!
RPG inuyasha:the ultimate showdown!( revenge of an old friend part 2)
originalimp replied to originalimp's topic in Theater
akuji:" kagome the reason im not wearing pyrare beads is i was cured i can now control the smoke free of will" kagome: " who cured you" she looked at him akuji: " a girl i met yuki " he looked down "thanks you miss for helping us" he stood up " but i must find naraku on my own" steals some shards again and then walks away -
yuraka: "why do we all ways have to pick up travlers" he didnt like them very much not trusting them vash: he looked around and whispered to yuraka " we have an idea where they are right" yuraka:he pulls out a tracking device " from what i can tell there in the ruins of july"
RPG inuyasha:the ultimate showdown!( revenge of an old friend part 2)
originalimp replied to originalimp's topic in Theater
akuji: he appeared to them hours later with even more shards: i hope these make up for the insident back there " hands them his old shards and some new ones " keep them i dont really care" he looked diffrent some how he wanst wareing prayer beads -
yuraka: he is now screaming " VASH WE HAVE TO GO SAVE THE INSURANCE GIRLS BEFORE THEY GET KILLED" slaming his fist on the table he was knwn for brute strength and being able to draw his gun as fast the famous out law vash the stampede vash: in his crazt voice" ahhh thats right" stuffs the reamning donuts in his mouth "thabks for your hospitallity but we have to go!"
vash: " so i assume you not after our bountys" he takes his mask off yuraka: " we need some trasportation the insurance girls were kidnapped" yuraka took of his mask "vash we dont have time we need to get going"
yuraka:" vash i have an idea " he puts dusgise on vas and himself they looked like towns folk " he went that way" he pointed north vash:" kill them!" vash and yuraka sneaked of and accidently runned into kitsune and the team
RPG inuyasha:the ultimate showdown!( revenge of an old friend part 2)
originalimp replied to originalimp's topic in Theater
akuji:" im sorry to have put you threw this..." he walked away carrying his shards "i do not belong with you we will met again lady kagome... on better terms i hope" he walked on into the distance -
??:a figure was above them "follow me to find the secrets" "follow me to help your friend" he dashes away he was a tall man with demon like claws and a gaint sowrd his name................ rajike the hunter
vash:" we better get moving yuraka " yuraka:" one problem the enginge isnt working!" he looks at vash randomperson: looks and sees vash " its vash the stampede!" vash:" why dose this always happen to me!" is running like a wild man yuraka:" im glad im not the huminoid typhoon!" follows
vash the stampede everyone knows who he is name: yuraka of double blade wanted: yes a 500000 dbl dollar reward for his capture desc: tall man carrying to gunblades and very handsome
RPG inuyasha:the ultimate showdown!( revenge of an old friend part 2)
originalimp replied to originalimp's topic in Theater
akuji:he jumped down and grabbed them " you die now!" he removes his sowrd from is scabbard it transforms he swing and her head comes clear of her body he then ripped the remaning shards from her body becoming very bloody he handed them to kagome -
vash: " aww they put a bigger bounty on my head i never get a break" yuraka:" no you never do vash" vash:" maybe i should just become erixs again!" yuraka:" you bafoon dont you want to save the incurance girls from sevinna or what?" vash:" if i had known it would be this much troble i wouldnt have introduced them in the first place" vash hopes back in yurakas car yuraka:" we are getting close to his hide out vash!"
ooc: sorry i forgot i wont do it agin scouts honor!
ooc: ok well as we left off inuyasha and akuji were fighting a demon on there way to find and kill naraku. but the demon had put akuji under a spell and he gave her all the shards (dun dun dun) so now wecontinue whatching them fight! akuji:" damn i see know way i can win alone inuyasha you can fight to" he took many slices at the demon but she kept reforming a few shards falling out each time. akuji:" why wont you die!!" he jumped in the air giving kagome a great area to hit the demon
" you guys did it!" shadowguilmonlooked at matt h.kabuterimon dedigivolved " he is finnaly free from dr.honimory!"a foxmon said " yeah well hes going to die if they dont help him" mat said and started to walk away " then why dont you help him" shadowguilmon said " the fool got himself into this i helped him be free now i leave besides he thinks im dead"
a nother mysterious boy appears climbing up yohonomon like a monkey boy " i will free you from your spell brother" the boy said yohnomon swated at it and hit his own face " damn you matt!" yohnomon screamed " ill deliver the final blow!" herculeskabuterimon said h.kabuteriermon relased a devestating electric attack yohonomon fell backwards and while falling split into david and his digimon david was free but knocked out and lieing bleeding next to his digimon in the cafe
davisvoice(again: help me ...... * almost ghostly 2* yohnomon: i shall kill you * puts the human girl down ( he is pretty 40 feet tall wwith a gaint sowrd
yohonomon: * he starts deystyroying things he rips ther roof of the diner and grabs a human* shal devour you. * a humans voice is heard about there age davids voice* help me! ( heres how it goes he went to school with them wasnt popular he and his digimon were kidnapped and put under a spell that can only be broken by defeating yohonomon in a duel
akuji: * getting brain wave communications from some one* yes master deystroy this town ok . * he holds up his digi-vorse digivce* coputervoice: dna digivolution_ * penguin mon imp mon and black agumon all digivolve together and then dna digivolve to osakamon* biomerge digivlution activate_ * akuji( who is really a dark spirit in david onisaks body) digivolves with osakamon to become yohonomon
akuji: kagome stay out of this i was decived this is my fault ill handle it * he inbedds the shards he stole into himself causing him to become sronger *