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Everything posted by originalimp

  1. akuji: damn your ugly well ill take care of that * slices her in half grabbing a few shards with his lighting quick refleaxs
  2. akuji: * kickedmshippo and stole kagomes shards handing them to the demon* please marry me
  3. akuji: and while shes knocked out that girl has many i will get theem for you my love
  4. akuji: do you see k the jewel shards ill glady give you mine
  5. ( hes not really always like this hes under a spell besides inuyashas got to girls that love him akujis all alone!
  6. akuji: marry me * he was looking in her eyes*
  7. akuji: so..so ..so beautiful... she put him in a spell*
  8. k: hand inuyasha we cannot fight here shes a lady its against my honor code!
  9. ( who should be the demon you or me) akuji: maybe my smoke knocked him out too
  10. i give it a 10 0ut of 10 i love all her work she did my banner
  11. its fine there just temporary the miroku and inuyasha the only to filled spots are kagome and shippo
  12. ok well we have a tep inu yasha and miroku and need permanent ones so feel free to take over
  13. akuji:show your self at once or i will realse poisones smoke in the area you will die and ill just rip the shards from your dead body
  14. akuji: fine inuyasha ill lead * draws his sowrd* show your self!
  15. akuji: i told you not to come near at least you wont die... ok show yourself demon!
  16. akuji: inuyasha stay back rember what my smoke did to your nose last time * he un sheats the yuraka blade
  17. akuji: * when no one had looke akuji took back to of his hsards making him own 17 he opend his none leathl smoke slit and most people knocked out but the shard holder wouldnt
  18. akuji: ill get it ... it should be easy * he dashes down to the village
  19. akuji: its smoked you need to kinda chew at it a little
  20. k: whats wrong lady kagome? * he didnt notive he said it
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